10 creepy food and diet stories

Everyone has gone on a diet at least once in their life. However, it should be understood that not all diets are useful, and many cause irreparable harm to health. Before you go on a diet, think about what might happen in the end.

10 New Zealander suffers stroke after drinking too much energy drink

10 creepy food and diet stories

The woman gained a lot of extra pounds during pregnancy and decided to lose weight as quickly as possible. She practically stopped eating and began to replace food with Red Bull drink. The woman quickly began to lose weight, but every day she began to feel worse and worse. A few days later she began to lose consciousness, and then the lady had a stroke. A little more than a month the woman had to spend in the hospital to recover. Health has been irreparably damaged.

9. A student went on a strict carrot diet to win an argument with her classmate

10 creepy food and diet stories

In one of the dormitories, a dispute ensued between two students. One girl argued to another that if you eat dishes that consist exclusively of carrots, then the skin color will change and acquire an orange tint. The girls discussed and disagreed with each other for so long that one of them decided to eat only carrots on a dare. As a result, the student ate one carrot for two weeks. Her skin color began to change. She won the argument. But was the victory worth it? After all, the student risked her health, it is important to note that she is still recovering from this terrible diet.

8. Iowa man surprises everyone by going on a strict beer diet

10 creepy food and diet stories

A believing citizen of Iowa once learned an interesting fact about beer: in fact, beer is bread. Such a slightly exaggerated fact, he decided to use during his post. The man decided to live exclusively on beer and water. The first two days were easy for him, but then the man began to feel exhausted. As a result, he was able to spend no more than six days on a “beer diet”. All this time the man felt exhausted and, of course, drunk. It is good that after six days, he nevertheless changed his mind and stopped his dangerous diet.

7. New Zealand native drank 5 bottles of Coca-Cola daily, and it led her to death

10 creepy food and diet stories

The woman drank Coca-Cola in the morning, afternoon and evening. She drank her favorite drink instead of water and tea. The woman became so addicted to Coca-Cola that this bad habit immediately affected her well-being. A citizen of New Zealand constantly felt unwell, of course, because her body was in a state of exhaustion and stress. The case ended with the fact that after a month of using Coca-Cola, the lady died. An autopsy revealed that the victim’s internal organs were damaged by a drink that is certainly harmful if consumed in excess.

6. Biscuit diet ruined the health of an ardent debater

10 creepy food and diet stories

This diet also began with the usual argument. The man wanted to prove to his friend that you can easily lose weight if you eat even the wrong food, but in minimal quantities. It is worth noting that in three weeks the man really lost weight, eating only biscuits, crackers and cookies. But, unfortunately, such a diet cost the man health. He almost immediately felt a lack of strength, lethargy and depression. As a result, having stayed on a diet for a month without a week, the man could not stand it anymore. And the lost kilograms returned in double volume in a month.

5. American chocolate diet has been going on for several years

10 creepy food and diet stories

This resident of America from early childhood was addicted to eating chocolate. Without this delicacy, a girl cannot live a day. Chocolate became a kind of drug for her, and her love for chocolate turned into an addiction. The girl has been eating chocolate for several years and assures others that she feels good. However, many do not believe that the girl was able to maintain her health by eating only chocolate. Doctors also claim that irreversible changes must have taken place in the health and psyche of the girl. Experts say that it is necessary to conduct an examination in order to reveal the hidden diseases of a girl suffering from chocolate addiction.

4. British woman ate only nuggets for about 15 years in a row

10 creepy food and diet stories

This woman simply adored chicken nuggets and decided to eat them all her life. For the first few years, the woman did not even seem to suffer from her addiction, but then she noticed that she was losing her energy and attractiveness. The doctors tried to explain to the girl the danger of the situation, but she was never able to give up her love for nuggets on her own. As a result, the lady lost part of her beauty and almost all of her health. Since there is no place in the diet for vitamins obtained from food.

3. Ardent vegans almost killed their child, wanting to accustom him to their food

10 creepy food and diet stories

The baby, born in a vegan family, ended up in intensive care and survived only by a miracle, thanks to timely treatment. Newly-made parents have always adhered to strict vegan diets, they decided to instill love for them in their child from birth. The kid had to eat only vegetables and fruits, of course, his body was not ready for this. As a result, the child ended up in the hospital, and his parents were held accountable for improper care of the child.

2. A creative person decided to treat his friends with his fat

10 creepy food and diet stories

This horrific situation happened in Denmark quite recently. The young artist got himself a liposuction and decided to save his fat to use as a treat for his buddies. The man has long been known for his outrageous actions, but this action turned out to be beyond all limits. The guests, by the way, were surprised by such a treat.

1. Scandalous TV show where members eat each other piece by piece

10 creepy food and diet stories

Two TV presenters decided to boost their ratings with a shocking show. In this TV show, the hosts cut off small pieces from themselves, which were then sent to the cook. The cook prepared the flesh of the TV presenters, and then sent it to the hall, where the presenters ate it with gusto. Of course, this show has found itself a black glory, however, the presenters were satisfied with their creation.

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