1. Color of urine
Dark urine may be a sign of dehydration. So if you regularly drink too little or have not had a drink for a long time, you may notice a darker color. Then it is enough to reach for fluids to bring it back to normal. However, if the color is dark despite adequate hydration, it may be a signal that the liver or kidneys are not working properly. In turn, pain when urinating may be a signal of cystitis, but it also accompanies kidney stones. The presence of blood in the urine also indicates kidney disease.
2. The color of the stools
A loose stool may indicate an infection, and alternating diarrhea and constipation of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. A change in the consistency of the stool or its dark color may also indicate liver problems. Diarrhea is also one of the symptoms of pancreatic diseases. If a pancreatic tumor is blocking the flow of bile into the intestines, the color of the stools becomes lighter. You can read about how to defecate properly in ‘Healthy stool’.
3. Fatigue, lack of energy
It’s obvious that you are tired if you don’t get enough sleep or get up to sleep with your baby at night. However, if this is not the case and you still lack energy, it could be a sign of a thyroid or adrenal gland disorder. It can also be the result of exhaustion of the body by trying to protect yourself from environmental toxins, or those you serve in food or stimulants. It can also be a sign that your nervous system is on the verge of exhaustion, for example because of permanent stress that you cannot properly discharge. Persistent fatigue is not a fabrication but a symptom.
4. Abdominal pain
About 80 percent of people with pancreatic cancer experience abdominal pain as a result of the tumor growing. This is a dull pain in your stomach that spreads to your back. It can come and go. Cramps and pains in the lower abdomen may, in turn, indicate liver disease, and frequent pains after eating gastric ulcers.
5. Bloating and gas
Excessive gas and gas can result from eating heavy, bloating or fatty foods. Then the right spices and herbal teas such as fennel will help. However, if you feel bloated basically after every meal, or if you notice symptoms after fresh fruit and vegetables, it may be a sign that your digestive system is not working properly. Especially you should check the condition of the liver and pancreas. Food intolerances can also manifest as gases, often associated with diarrhea. You can read more about the causes of flatulence in ‘Where do flatulence come from’ and ‘Flatulence and gas?’.
6. Itchy skin
It can be a result as prosaic as an allergy to a new cosmetic, washing powder, mouthwash or cleaning products. However, if you eliminate these factors and the problem persists, you should check the health of your liver (just have liver enzymes, so-called ‘liver tests’).
7. Skin blemishes
The skin is our largest organ. The body uses it to get rid of water-soluble toxins. Hence, if there are many pollutants in your body, you may notice an increased amount of breakouts. However, it can also be an allergy signal or a result of stress.
8. Reduction in height
It would seem that height once measured remains the same and only children should be measured. Well no. It is worth checking that your height is not changing. ‘Shrinking’ can be a sign that your bones are starting to degenerate due to osteoporosis. So when you notice these signals, pay close attention to the calcium and vitamin D levels in your diet.
9. Sleep problems
Cortisol, one of the stress hormones, naturally lowers during sleep. However, if you are not relaxing properly, are constantly nervous and constantly racing, your thoughts will not drop, and you will have trouble sleeping. Unfortunately, the constantly activated ‘fight mechanism’, i.e. high levels of stress hormones, negatively affects the well-being of the body and worsens the work of the immune system. The feeling of constant anxiety should also be looked at. It may be the result of sex hormone disorders, hyperthyroidism or adrenal tumors.
10. Cracked lips
Cracked lips and inflammation in the mouth are the most common signals of vitamin B deficiency, especially B6 and B12. In the case of cobalamin, deficiencies cause pernicious anemia, which is a serious disease. Therefore, it is worth taking care of increasing the products containing it in your diet. They are mainly animal products such as meat, offal, eggs, fish.