10 Documentaries Like The Secret (2006)

In 2006, Prime Time Productions released the pseudo-science film “Secret”, which gained great popularity among the audience. In Russia, the film is known as “Secret“. The main theme of the film is the philosophy of new thinking. Each person with the power of thought can influence the surrounding reality. Fears and obsessions can materialize. Self-healing is possible, the main thing is to think positively.

The film is about the stories of people who share their stories. Among the invited guests is Rhonda Byrne, a writer who later released a book of the same name. According to the creators of “Secrets”, the law of attraction still exists …

This film is useful to watch for people who have lost hope or found themselves in a difficult life situation. Another question – will it help at least something? In any case, many believe that The Secret has some kind of power. You yourself have probably heard when those who want to help say: “Watch “Secret”».

Of course, this is not the only film of this kind. If you are interested in it, check out our selection of documentaries similar to The Secret (2006).

10 The human body. Limits of the Possible (2008)

10 Documentaries Like The Secret (2006)

«The human body. Limits of the possible” is a documentary series that consists of 4 episodes: Muscle Strength, Vision, Touch, Human Brain. The creators will try to convince people that they are all “a bit of supermen.”

The plot is based on real stories that happened to the invited guests. They were able to survive only thanks to their physical and mental abilities. With the help of special effects, the viewer will see what the human body and brain are capable of in an extreme situation. The limit of possibilities does not exist, a person limits himself …

9. Water (2006)

10 Documentaries Like The Secret (2006)

Pseudo-science film, which is filmed in the popular science genre. Its authors present their views on the properties of water as scientific, although in fact they are not. The project participants share their thoughts about water: its structure, possibilities, strength.

The film received a lot of negative reviews, the creators were accused of the occult. Many viewers were also unhappy. After the premiere, many said that modern science films do not inspire confidence. There are also those whoWater“I liked it, for the most part these are people who are fond of esotericism …

8. Prosperity: Is the Earth ready for it? (2011)

10 Documentaries Like The Secret (2006)

Documentary made in USA. He talks about the idea of ​​world domination and answers an important question: “Why is humanity currently forced to fight to survive?”.

Viewers will be able to learn about the real state of affairs, see the problems that exist in society. Is there a way out of this situation? Film strip “Prosperity: Is the Earth ready for it?confirms:There is“. Every person is created for the Abundant life, so there is still room for improvement. The film gives solutions that will help you change the world around you.

7. Mysteries of our Self (2011)

10 Documentaries Like The Secret (2006)

Russian documentary film with feature film elements. Another project that tries to convince viewers that human possibilities are endless. If a person is ready to change, he will soon discover with surprise that he is able to influence not only himself, but also the world around him.

The film focuses on the issuesborders of life and death“. Moreover, in this context, the edge is not only a direct threat to life, it is something more. After watching the film, there is a realization that we are all “on the verge”, but we have enormous physical and mental capabilities, therefore we are able to overcome all obstacles.

Interesting fact: one of the guests of the project, the once popular writer Vadim Zeland. If you share his views or just read “Reality Transurfing” be sure to check out “Mysteries of our I».

6. Babies (2010)

10 Documentaries Like The Secret (2006)

French film. These are the stories of four small children from birth to 1,5 years old. They live in different countries, in completely different conditions. Namibia, Tokyo, USA, Mongolia.

Pretty interesting idea. The viewer will learn how children develop in a particular country, how parents and people around them treat them. Issues of education are touched upon, traditions are highlighted. Bonus – funny scenes, sincere smiles, babbling … After all, children are the best thing on Earth.

For your information: in film “Kids»There is not a single staged scene.

5. Shrouded in mystery (2004)

10 Documentaries Like The Secret (2006)

«shrouded in mystery” is a US-made parascience film about the connection between human consciousness and quantum physics.

The main character is a female photographer Amanda. She recently broke up with her husband, her psychological state is under threat. existential crisis. She goes on a trip to her hometown. It seems to a woman that she knows him to the smallest detail, but she will get the opportunity to look at her life from a different perspective. Amanda will definitely love herself and the world around her, she will become happy.

The main idea is that thoughts shape the future, so you need to think only about the good.

4. Shrouded in Mystery 2: Down the Rabbit Hole (2006)

10 Documentaries Like The Secret (2006)

«Shrouded in Mystery 2: Down the Rabbit Hole” is a prequel to the previous film, the leading theme remains quantum physics. More global issues are raised here. The creators are trying to explain emerging situations from a scientific point of view, because science has a great influence on human life.

Do not think that this is just another boring movie. This is a great opportunity to understand that quantum physics is not only important, but also very exciting.

3. Zeitgeist (2007)

10 Documentaries Like The Secret (2006)

Documentary film directed by Peter Joseph. Most of his projects did not go unnoticed, they became the most discussed in their time. The fact is that Peter is not afraid to touch on “sensitive” topics.

«Zeitgeisttalks about the mass control of people. What methods exist to suppress the will of a person? There are a great many of them: politics, religion, advertising, mass media, money. After the premiere, the film literally immediately became one of the most popular on the Google Videos service.

2. Zeitgeist: Appendix (2008)

10 Documentaries Like The Secret (2006)

Sequel to Peter Joseph’s film. Built in the form of conspiracy disclosure. The US Federal Reserve, the American money creation system is being discussed. Peter also talks about the libertarian movement (“The Venus Project”).

What can I say? Quite a bold project. Feature “Zeitgeist: App“From the elderly:”In our time, they would have been shot for this».

1. There is no death. The secret of Academician Bekhterev (2008)

10 Documentaries Like The Secret (2006)

Russian documentary film dedicated to Vladimir Bekhterev, who always wanted to comprehend the secret of the superman. He conducted experiments on “crowd psychology”. He believed that people are easily suggestible, their weakest point is emotions. You can influence any person by influencing his emotional state.

According to the filmmakers,There is no death. The secret of Academician Bekhterev”, there is a kind of “hypnotic weapon”, the task of which is to conquer the will of the people. As soon as Academician Bekhterev died, all research on parapsychology and mental suggestion was classified.

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