10 Detox Foods to Cleanse and Lose Weight

Recently, a special nutrition system has been developed to help get rid of harmful substances. There are products that remove toxins from the body, speed up metabolism, and improve intestinal microflora. It is worth including them in the menu to feel a surge of strength and vigor, lose weight, get rid of headaches. But those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases, such as ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, should consult their doctor. People with a sick stomach, especially during an exacerbation, are not recommended to eat a lot of fresh vegetables or fruits. The rest is not only possible, but also necessary to regularly use the products included in this list.

10 Lemon

10 Detox Foods to Cleanse and Lose Weight

Lemons are rich in citrine. It is the strongest antioxidant that can slow down the aging process. These citruses contain a lot of vitamin C. They increase immunity, remove endotoxins from the human body. Also contribute to the fact that the walls of blood vessels become elastic, prevent the appearance of atherosclerosis. Lemons are used to improve the natural metabolism, which contributes to rapid weight loss.

9. Greens

10 Detox Foods to Cleanse and Lose Weight

Scientists advise constantly eating fresh herbs, adding them to salads or soups. It is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Parsley, dill and spinach perfectly cleanse the human digestive system. Coriander, which we most often call cilantro, does an excellent job of cleansing the body, poisoned by aluminum, lead and mercury. It has powerful detoxifying properties and is rich in antioxidants. Any greens should be in the diet of those who are struggling with excess weight. It has a minimum of calories, but a maximum of vitamins and minerals. So, 100 g of parsley contain only 36 kcal, the same amount of cilantro – 23 kcal, and dill – 40 kcal.

8. Algae

10 Detox Foods to Cleanse and Lose Weight

Algae have anticarcinogenic properties, tk. they contain alginates. They bind and remove salts of heavy metals and radionuclides from the body. They have antioxidant properties. Algae has a very low calorie content, about 7-15 kcal per 100 g of product, so they are recommended for overweight people to eat. The same kelp, which is popularly called seaweed, is not only a source of iodine, but also stimulates metabolism, contains an enzyme that breaks down fats.

7. Apples

10 Detox Foods to Cleanse and Lose Weight

The peel of apples contains a lot of flavonoids that have an antioxidant effect. These fruits are rich in pectins and insoluble fibers. They, like a brush, cleanse our body of excess cholesterol, radioactive substances and metabolic products that remain in the intestines. Pectins remove all harmful substances from the body, including toxins and pesticides. Apples contribute to rapid weight loss. The same pectins give a feeling of satiety, so a person does not overeat. Japanese scientists are sure that they also have a fat-burning effect due to polyphenols. They advise those who want to lose weight to eat 1 apple before meals, at least 3 times a day. If you follow this rule, then the amount of fat will decrease by 20%.

6. Green tea

10 Detox Foods to Cleanse and Lose Weight

Foods rich in polyphenols are the best antioxidants. They help prevent heart disease and cancer. Once in the body, polyphenols increase the production of a special protein – metallothionein. It helps cleanse the body of harmful substances. Lots of polyphenols in green tea. English scientists from Anglia Ruskin University were able to confirm that thanks to green tea we lose weight. It contains one antioxidant that can burn fat. A study has been done. One group of volunteers received a pacifier while the others took green tea extract. They all worked out in the gym. A month later, it was possible to establish that the participants in the experiment who drank the capsules with tea had a 1.63% lower amount of fat than those who drank the placebo.

5. Lentil

10 Detox Foods to Cleanse and Lose Weight

Doctors advise eating lentils to prevent constipation. It has a lot of coarse fibers that cleanse the intestines well. It is quite high in calories, but it takes a long time to digest, which is why a feeling of satiety persists for a long time. In addition, it is an additional source of protein. For weight loss, it is better to use green lentils.

4. Beet

10 Detox Foods to Cleanse and Lose Weight

It contains many useful substances, including pectin, betacyanin. They are essential for cleansing the blood and liver. Beetroot protects the liver from intoxication, helps to speed up metabolic processes. It contains betanin, which has a beneficial effect on the liver. With obesity, the juice of this root crop is very useful. As a bonus, this is an improvement in cognitive abilities. We conducted a study in which 40 people took part. They took 450 ml of beetroot juice, and after 90 minutes, passed cognitive tests. The test subjects were able to improve their results thanks to the beets.

3. Garlic

10 Detox Foods to Cleanse and Lose Weight

It is a natural antibiotic that does an excellent job of destroying viruses and bacteria. It helps fight seasonal SARS, especially during epidemics. In addition, garlic can remove toxins, toxins and salts of heavy metals. Garlic accelerates the production of sulfur and selenium, and these are two important components for cleansing the body. A study was conducted in which 117 people who worked in a car battery factory took part. Because of their profession, they were forced to be exposed to lead. Scientists were able to find that garlic reduced blood lead levels by 19%. Also, the signs of poisoning decreased among workers, i.е. headache, irritability and high blood pressure.

2. Blackberry

10 Detox Foods to Cleanse and Lose Weight

Blackberries make the digestive tract work. It contains a lot of fiber, which helps to cleanse the body. It protects against free radicals, heavy metals, helps fight aging. There are many useful substances in blackberries, and at the same time it has a low calorie content, only 31 kcal per 100 g. Those who are on a diet and strive to lose weight can use this berry. The composition of the berry includes catechins, which accelerate metabolic processes, which contributes to weight loss.

1. Broccoli

10 Detox Foods to Cleanse and Lose Weight

This type of cabbage contains a lot of fiber, which, like a brush, cleanses the human digestive tract. It contains sulforaphane and enzymes needed to remove toxins from the human body. The substance that removes harmful substances is glutathione. It is produced by our body. Therefore, the self-cleaning process is not interrupted. But with a lack of sulfur, the level of this substance begins to decline. To make up for the lack of sulfur, you need to eat cruciferous vegetables, including broccoli.

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