10 “cursed” paintings, behind which are creepy stories

People are inextricably linked with art – looking at pictures teaches them to philosophize, to see beauty and to find themselves in the images.

Any art gives historical knowledge – acquaints a person with the customs of the time when the picture was created.

For each person, the influence of the work is different – someone sees the beautiful on the canvas, someone terrible, and someone does not feel anything from what they see …

Some paintings are fraught with terrible stories, after learning which, probably, everyone will feel uncomfortable.

In this collection, you will recognize 10 scary paintings, and their story will be no less scary. If you’re ready to watch, then go ahead.

10 Martyr, author unknown

The author of this painting is unknown, but from the story of the Englishman Sean Robinson, who inherited it, it turned out that the artist used his own blood mixed with oil paints to create it.

He called it “The Suffering Man”, after the work was completed, after a while the artist committed suicide.

Sean Robinson began to notice inexplicable phenomena and ghosts in his house: at night his family heard whispering and crying in the house.

At first, Sean attributed everything to natural phenomena, but one day he saw a dark figure in the house … And his wife, after a while, also began to see her. He concluded that the picture was created with the assistance of dark forces.

9. The name of the painting is unknown, Zdzisław Beksinski

Zdzisław Beksinski is a recognized classic of surreal horror. His works leave no one indifferent – they inspire fear and confusion.

The artist’s canvases often have a yellowish-purple hue, some details are worked out with special detail.

Zdzisław Beksinki did not name his works; it is known that he burned some of his works in the backyard of his house.

He later explained this by saying that some of the paintings did not satisfy him, while others were too personal.

Many misfortunes happened in the life of the artist of gloomy paintings – his wife died in 1998, and his son committed suicide. A few years later, the body of a Polish artist was found in his apartment – he, like his son, committed suicide.

8. “Hands Resist Him” ​​by Bill Stoneham

After watching the picture “Hands Resist Him”, people can be caused by Stendhal’s syndrome (a mental disorder accompanied by hallucinations and dizziness).

In fact, the syndrome can be caused in two ways: the first is a large number of viewed works of art in a short time, the second is the careful viewing of a terrifying picture for several hours.

When a person looks at the canvas for a long time, he is thereby transferred to it and becomes a participant in the action.

“Hands resist him” was written in 1972 and appeared on the Internet auction 28 years later with a curious entry “The canvas is cursed.” A gallery worker said that one of the art critics studying the painting died a few months later.

7. Rain Woman, Svetlana Telets

Black clothes, a gray background, a cold and concentrated look of a woman attract the attention of the viewer and gradually fill the soul with anxiety.

The first buyer of the painting returned it back with a mystical explanation: “I have a feeling that someone is constantly watching me …” She began to have strange dreams, and in them was the woman from the picture. After waking up, it became creepy, especially being alone in the apartment.

According to the Vinnitsa artist Svetlana Telets, the painting took 5 hours, and all the time it seemed to her that someone was controlling her hand … before she started work, strange sounds were heard in the house.

Other people also became buyers of the Rain Woman, but everyone returned it. Now the canvas is hanging in one of the shops in Vinnitsa.

6. “Love Letters” by Richard King

There is an opinion that the painting was responsible for the death of a 4-year-old girl – Samantha Houston, the daughter of a US senator. Death came as a result of an accident in 1887 – the girl was playing ball and fell down the stairs, her death came instantly.

The canvas is located at The Driskill Hotel in the USA, the girl depicted on it is very similar to the deceased Samantha. The hotel staff, as well as visitors, share their impressions, telling that as soon as they turn away, and then look at the picture again, the expression of the girl depicted changes.

Also, people from looking at her feel uneasy – nausea begins and dizziness appears. Some feel like they are floating in the air.

5. “Dead Mother”, Edvard Munch

Everyone probably knows the Norwegian artist Edvard Munch from his famous painting The Scream. His works, perhaps, are famous for the fact that each of us experiences huge losses in life – it is known that Edvard Munch suffered and experienced torment all his life – he saw hallucinations, lay in a psychiatric clinic.

“Dead Mother” was painted in 1899, the painting depicts the artist’s mother, who lost her mother early, and she herself died young.

The children were left alone – in the picture, Munch’s sister stands with her ears closed and is in complete despair, his other sister died of tuberculosis, and another one ended up in a psychiatric hospital, after which Munch wrote her in The Scream.

The man who bought the painting said that the eyes of the girl in the painting followed his actions all the time, and the blanket shifted and made noise at night.

4. The Crying Boy, Giovanni Bragolin

The Crying Boy painting was painted by the Italian artist Giovanni Bragolin (known as Bruno Amadio).

There are many cursed places on Earth, but also many things that carry a curse. Bragolin’s paintings are an example of this – he painted about 70 paintings with children who cry.

A reproduction of a painting is considered cursed, and superstitious people treat it with fear – where the canvas is located, a fire occurs.

However, the copies of paintings by the Italian artist found among the fire remain untouched – as if the elements bypass them.

According to people, the crying children depicted in the paintings attract a fire, but they themselves remain unharmed.

3. “Man proposes, God disposes” Edwin Henry Landseer

The painting was created in 1864 by the English artist Edwin Landseer. It was dedicated to the missing Franklin expedition (one of the most mysterious and tragic events in world history. Travelers were trapped in ice and could not get out of it).

In the 70s, a student committed suicide after looking at a painting. He left a suicide note in which he wrote: “I was forced to do this by polar bears.” The university administration removed the painting “out of sight” so that it would not harm anyone else.

2. “General Bernardo de Galvez”, author unknown

At the Galvez Hotel in Texas, USA, there is a picture that frightens guests. This portrait is believed to have been painted by Bernardo de Gálvez, who died in 1786.

In fact, this portrait is a haven for the ghost of the artist. Not a single guest manages to photograph the canvas – the picture is blurry, no matter what technique they have.

The guests complain that the picture makes them uncomfortable – they feel the eyes on them when they walk down the corridor and down the stairs, as if the general is following them.

In addition, there are many legends associated with the Galvez Hotel, where the painting is located.

1. “Postal stagecoach”, Laura P

Artist Laura P painted the painting from a photograph by professional photographer James Kidd in 1994.

The photograph was taken in Arizona, and the mysticism shrouded near the picture is due to the fact that the artist did not draw a headless figure to the left of the stagecoach.

The author of the picture says that initially this figure did not exist, she did not draw it. When she hung her work in the house, strange things began to happen in it – important documents disappeared, an antique clock that had hung for 40 years fell and broke, and various objects flew in her direction – it felt like someone was throwing them.

Some things even disappeared from the house. After some time, Laura burned the painting, because she did not let her be calm in the house.

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