10 dirtiest items in the house

Many people are not even aware that the items they use frequently during the day are a health hazard. Such things accumulate a large number of bacteria that become the cause of various diseases. Let’s look at the 10 dirtiest items and places in the house that people most often forget about while cleaning, as well as useful tips for cleaning them.

10 Keyboard

10 dirtiest items in the house

Pollution, sweat, dust particles, crumbs provide an excellent environment for the development of bacteria on computer mice and keyboards. To avoid such a problem, you must remember to wash your hands after returning from the street, and also stop eating in front of the computer. You should also clean your keyboard regularly. If you work at your computer all day, cleaning should be done as often as possible. Frequent cleaning of the keyboard is also necessary in cases where all family members use the same computer.

9. Keys

10 dirtiest items in the house

There are usually as many bacteria on keys as on elevator call buttons. People usually do not wash such items, but they lie in not very clean pockets, often fall on the street and in porches. Returning from the street, you should wipe the keys with antibacterial wipes. To prevent bacteria from spreading throughout the living space, it is better to store such items in special key holders. You should not give keys to children to play with: babies almost always put such things in their mouths.

8. Toothbrush

10 dirtiest items in the house

People brush their teeth daily to remove food debris and plaque, but they almost never pay attention to regular toothbrush care. As a result, a large number of bacteria quickly appear on such an object. Your toothbrush needs to be replaced every few months. It must be stored in an upright position.

Toothbrushes are recommended to be disinfected as often as possible: for this, many people use alcohol-based mouthwashes. Just dip this item in a disinfectant and wait half a minute. Instead of rinse aid, you can use ordinary boiling water, but in this case, the toothbrush will need to be kept in it longer: about two minutes.

7. Carpets

10 dirtiest items in the house

The surfaces of carpets are fleecy, and it is very convenient for bacteria to accumulate on them. There are also particles of dead skin on such products. Cleaning carpets is very convenient with vacuum cleaners. To get rid of dust, dirt, you can use a mixture of water and ammonia. Soak a brush in this product and thoroughly clean the carpet surface. Then you will need to carefully ventilate the room and wait for the product to dry.

Carpets can also be cleaned with regular baking soda. It is used both in the form of a solution and in dry form. This tool will not only clean the surface, but also update the color of the product.

6. Mobile Phones

10 dirtiest items in the house

During the day, such a device is in a variety of dirty places: on tables, in pockets, and so on. There are a lot of bacteria on mobile phones. It is recommended to decontaminate them at least once every 7 days: for this, you can use an antibacterial hand sanitizer and a piece of microfiber cloth. To make the device less dirty, you can use a special cover. Set aside a dedicated place for your phone in your backpack or bag.

5. Shower curtain

10 dirtiest items in the house

A humid environment is very suitable for the active reproduction of microbes. Mold often develops on bathroom curtains. However, most often, housewives forget about such products or think that the soap that gets on them is enough for good cleaning. This is not so: such curtains need to be washed monthly. Vinyl curtains can be washed in washing machines (without drying and spinning, at a temperature of 40 degrees). Polyester products are cleaned with sponges.

4. hallway

10 dirtiest items in the house

This room is very dirty, because a large number of bacteria from the street first of all ends up here. It is also worth noting that pets are very fond of hallways and carry dirt from there throughout the apartment: on carpets, furniture, and so on.

To minimize the amount of pollution in the hallway, you need to use a special rug. A person entering from the street will first have to stand on it and take off their shoes, and after that it will be possible to go further. Wash the rug weekly with hot water and a special cleaner. The floors in the hallway should be wiped every day: for this you can use any disinfectant.

3. Drainage hole in the sink

10 dirtiest items in the house

Drainage holes get dirty very quickly. Usually, housewives notice this only when there is an unpleasant smell or a drain is clogged. However, you need to clean the drainage holes as often as possible. To do this, you can use, for example, a mixture of a teaspoon of soda and half a glass of hot water. Pour this product into the drain hole, wait about half an hour and rinse it thoroughly with hot water (the jet should be quite powerful).

2. Wallet and money

10 dirtiest items in the house

A large amount of bacteria always accumulates on money (especially on old banknotes, which were often used and were in many hands). People exchange microbes by paying in stores. To avoid contracting any disease, wash your hands after all contact with money or wipe your skin with a special disinfectant. Do not put money on the bed, on the table: allocate a special place for the wallet and regularly wipe it with disinfectant wipes.

1. Dishwasher and washing machine

10 dirtiest items in the house

Few people know that such devices that help keep the house clean become dirty very quickly. The coarse filter, seals, door, machine chamber must be wiped dry every day, otherwise mold may appear on these elements. From time to time wash the space between the gaskets, the bottom of the appliance door. After application, open the machine and wait a while for it to dry completely.

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