10 Detective Movies Similar to Best Offer

«Best Offer“- a drama with an unusual and interesting plot. Most viewers do not like films about art, they find them boring. You can be sure that this film will not let you get bored.

In the center of the plot is the story of Virgil Allman. This is an elderly art critic, director of the auction house. His activities cannot be called crystal clear, he deceives both sellers and buyers, handing them fakes. And he does it so skillfully that no one has even a shadow of a doubt about his honesty.

Meanwhile, Allman has amassed a large collection of antiques. One day he gets an offer he can’t refuse.

A young woman asks to sell the bed collection she inherited. Soon Virgil realizes that he is interested not only in antiques, but also in a mysterious stranger – the owner of the collection …

If you’ve already watched this movie and are looking for something similar, check out our list of movies similar to The Best Offer.

10 Game (1997)

10 Detective Movies Similar to Best Offer

Psychological thriller. It’s about Nicholas Van Orton. This man has achieved a lot in his life. He is successful but feels overwhelmed. He experiences difficulties in relations with his wife and brother, he moved away from them.

The only thing that worries Nicholas now is the story of his father. When he was 48 years old, he committed suicide by jumping off the roof of his own mansion.

Van Orton also turns 48 the other day, so he can’t think of anything else.

A few days before the holiday, the younger brother Konrad gives him a gift. This is a certificate for participation in the game. He warns that after participating in the project, Nicholas’ life will change. Van Orton agrees…

This film will help answer the question: what does a person who needs nothing need? Even if you don’t belong to such a type of people, you will understand that in the life of every person there is something that costs much more than money.

9. Trance (2013)

10 Detective Movies Similar to Best Offer

Detective thriller, a remake of the 2001 film of the same name.

Simon works at the auction house. He enters into a criminal conspiracy with bandits and steals an expensive painting.

There is one problem: after a strong blow to the head, Simon cannot remember where he hid it. The bandits want to get their reward as soon as possible, they introduce Simon to a woman hypnotist. Elizabeth must help him remember the circumstances of the kidnapping.

«Trance“- a puzzle film, the viewer will have to “stretch the convolutions” in order to understand this tangle of events. Women will be delighted with the love line.

8. Family Friend (2006)

10 Detective Movies Similar to Best Offer

Dramatic film. Jeremy is a loan shark, he is single, but no longer young. He has no other joys in life except money. He rejoices that he managed to become rich. It is not money that delights him, but the ability to manipulate people.

One day a man comes to him in need of funds. He needs them to celebrate the wedding of his beloved daughter. After a while, Jeremy realizes that he is not indifferent to the bride.

«Family friend“- a bright film that will make you forget about time.

7. Headhunters (2011)

10 Detective Movies Similar to Best Offer

Crime thriller. Roger Brown workshead hunter“. No, he does not kill anyone, he just selects employees for large firms.

Roger’s recommendation is expensive, he finds the best employees. But this activity does not bring a lot of money.

Roger’s wife started her own business, which requires financial investment, so he steals expensive paintings from his clients.

Entrepreneur Claes Greve has in his collection a priceless exhibit – a painting by Rubens. It is considered lost and is worth a fortune. Roger makes plans to steal the exhibit, not realizing that he himself will soon become a victim of deception …

A dynamic and exciting thriller that keeps you in suspense until the very end. They don’t call him “worthy Norwegian answer to Hollywood films».

6. Time (2006)

10 Detective Movies Similar to Best Offer

Eastern melodrama. The film was shot in Korea and is unlike any other. Chiu and Sehi have been together for two years. The girl is very worried, it always seems to her that her beloved is interested in other women. She thinks she bored Chiu.

Soon they have problems in sex. Sehi invites her lover to introduce another woman. This technique helps, after which there is a major quarrel.

Sehi leaves, but that doesn’t mean she’s ready to give up. For the sake of her love, she will do anything. True, it will take time for this …

5. Side Effect (2013)

10 Detective Movies Similar to Best Offer

Psychological thriller. Emily’s husband returns from prison. It seems that her life is getting better, but the woman makes a suicide attempt.

Psychiatrist Jonathan agrees to help her. He sets a series of conditions for Emily to abide by. Unfortunately, none of the antidepressants could help, and Emily’s condition worsens.

Jonathan seeks advice from Victoria, this woman was also Emily’s psychotherapist in the past. She offers Jonathan an experimental cure. Under its influence, the patient again becomes an adequate person, only the medicine has one by-effect

A fascinating film, the denouement of which cannot be predicted, and indeed, it is full of surprises.

4. Gone Girl (2014)

10 Detective Movies Similar to Best Offer

Detective thriller. Nick and Amy have been together for five years. For the anniversary, Amy prepared a surprise for her husband. This is a treasure hunt game.

That’s just Nick will not be able to enjoy the game. His wife is missing, traces of a struggle were found in the house. Nick becomes one of the suspects. There is evidence against him, but the man refuses to admit his guilt.

This film is called one of the best works of director Fincher. “Disappeared” touches on a topic that is close to every married couple – distrust and difficulties in relationships.

3. Magnificent scam (2003)

10 Detective Movies Similar to Best Offer

This film combines several genres: thriller, comedy, drama. Roy and Frank are petty crooks. They deceive sellers and buyers, get a good reward for this.

Roy is happy with his “job”, but life is not going smoothly for him. He has mental problems, in particular a manic desire for cleanliness. His friend and accomplice Frank advises to undergo a course of psychotherapy.

Roy soon learns that he is not alone, he has a daughter. Angela destroys Roy’s familiar world. She learns how her father earns his living. The reaction of the girl is unexpected – she asks to teach her “craft”.

«Magnificent scamis a film about human values. Good, but overly long.

2. The Thomas Crown Affair (1999)

10 Detective Movies Similar to Best Offer

Detective, the story of a Boston millionaire. Thomas Crown is in search of thrills. He believes that any trick will get away with him.

A man organizes the theft of an expensive painting. As a distraction, Thomas hires a gang of thieves to play their part.

Insurance detective Katherine realizes that they have nothing to do with the kidnapping. The woman begins to suspect Thomas, but she has no evidence of his guilt…

«The Thomas Crown Affairis a remake of the 1968 film of the same name. Most viewers are inclined to believe that he managed to surpass the original.

1. Ninth Gate (1999)

10 Detective Movies Similar to Best Offer

Mystical thriller. Dean Corso is engaged in the sale of old books, as well as their expertise.

A wealthy collector, Boris Balkan, offers him a job. It is necessary to compare the three available books and determine which of them are genuine. Corso accepts the offer, but while doing the job, he faces numerous murders.

«Ninth Gate to the Realm of Ghosts” is not just a book, it is a puzzle. Anyone who can solve it will have the opportunity to summon the devil himself …

A detective story that not everyone will like. Some viewers call it “tedious”, but you should not rely on someone else’s opinion.

«ninth gate”is not so much a detective investigation as a study of the human soul.


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