10 easy ways to improve your memory

Each of us, to some extent, suffers from “gaps” in memory: someone for a long time cannot remember where he put his glasses, the other – why he came to the kitchen. If periodic memory impairments are not associated with a traumatic brain injury, Alzheimer’s disease, or severe alcohol intoxication, then a few simple techniques will help you improve your memory.

10 Get enough sleep

10 easy ways to improve your memory

The processing and storage of the information received with the help of the sense organs is carried out in a dream. Brain cells switch from receiving to storing data during REM sleep. Thanks to this, everything seen and heard by a person during the day is combined with already existing memories and skills.

Researchers from the USA have established a direct link between the appearance of memory problems and sleep disturbance. In addition, they proved that the lack of a good night’s rest prevents schoolchildren and students from improving academic performance. From this we can conclude: all people need to get enough sleep, regardless of age and occupation. Otherwise, you cannot avoid the periodic occurrence of microamnesia.

9. Use Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

10 easy ways to improve your memory

The NLP technique is gaining more and more supporters around the world despite the fact that it is not recognized as a field of psychology by many eminent scientists. The main dogma of this method is that the limits of the possibilities of the human mind are artificially erected by the people themselves, so it is quite possible to destroy them with auto-training.

In many ways, this technique works due to the so-called “placebo effect”. However, the effectiveness of NLP has already been confirmed by many followers of this teaching.

8. Focus on exercise

10 easy ways to improve your memory

Another revolutionary discovery by American scientists in recent years is that memory can be improved through systematic physical activity. And who said that the brain is not a muscle?

In fact, if you just run in the morning or swim regularly, then you will not notice any cardinal changes in the degree of efficiency of your memorization. However, if you combine training with other techniques given, it is quite possible to improve your memory, because during physical exertion a person’s heart rate accelerates, due to which blood flow to the brain tissues increases, and this, in turn, enhances its performance.

7. Play logic and strategy games

10 easy ways to improve your memory

The habit of spending leisure time playing logical and strategic games with children or friends has a very positive effect on the process of memorization and the ability to concentrate. The most suitable option is chess and sudoku.

At the same time, action-packed computer games do not have a positive effect on memory, but on the contrary, with too much time spent in this activity, a person gradually loses the ability to quickly concentrate and focus attention on some business.

6. Use a mnemonic

10 easy ways to improve your memory

As you know, artificial intelligence uses a binary code to store information. If necessary, it extracts the necessary data in the most convenient form. Human memory in this sense is not much different from a computer. Our brain also archives information in a certain order.

The essence of mnemonics is the application of this property of the nervous system in practice. With the help of this technique, information encoded in a special way can be stored. Of course, it sounds a bit incomprehensible, but in fact there is nothing complicated about it. This is just the use of banal associations. That is, for better memorization, you need to associate certain information with vivid visual or auditory images. So you can memorize large amounts of information and easily reproduce it.

5. Visualize Memories

10 easy ways to improve your memory

Scientists have proven that the vast majority of people have a well-developed visual memory. Therefore, associating any images with certain information improves the process of remembering it. An example of such a process is the emergence of strong emotions and vivid memories in a person when viewing a photo album.

4. Use aromatherapy

10 easy ways to improve your memory

Smell is not only a way to determine the degree of freshness of products. A bright aroma (both pleasant and not very pleasant) can serve as a powerful impetus for the emergence of memories that seemed to you long forgotten. Aromatherapy is one of the easiest and most affordable methods to improve memory. Try to associate some information with a certain smell, and you will understand that this data will clearly pop up in your memory every time when this stimulus is exposed to your olfactory receptors.

3. Learn something new

10 easy ways to improve your memory

Human memory is comparable to a bicycle: if it does not go, it will fall. Therefore, curiosity greatly increases the level of memorization. At the same time, information can relate to absolutely any field of knowledge or creativity. Most importantly, do not let your brain “rust”.

2. Write notes by hand

10 easy ways to improve your memory

Students in our time are increasingly turning to electronic media for information storage. However, few of them know that the good old handwritten lectures are much more conducive to memorizing the material. Of course, the latest iPhone is a good excuse to shush in front of classmates, but if you are really worried about the development of your intellect, then limit yourself to buying notebooks and pens.

1. Use unusual fonts

10 easy ways to improve your memory

Many people know the fact that the quality of remembering the given information depends on the font of the text: some of them are “absorbed” by the user literally in one breath, while others make you feel tired after a few paragraphs. Therefore, in publishing houses and when creating Internet resources, a rather limited set of fonts is used, which speeds up the process of memorizing text.

However, the researchers also insist that a complex and hard-to-remember text is best read in an unusual, maybe even a little pretentious style.

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