10 dietary reports from the world of science – Dietetics – Articles |

1.      roughage digestive has a protective effect.

According to research from BMC Medicine eating whole grains reduces the risk of dying from disease cardiovascular, cancer, as well as in the case of people with diabetes. Whole cereal grains are a source of valuable dietary fiber as well as minerals and antioxidants, which have a beneficial effect on human health. The mentioned ingredients improve weight loss, lipid profile, insulin sensitivity as well they also inhibit inflammation. So let’s remember reaching for cereal products to they were whole grain.

2.      Bilberry black, grapes, pomegranate – the golden mean in cancer prevention.

It is known for a long time that food Plant origin is a rich source of which antioxidants neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals. Stone and berry fruits however, they show a much higher antioxidant potential than the other fruits. The research of Baraniak J., Kani M., proves that abundant in compounds with action antioxidant fruits of blueberry, grapevine and pomegranate have a preventive effect on the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases and cancerous.

3.      Eggs on health?

The myth about contributing cholesterol in the egg to raise the LDL fraction in the blood serum we have already overthrown a man. Today we can note the beneficial properties chicken eggs. According to research, people who regularly eat eggs can breakfast, have a much longer feeling satiety. In addition, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in eggs have a positive effect on the human lipid profile, raising the level of good cholesterol. However, the egg is not as scary as they painted it.

4.      pregorexia, diabulimia, orthorexia – new cases of eating disorders.

National Eating Disorder The Association in the USA believes that 20 million women are affected by the problem of eating disorders and 10 million men. Anorexia and bulimia are well-known disorders nutrition, however, new entities have also recently been discovered in society sickness. Diabulimia is a disorder that affects girls and young women with type 1 diabetes, which limit food intake in order to lose weight, they provoke vomiting or miss insulin doses. A seemingly new disorder like is pregorexia, it restricts consumption while increasing physical activity by pregnant women or shortly after giving birth. Exclusive eating “healthy” food, orthorexia, also affects men. A diet often based on advertisements for “healthy and organic” food, it is often contrary to the principles of rational nutrition.

5.      Cure for obesity?

In the United States, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has approved liraglutide for the treatment of obesity. The preparation used to date in the treatment of type 2 diabetes is to be introduced circulating under a different trade name. Perhaps it will be released in Europe over time. Who he knows, maybe soon a proper diet and physical activity will be replaced a little pill?

6.      Spirulina helpful in slimming!

Spirulina platensis until recently classified as algae, now recognized as a bacterium of the genus Arthrospira induces huge interest in medicine, cosmetology and gastronomy. What however, makes it so valuable and worthy of interest? Research has proven that ingredients in Spirulina, such as beta – carotene, phycocyanin, vitamin E and numerous macronutrients make the bacteria have an anti-cancer effect, protects against mutagenic and genotoxic factors. Valuable message for people who want to lose weight – Spirulina has supporting properties slimming. It owes it to B and A vitamins and polyunsaturated acids fatty tissue. Of course, it is essential to achieve the expected results proper diet and physical activity, but who wouldn’t want a little helper?

7.      Glycosides steviol (E 960) – a new food additive.

The beneficial properties of stevia are already well understood, how its low calorie, high content of essentials amino acids, minerals and vitamins, with a small amount of lipids. It’s worth it though take a look at the steviol glycosides contained in the plant, which is exactly this owes 450 times more intensely sweet taste than sucrose. Latest Research shows that these glycosides lower glucose levels and blood levels serum cholesterol. In addition, they accelerate cell regeneration and blood clotting. So it was decided to use this valuable substance as an additive to food, and more interestingly, steviol glycosides, despite their sweet taste, found use in the production of salty snacks. The E 960 can be found in pickled vegetables vegetables, soy sauces, dried seafood, as well as yoghurts, ice cream, drinks or chewing gum. Could food additives have begun to go in right direction?

8.      Exacerbations on the determination of allergens in products.

More and more people in nowadays he suffers from food allergies. Most of them carefully keeps track of the composition of consumed foods so as not to accidentally consume something for what are allergic. However, what if we do not know exactly what a given product contains? Union The European decided to introduce stricter in this matter regulations. All possible allergens must be listed and ticked behind with a letter that clearly distinguishes them from the other ingredients. Responsibility this also applies to unpackaged food, the most recent development. What about gastronomy case? A customer placing an order for a product deprived of allergen, which, however, during the preparation of the meal will be in his food can make its claims. Perhaps, over time, allergy sufferers will be able to to feed yourself without risking your health to the dangerous, hidden by ingredients manufacturer.

9.      Red Cabernet Sauvignon grape wine – helpful in the metabolic syndrome

Study conducted on a group people with metabolic syndrome published in  Biological Research indicates that regular consumption of small amounts (20 g) red wine has health benefits. Fiber, polyphenols and the antioxidants contained in wine lower blood pressure as well improve fasting glucose levels. Therefore, we can reach for the lamp without fear wine with dinner, but keeping in mind the moderation.

10  Dietary supplements in the metabolic syndrome.

The metabolic syndrome is vital the problem of the XNUMXst century. Scientists believe that the best method to treat it is a properly balanced diet, as well as supplements tested in this area diets. Black chokeberry, white mulberry, ginseng, garlic, and other extracts green tea has a beneficial effect in reducing risk factors the occurrence of the metabolic syndrome. For supplements with similar properties also include omega-3 fatty acids and resveratrol. A diet rich in calcium and dairy products as well as magnesium, selenium and zinc also contribute to reducing the risk of developing metabolic syndrome. Remember – correct diet first of all, but enriched with appropriate supplements, can be the key to success.  

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