Home is the safest place on earth. At least that’s what most people think. They come from the street, diligently wash their hands and believe that they are no longer afraid of any bacteria and microbes. Still, because they regularly put things in order in their apartment.
In fact, even in the cleanest apartment there are things that pose a threat to human health.
No, these are not drugs and other chemicals, these are ordinary items that we use every day.
Below are 10 dangerous things that everyone has in the house.
10 Old sneakers
Most people don’t think about the fact that sneakers also have a lifespan. They are worn until they fall apart. If you like to run, remember that they should be changed every 300 to 450 kilometers.
Maybe the shoes will look pretty good. In this case, you will need to make a choice. Decide what is more important to you – saving or the health of your feet.
The fact is that worn-out sneakers lose their shock-absorbing properties. There is an easy way to check if it’s time to buy a new pair of shoes or if you can get by with the old one.
Press your thumb into the midsole. If it is pressed through, and folds are visible, then the sneakers are still in perfect order.
If not, then the sole does not compensate for the impact and gives a strong load on the legs, increasing the risk of injury. It is better to get rid of such sneakers.
9. Old plastic containers
In every kitchen you can find plastic containers. Someone stores food in them, someone wears lunch to work.
It cannot be said that they are absolutely harmless to the body. However, it all depends on the composition of the plastic. Most people don’t pay attention to labels.
For example, there are containers in which food cannot be heated. Under the influence of heat, harmful substances will be released from them. Bisphenol-A and phthalate are pseudohormones and can change the human hormonal background.
There is a risk of developing cancer. Opt for glass or ceramic containers. If this is too expensive for you, change the plastic containers periodically and remember to read the label.
8. Antibacterial soap
Manufacturers promise that antibacterial soap forms a special film on the skin that protects the skin from bacteria.
In fact, liquid antibacterial soap contains triclosan, and bar soap contains triclocarban. These antiseptics really lead to the death of bacteria, and not only harmful ones. They also destroy those with the help of which the protective functions of the skin are carried out. It becomes vulnerable to fungi.
Also, immunity suffers from antibacterial soap, hormonal disorders, and allergic reactions may occur.
It is not necessary to use antibacterial soap daily, use it only in exceptional cases.
7. old spices
If you have not done an audit in the kitchen for a long time, it’s time to do it.
Housewives rarely look at the expiration date of spices, and if they are poured into glass jars, it is not possible to recognize it at all.
The next time you buy spices, be sure to write down the expiration date. Even if they do not spoil the dish, it will turn out tasteless and non-aromatic. Old spices won’t do any good.
In addition, there are many stories when expired seasonings caused an eating disorder. Again, we are talking about seasonings, not natural spices.
It is unlikely that you can get poisoned by an old carnation or sage. The price of spices and seasonings is not so high, so it’s easier to buy fresh than to guess what caused stomach pains.
6. Air fresheners
Recently, air fresheners are becoming more and more popular. These are no longer just cans, they have bizarre shapes and can become a wonderful interior decoration.
No need to believe advertising and get too carried away with air fresheners. They contain esters of phthalic acid. This substance adversely affects the reproductive abilities and development of the unborn child.
If you’re not planning on having kids, limit the use of air fresheners anyway. They can cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, and allergic reactions.
According to studies conducted in the United States, people who use air fresheners constantly are more likely to suffer from cancer.
5. Diet sodas
Recently, more and more people are interested in proper nutrition. They watch their figure, but not everyone can resist the temptation.
An excellent way out is diet sodas. Manufacturers promise that they do not contain sugar, and they are absolutely safe for health.
Unfortunately, this is not the case. There is no sugar in them, but there are sweeteners. If you drink these drinks too often, your risk of developing diabetes increases.
In addition, they are also not useful for the figure. According to statistics, people who drink diet sodas are more likely to be overweight than those who are able to refuse them.
4. old cosmetics
It has long been known that old cosmetics cause irreparable harm to the skin, but women continue to use it. They think that cosmetics can not go bad. The most dangerous among them are mascara and lip gloss.
Microbes and bacteria get on the brush, and then it is placed back into the spray can. An ideal environment for the reproduction of harmful substances is created.
Try to change your mascara and lip gloss at least once every three months. Powder and shadows can be stored for about a year, it is only necessary to keep them clean, change sponges and brushes often. In any case, any cosmetic product has an expiration date.
In no case do not use expired products if you do not want to get irritation and allergic reactions.
3. Old sunscreen
Old sunscreen is not effective, it does not work. It contains special chemicals that protect the skin from ultraviolet rays.
Gradually they are destroyed. If sunscreen is not properly stored, it also loses its protective properties. Do not leave it in the car and allow it to heat up.
2. Contact Lens Storage Container
With a container for contact lenses, too, not everything is as simple as it might seem. Be sure to keep it clean.
Bacteria from the hands get on the lenses, then into the solution for them and into the container. Therefore, experts advise changing it once a month.
If you buy new lenses, do not forget about the container, it should also be changed. Do not put new lenses in an old container.
If you do not follow all these recommendations, there is a risk of getting eye diseases. Redness, pain, blurred vision are not very pleasant sensations.
1. Plastic cutting boards
There is a myth that plastic boards are much safer than wooden boards. Scientists conducted a series of studies, during which they found out that this is not true. But people still think that plastic is safe.
Scratches appear on the plastic board from the knife, in which microbes start. Detergents and hot water will not help here.
In addition, a scratched plastic board does not look aesthetically pleasing, it definitely does not belong in your kitchen. Buy yourself a nice wooden board. With proper care, it will serve you for decades.