10 Detective Movies Similar to The Girl on the Train

«The girl on the trainis a thriller based on the novel by Paula Hopkins. It is about a young woman named Rachel Watson. Once she was happy, but now she has lost everything. Her husband left her, she lost her job and home. Rachel found solace in alcohol and daily “journeys” on the train. She drives past her ex-husband’s house, sees his new family.

Watson also likes to watch another married couple, Megan and Scott. At first glance, the spouses have an ideal relationship. Only once Rachel witnesses strange events, after which Megan disappears. Rachel begins her own investigation…

This movie is sure to please women. It is quite interesting, touches on an important topic – the relationship between people. If you’ve already seen it, then take a look at our list of movies similar to The Girl on the Train.

10 Gift (2015)

10 Detective Movies Similar to The Girl on the Train

The main characters of the movieGift» young spouses Simon and Robin Cullum. They enjoy a measured life, but one day their peace comes to an end.

Simon’s former classmate Gordo comes to town. Their relationship is quite friendly, but soon Simon becomes jealous of his wife for a friend.

Simon tries to protect his family from Gordo, he no longer wants to communicate with him. Shocking details of their school life are revealed.

Robin doesn’t know who to trust. She begins to suspect that her husband is not at all who he wants to seem …

9. Captives (2013)

10 Detective Movies Similar to The Girl on the Train

The film is set in Pennsylvania. Thanksgiving holiday. The Dovera and Birchi families are not only friends, but also live in neighboring houses, they take part in the celebration with pleasure.

In the evening, they discover that two girls have disappeared – their youngest daughters, who have barely reached the age of 6.

Parents are in a panic, they turn to the police. The detective has several leads and suspects, one of them is the driver of a van parked nearby. He had to be released due to lack of evidence.

Keller Dover, distraught with grief, decides to investigate on his own. He is ready to do anything to find out where the little ones are hidden. captives And are they alive.

8. Secret Window (2004)

10 Detective Movies Similar to The Girl on the Train

Mort Rainey is a writer. His affairs are not going very well, he has a creative crisis. In personal life, too, everything is bad. The wife filed for divorce, and Mort periodically meets with her in order not to put his signature on the documents again.

His life is dreary and measured, the calmness is disturbed by a man in a black hat. He introduces himself as Cockney Shooter and says that Mort stole the story from him.

The man begins to remember when and under what circumstances this work was written. It turned out that the story was published two years earlier than Cockney wrote it. He tries to prove to Shooter that he wrote the ill-fated story, but the man in the hat is serious. He wants to ruin Rainey’s life…

Film “Secret window” based on Stephen King’s Secret Window, Secret Garden.

7. Dolores Claiborne (1995)

10 Detective Movies Similar to The Girl on the Train

The small town is excited by the news. maid Dolores Claiborne killed her employer, a wealthy elderly lady, Vera Donovan.

All evidence points to Dolores doing it, but the woman stubbornly refuses to admit her guilt.

Her daughter Selena comes to the city, she wants to support her mother in a difficult situation. Dolores was already in the dock 20 years ago. She was accused of killing her husband.

The detective, who failed to prove her guilt then, now wants to take revenge and still hide the woman behind bars.

6. Side Effect (2013)

10 Detective Movies Similar to The Girl on the Train

Martin Taylor spent 4 years in prison. He received his term for using official information. Life seems to be getting better, but a few days later his wife tries to kill herself.

Emily’s mental state is handled by Dr. Jonathan. He tries for a long time and unsuccessfully to pick up an antidepressant, but the woman gets worse.

Then Jonathan turns to Victoria for help. She is also a doctor, in the past Emily went to her for consultations. Victoria advises trying a new experimental drug.

To Jonathan’s surprise, this medicine works great, Emily turns into a normal adequate person. No one knows that this drug has a serious side effect

5. A Simple Request (2018)

10 Detective Movies Similar to The Girl on the Train

Stephanie is a single mother and vlogger. She meets Emily, their sons go to the same school. Friendships are formed, although these women are absolute opposites.

Emily needs help. This simple request – you need to sit with your son while she settles her affairs. Stephanie agrees, but the agreed time passes, Emily does not return. An hour, two, three, a day…

The police begin to search for the missing woman, they find Emily’s corpse. Stephanie and the husband of the deceased will try to find the culprit. There are many surprises along the way…

4. Perfect Murder (1998)

10 Detective Movies Similar to The Girl on the Train

Stephen Taylor works as an investment manager. He often takes risks and conducts various frauds, but at the moment he needs additional investments.

His wife Emily has the money. He could count on her, if not for one fact. Emily wants to get a divorce and go to her lover.

His wife’s lover is not really an artist, but a criminal. Apparently, this novel interests him only from the point of view of financial gain.

Steven offers David to kill his wife for a handsome reward. He will think perfect murder, then both of them will be in the black. The “artist” tries to refuse, but he has no other choice…

3. The Island of the Damned (2010)

10 Detective Movies Similar to The Girl on the Train

The action takes place on the island, where the clinic for the mentally ill is located. Two American detectives arrive there, they will investigate the escape case.

Rachel Solando escaped. The ward is locked, the clinic is carefully guarded, but the woman has disappeared. Edward and Chuck will have to separate the truth from the lies, soon their lives will also be in danger.

Shutter Island cut off from the outside world by the raging elements, there is no turning back …

2. Gone Girl (2014)

10 Detective Movies Similar to The Girl on the Train

Film “Disappearedtells about the life of young spouses. Nick and Amy are celebrating their fifth wedding anniversary. Every year, Amy arranges a quest for her beloved – he must find a gift.

This time, Nick will not have to take part in the game. Upon arrival home, he discovers that his beloved wife is gone, there is blood and signs of a struggle everywhere. The police begin an investigation.

Nick becomes the prime suspect. The man did not commit the crime, but all the evidence points to him. In addition, it turns out that the relationship of the spouses is far from ideal, the matter has long been going to divorce …

1. Before I Sleep (2014)

10 Detective Movies Similar to The Girl on the Train

«Before I fall asleep“- the dramatic story of a woman named Christine. She was in a car accident 20 years ago. Since then, she has been suffering from an incurable disease.

Every morning she wakes up and does not remember the previous day. She can only remember the events of 20 years ago. Kristen thinks she is young, but she actually has an adult child.

The woman is suffering, but the doctors cannot help her. Only one doctor gives her hope. True, this method is experimental, and it is not known how it will end.

Interesting fact: The film is based on the book by CJ Watson. He worked as a doctor, and a similar story happened in his practice. A real person suffered from an unknown disease for 60 years.

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