10 Easy Ways to Become a Super Mom in 2018

10 Easy Ways to Become a Super Mom in 2018

The pressure that parents face today can drive them crazy. However, in reality, children do not need as much of you as you think. They just want to spend time with you and feel your love.

You are already a great mother, but if you want to get even better this year, you can try 10 simple things that will make your motherhood more interesting.

1. Take time for yourself

It may make you feel guilty, but in reality it is absolutely necessary given the amount of time you spend with your children and their various activities. Plus, cook food, keep the house clean and worry about everything. Taking a little time for yourself every day, or at least every week, will make you a wonderful mom. Get a manicure every month, walk around the house in the afternoon, soak in the bathroom when the kids fall asleep, do whatever charges your batteries, and return to the kids calm and energized for a new day.

2. Turn off the phone more often

While everyone is arguing about how much time kids can be allowed to spend in front of the screen, most parents are oblivious to how much time they spend on their own devices and the fact that kids no doubt notice what their mom is focusing on. – on them or on your gadget. Set aside a realistic time each day to turn off your phone and make real contact with the kids.

While it is tempting to fill a child’s day to the brim with activities that will teach them new things, enrich them with knowledge and complement what they learn in school, it is just as important for everyone to take a break from time to time. For you, this means less time spent driving and bringing your child from music school, doing karate, attending scientific circles and football tournaments, and for children it is an opportunity to relax and recharge, play with brothers and sisters and chat with you. … Most importantly, everyone will experience less stress.

4. Asking children questions that provide meaningful answers

That is, the traditional exchange of remarks: “How is school?” “Normal is not good for anyone. Anytime, whether you are dining with the whole family or meeting a child at the door after school, formulate your questions in such a way that they make them think and elicit honest and meaningful answers.

5. Listen carefully to their answers.

Sometimes children just burst out with the desire to tell you something. Listening carefully to them will help you better understand their needs and even learn something that is happening in their life that you had no idea about. And knowing that you are always ready to listen to them, children will come to you more often with their bad and good news.

6. Don’t strive for excellence

Don’t compare yourself to other parents – neither the ideal blogging moms nor the cool moms in your class. Perfect moms don’t exist in nature. The sooner you realize this, the easier it will be for you to fulfill your parenting responsibilities and be just a good mom for your children.

In a world where it is easier to say no than to say yes, it is important to raise children so that they do not feel that negativity has a high price tag. The words of encouragement will be remembered by children for many years, and it is necessary to choose such expressions that will help them to be proud of themselves and overcome difficult times.

8. Stop doing everything for the kids.

Excessive parental care is ultimately harmful. If they are bored, let them figure out what to do, if they are hungry, show how to make light snacks. Do not rush to help them with their homework, but rather give them feasible household tasks.

9. Create a new tradition

This can be a celebration every six months before a birthday, a pizza for lunch every Thursday, or watching your favorite movie every vacation. From this it will be pleasant and joyful to everyone.

10. Letting Children Be Children

Allow the children to stay small and free as long as they have the right to do so, and enjoy this time with them. Stop to admire any pebble on the road, answer their endless questions (“Why is the sky blue?”) And play with them if they call you, because, unfortunately, this will not always be the case.

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