10 Devastating Phrases You Shouldn’t Talk About Yourself

Every girl would like to be self-confident, self-sufficient, interesting. But numerous complexes often interfere with becoming the very ideal one. They need to be fought.

A person will be loved and respected by other people if he also treats himself. But often we give ourselves a negative attitude or, as esotericists would say, we inflict damage on ourselves.

There are phrases that you should not repeat, even if you are in a difficult situation.

10 I am fat

10 Devastating Phrases You Shouldnt Talk About Yourself This is a self-destructive phrase, and it does not matter if you really gained weight, or if you just want to be lighter and more airy. You should not tell her friends or acquaintances, and even more so, yourself, even as a joke.

If there is a problem with being overweight, it needs to be addressed. Count calories, move more, choose an interesting sport for you. You can find a good nutritionist and eat according to his advice.

But extreme ways to lose weight, such as fasting or a strict diet, are best avoided, because. chronic diseases may develop. In addition, the weight that you lost in this way will definitely come back to you.

9. I won’t be happy or successful

10 Devastating Phrases You Shouldnt Talk About Yourself You can’t say the phrase “I never …”, because. thus you command your subconscious to become a loser. And it will listen to you.

You really won’t be able to learn English or any other language, you won’t meet interesting people, you won’t be able to earn big money.

You have to believe in yourself and everything will work out. Believing in your own strength does not mean waiting by the sea for the “golden” fish to come, but to calculate and think over everything and strictly follow your plan.

8. Pay no attention to me

10 Devastating Phrases You Shouldnt Talk About Yourself By uttering such a phrase, a person, as it were, immediately gives a command to the others to ignore him, to perceive himself as an empty place.

It is possible that you are just tired, you want to be alone and you really need others to ignore you at the moment. If so, you can just retire at work, drink tea and calm down, or meditate at home. But you don’t have to tell others about it.

If you need other people’s support, ask. Others will always help you overcome your problems, tell you exactly how to act.

7. I’m too young or too old for this

10 Devastating Phrases You Shouldnt Talk About Yourself This phrase will demotivate you. So you give yourself permission not to change something in your life. You have already decided for yourself that you can not influence the course of events in any way.

For example, you tell yourself that you will no longer be able to learn a foreign language, because. the memory is not the same, there is no time and no strength.

But there are many examples when people in adulthood mastered not one, but many languages. With such phrases you cover up your laziness, indecision and fear. You are not trying, you are not looking for a way to deal with your problem.

There are many examples when children made grandiose discoveries, earned millions, without making any special efforts for this.

Or vice versa, talented actors became famous after 40 years. Therefore, it is never too late and, moreover, it is never too early to move towards your dream.

6. I always do things wrong

10 Devastating Phrases You Shouldnt Talk About Yourself If you are used to constantly evaluating yourself in this way, then it is possible that you were psychologically traumatized in childhood. Most likely, you have been taught that you cannot do something right.

And, even if you have grown up, this attitude, laid down in childhood, does not cease to operate. Even if you do everything perfectly, this self-belief will prevent you from moving in the right direction.

There is a risk of becoming a perfectionist, and then a neurotic. So forget about this setting. No wonder they say that the best is the enemy of the good.

5. Anyone could do this job, I didn’t do anything special

10 Devastating Phrases You Shouldnt Talk About Yourself Sometimes it seems to us that the task is so simple that any other person could cope with it. Indeed, there are no irreplaceable people.

But, you certainly did your job with high quality, putting your whole soul into it. You tried, studied all the information, i.e. did everything exactly as it should have been.

Perhaps you have good experience and a lot of knowledge on this topic. You are probably a good specialist, and they are highly valued by employers. And you should not compare your achievements and the successes of other people.

Always compare yourself to yourself, watch your growth, notice any progress, and accept praise with joy. You deserve them.

4. I’m not qualified enough for this.

10 Devastating Phrases You Shouldnt Talk About Yourself This phrase is your barrier to success. Remember that people are not born competent. All this is acquired with experience.

Many people started small and gradually moved forward, achieving success. They believed in themselves and wanted to prove to others that they were “competent” and “experienced” enough. The one who believes in his abilities can achieve a lot.

3. I am not handsome

10 Devastating Phrases You Shouldnt Talk About Yourself Any person who looks in the mirror cannot help but notice their shortcomings. But it is important to remember that everyone has them. Nobody is born perfect. Don’t dwell on your cons, focus on your pros.

Your flaws are your features that distinguish you from others. People cannot be the same, and beauty standards are constantly changing.

2. I am stupid

10 Devastating Phrases You Shouldnt Talk About Yourself Mental abilities are different for everyone. But every person has a calling in life. It may not be possible for someone to become a perfect mathematician, but he has literary abilities. It is normal when people differ from each other, have their own opinion about everything in the world.

If your interlocutor considers you a stupid person, let him justify it. He may not be right. And if you are right, then it is good for you that your eyes were opened.

Children are all born capable, but stupid. It is their parents who help them navigate the world. The mind is a gainful business, and over the years wisdom comes to a person.

1. I’m a loser

10 Devastating Phrases You Shouldnt Talk About Yourself Unfortunately, with such an attitude, a person is doomed to be a loser. If we constantly repeat this to ourselves, our subconscious mind perceives it as the truth.

And we, whether we like it or not, become losers. It is necessary to get rid of such installations, because. believing in your victory is already a huge step forward towards your dream.

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