10 effective face masks at home

In order to be beautiful, it is not necessary to resort to the services of cosmetologists. It is enough to learn or rewrite effective recipes for yourself – among them there are masks for oily skin care, for dry skin, and there are also universal ones.

Every woman has a unique skin and needs to be taken care of properly. All ingredients can be purchased at the nearest store or pharmacy, and preparing a mask is not difficult.

Take a look at this selection and choose a recipe for yourself – the skin of the face will thank you for gentle care!

10 Nourishing mask with whitening effect

10 effective face masks at home

Self-tanning and natural tanning are out of fashion for a long time, girls prefer light skin, as it emphasizes sophistication, aristocracy and natural beauty.

Recipe: we get pulp from a banana (you need 1 tablespoon), mix it with lemon juice (1 teaspoon).

Banana does not cause an allergic reaction, after such a mask the pores narrow, the skin becomes matte and after a few procedures the skin will become lighter.

The mask is recommended to be used no more than 2 times a week and kept on the face for up to 20 minutes.

9. Mask for blackheads and acne for dry skin

10 effective face masks at home


In owners of dry skin, pimples do not appear so often, but, as a rule, they cause discomfort and pain. The purpose of this mask is to remove inflammation and disinfect the skin.

Recipe: take 1 potato and full fat milk – 120 ml. Peel the potatoes and boil them in cow’s milk. We prepare the puree – when the mask has cooled down and becomes slightly warm, then it is applied to clean skin.

You need to walk with the mask for 15-20 minutes and apply it if necessary.

8. Mask for blackheads and acne for oily skin

10 effective face masks at home


Drying masks are suitable for oily skin. In addition to helping to eliminate acne, they also get rid of unwanted oily sheen.

Recipe: take 3 tbsp. spoons of raw egg white and 3 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice. We mix the ingredients and beat them with a whisk.

Apply the mask in a thin layer on those areas that are most affected. After the mask dries, apply it again, and then again. When it dries, rinse with warm water.

The mask can be done 1 or 2 times a week – not more often.

7. Acne mask for combination skin

10 effective face masks at home

The mask is suitable for all skin types. Recipe: take a mummy (can be bought at a pharmacy) – 1 cm in diameter, dissolve it in water so that a thick homogeneous mass is obtained.

The resulting mixture is applied to the damaged areas on the face. Optionally, you can add 1 teaspoon of bee honey – this will enhance the effect of the product.

After 17 minutes, the mask should be washed off, preferably with warm water.

6. Yeast anti-wrinkle mask

10 effective face masks at home

Such a natural component as yeast has been used by cosmetologists for many years. Young and delicate skin is the secret of using unique microorganisms, which include yeast.

The anti-wrinkle mask is effective due to the fact that yeast contains vitamins – age and mimic wrinkles are smoothed out.

Recipe: take 40 g of yeast, 10 ml. olive oil and 5 ml. almond oil. We dissolve the mass in milk until the mask resembles butter in consistency. After a minute, add the rest of the components and apply on the face and neck.

Wash off the mask after 30 minutes with clean water.

5. Mask for rejuvenation

10 effective face masks at home

To rejuvenate the skin, a mask with ingredients such as cinnamon and honey is perfect. Honey has a positive effect on the skin – it moisturizes, tightens and makes the face fresh.

This mask is suitable for skin that fades due to age-related changes.

Recipe: 10 ml. honey mixed with 4 gr. cinnamon and add 20 ml. sour cream. Mix all the ingredients and heat up a little. When the mixture has cooled, apply the mask with massive movements on the face and neck area.

After 15 minutes, the mask can be washed off and used no more than once a week.

4. Blackhead mask

10 effective face masks at home

Many girls are faced with blackheads, and if you do not risk cleaning in the salon, then use this simple but effective mask.

Recipe: 50 gr. cottage cheese mixed with 20 ml. honey, add 2 gr. black pepper. Mix everything well, then apply to the skin, paying special attention to those areas where the black dots are located.

It is recommended to keep the mask for 10 minutes, after the procedure, you need to wash it off with cool water and wipe the skin with ice cubes – this will narrow the pores.

3. Oatmeal mask for dry skin

10 effective face masks at home

It is advisable to periodically moisturize dry skin, if you choose the right mask and start caring for your skin, it will delight you with smoothness and radiance.

The mask includes avocado – the fruit helps moisturize and prevents skin flaking.

Recipe: mix 20 gr. oatmeal, 50 gr. avocado, 20 ml. honey, 10 ml. olive oil. We apply the resulting mask on the face with massage movements.

The mask must be washed off with warm water after 30 minutes.

2. Honey mask for oily skin

10 effective face masks at home

Fresh honey will help eliminate excess fat on the face, soften and smooth it.

Recipe: take 30 gr. cottage cheese, 10 ml. honey, 10 ml. milk. We mix all the ingredients, and then apply the consistency on the face with a thin layer.

For convenience, it is better to use a cosmetic brush, but if it is not at hand, then you can take a cooking brush.

When the mask dries a little, you need to apply another layer on the face. On the day when you use the mask, it is undesirable to use cosmetics.

It will help prevent acne. Keep the mask on your face for no more than 20 minutes, preferably 15.

1. Carrot Nourishing Mask

10 effective face masks at home

Carrots are good for the skin – they help moisturize, smooth and nourish the skin. Carrot masks rejuvenate, after a couple of sessions you can notice the effect of it.

Recipe: 2 tbsp. spoons of carrot juice mixed with 1 tbsp. spoon of honey (it is better to choose flower), add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour Mix all ingredients well.

Apply the mask to a well-cleansed skin and cover the face with a linen napkin.

Wash off the mask after 30 minutes have passed, then wipe the skin with a cloth soaked in warm water, and then rinse with cool water.

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