10 early symptoms of pancreatic cancer. They appear suddenly

In recent years, pancreatic cancer has claimed the lives of many celebrities and public figures, including Steve Jobs, Patrick Swayze and Anna Przybylska. The public began to speak out about pancreatic cancer, and many people began to ask themselves, “are there any early symptoms of pancreatic cancer?” Although this type of cancer is extremely insidious and can develop without symptoms for a very long time, there are also early signs that should prompt anyone to see a doctor.

  1. Pancreatic cancer belongs to the group of asymptomatic neoplasms with poor prognosis
  2. Most cases are diagnosed late in the development of the disease, reducing the chances of recovery
  3. Pancreatic cancer symptoms are non-specific and are often confused with common conditions.
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Pancreatic tumors at an early stage of the disease often do not cause any signs or symptoms, and this type of cancer is classified as asymptomatic tumors. By the time the first alarming signs appear, the neoplastic changes become very extensive and the disease may already have metastasized. Most people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer are already in the advanced stages of the disease, resulting in a poor prognosis. Only 4 percent. pancreatic cancer patients live more than five years.

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Early symptoms of pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer symptoms do not differ between men and women. Having one or more of these symptoms does not mean you have pancreatic cancer, but if you do have pancreatic cancer your body certainly wants to tell you something. Do not underestimate the disturbing changes and regularly undergo preventive examinations.

1. Diabetes

Especially when it comes up suddenly. According to experts from the Mayo Clinic, 40 percent. pancreatic cancer patients were diagnosed with diabetes one to two years before the tumor was discovered. Scientists believe that diabetes is caused by tumors that have arisen on the organ and impair its function.

Unfortunately, diabetes is a very common disease and by itself it does not herald pancreatic cancer, in most cases it is not a reason to order additional screening for this. As an additional clue, diabetes appears suddenly and your family has never had an episode of it before.

2. Yellowing of the eyes or skin

Even a small tumor in the pancreas can block the bile duct, causing bile build-up and jaundice.

3. Itchy skin on hands and feet

A little known side effect of jaundice is itching on the hands and feet. It’s a skin reaction to bilirubin. Persistent itching that has no cause in allergies or other skin problems should prompt diagnostic tests.

4. Lack of appetite

Scientists from Italy have shown that about 6-8 months before being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, patients reported a sudden decrease in appetite. The second characteristic symptom that the patients experienced was a feeling of fullness even after eating a very small portion of food.

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5. Changes in the way things taste

The same study also revealed disturbing changes in taste sensation. Patients reported that they suddenly lost their taste of coffee and wine and stopped tasting their taste when smoking. Most respondents also reported a strange feeling of disgust towards these products.

6. Abdominal pain

Pancreatic cancer patients often describe abdominal pain as dull, acrid, radiating towards the back. A characteristic symptom is also pain relief when leaning forward.

7. Enlarged gallbladder

Blocking the bile ducts by the emerging nodule, apart from jaundice, may also cause gallbladder enlargement. This is because the bile gets stuck behind the bile duct. This symptom offers a chance for a quick diagnosis as an enlarged gallbladder can be seen on imaging tests (ultrasound) and can also be felt on a physical examination.

8. Pale, sparse and smelly stools

If a pancreatic tumor prevents digestive enzymes from reaching the intestine, our body loses the ability to digest fatty foods. The excess of undigested fat will show up quickly when visiting the toilet. The stools are quite loose, pale and have an extremely repulsive odor.

9. Dark tarry stools

Any suspicious change in the so-called the toilet routine should arouse our vigilance. Dark, quite tarry stools should also prompt you to visit the doctor. They may be the result of bleeding in the initial sections of the gastrointestinal tract.

10. Sudden, unexplained weight loss

Weight loss is not always a sign of advanced cancer. This symptom may also appear at the beginning of the disease. The lack of pancreatic enzymes causes the fat to pass through the body undigested, and much of the food provided cannot be properly absorbed.

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