10 creepy facts from the world of science that alarm scientists

The obvious and the incredible. Some riddles are revealed, and it seems that you can calm down and tackle the next one. But no! Almost immediately, a tangle of questions unfolds, without solving which, it is impossible to move on.

in any kind of human activity. At the intersection of specialties, science makes discoveries that help in making diagnoses, preventing diseases, disasters.

10 The face of Hurricane Matthew

10 creepy facts from the world of science that alarm scientists

This is a powerful tropical cyclone over the Caribbean Sea. The wind speed reached 230 km/h. Human lives were carried away, floods swept away everything in its path.

Satellites were filmed behind this natural disaster. The photographs in color were terrifying. Some meteorologists describe the pictures as a “demonic face”, while others describe them as the face of a St. Bernard or skulls with an enigmatic smile.

9. zombie spiders

10 creepy facts from the world of science that alarm scientists

In Ecuador, spiders are described that live in nesting colonies. And they have everything in common. And living together is their hallmark.

However, it was noticed that some individuals leave the group of like-minded people and begin to weave strange cocoons from leaves and cobwebs.

During the autopsy, it was found: in the center of the nest is a spider, in the abdomen of which wasp eggs are laid. The hatched larva begins to feed on the spider. And after 9-11 days it turns into an adult.

Scientists make the assumption that the wasp injects a substance into the victim that paralyzes the latter, and thereby prevents escape. “Zombie” leads to the death of the unfortunate arthropod.

8. ghost robot

10 creepy facts from the world of science that alarm scientists

We are talking about a diagnostic experiment that people agreed to conduct, complaining of the feeling of being watched.

The device was installed behind the subject’s back, where the machine seemed to imitate the movement of a finger along the back. the patient. The synchronism of the device did not cause any alarm.

As soon as his movements ceased to coincide with the apparatus, a feeling of fear arose. Neurophysiologists thus diagnose the pathology of the brain by mapping its damaged areas.

7. Supernatural Song of Jupiter

10 creepy facts from the world of science that alarm scientists

Space has always attracted people with its mystery. When it became technically possible to send unmanned ships into space, it didn’t get any better. Unsolved riddles turned into an avalanche.

Inexplicable today is information from Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system. Such an atmospheric phenomenon as the aurora gives rise to powerful radio emissions. A spacecraft operating in orbit around the planet recorded them.

Already on the ground, the received information was decoded into sound files. It turned out a chilling sound track with viscous, uterine sounds of small, large, subcontroctaves. It is believed that this cacophony of sounds is created by electrons of unknown origin. Research is ongoing.

6. Worm inside a man

10 creepy facts from the world of science that alarm scientists

An unpleasant medical history, from which there is no way to insure. Currently, five of the most dangerous parasites that can live in the human body have been described.

Infection occurs: through the gastrointestinal tract with larvae that find each other in human blood and are fertilized with the development of living individuals; when unprotected walking on the ground or sand in world resorts; through unprotected hands, on the skin of which cracks and even wounds are possible.

And then, the resettlement of parasites begins in their favorite “apartments”: under the mucous membranes of the organs, into the muscles, into the lymphatic bloodstream. Such cohabitation with a person not only complicates the work of damaged organs and systems, but threatens the death of the owner, that is, the person.

5. caroline butcher

10 creepy facts from the world of science that alarm scientists

The modern crocodile leads a semi-aquatic lifestyle, feeds on everything that moves in the water and the coastal strip. 2-5,5 meters long. The maximum grows up to 7 meters.

It moves on land by simply crawling on its stomach and high gait, moving its limbs like all mammals. The progenitor of the modern predator is the crocodile.

Nicknamed the Carolina Butcher, after the location of the remains. In height, the parent reached 275 meters, moved on its hind legs and led a land lifestyle.

The bipedal giant crocodile lived in warm, humid regions. The structure of the jaw and teeth made it possible to draw a conclusion about the exceptionally bloodthirsty nature of the animal.

4. Killer car

10 creepy facts from the world of science that alarm scientists

It’s about artificial intelligence. Created in a computer game. The main task of the player is to accumulate energy that “comes out” of dead enemies, which motivates the character to close combat. This threatens him with death.

And then, if he survived, then the player is invited to kill everyone for tactical purposes. His goals are good. Destroy the traitor and seal the portal through which the forces of darkness entered. And in the end, the rescuer turns into a serial killer before the eyes of the viewer, for which, in addition, he receives encouragement.

There is a danger that the battle to defeat “will spill over into real life.”

3. San Andreas and the second fault

10 creepy facts from the world of science that alarm scientists

The Pacific lithospheric plate is in conflict with the North American. The collision site was called the San Andreas Fault. In fact, this is a huge crack, near which an earthquake zone is formed.

The first earthquake occurred in 1906, the second after 83 years. A third is currently expected.

Seismologists have been warning about it for more than a year. The explanation is found to be disappointing. A second one is forming parallel to the existing fault line. It is she who is holding back a new trouble.

2. spider virus

10 creepy facts from the world of science that alarm scientists

On hearing viruses of the person, mammals. And the fact that spiders and insects suffer is little known. WO virus. It attacks bacteria that parasitize spiders and insects. Its main characteristic is rapid mutation, rapid adaptability.

The virus has a powerful weapon, namely a toxin, which allows it to penetrate the cell membrane and destroy the cell nucleus.

Selectively extracts entire genes from DNA. And what! The gene responsible for the functioning of the immune system, the poisonous gene. What does it mean? That the black widow spider would be people’s best friend?

1. space madness

10 creepy facts from the world of science that alarm scientists In 1961, the first manned spacecraft was put into orbit around the Earth. By 2030, expansion to Mars is planned.

According to available data, technically it is not difficult to perform it, but it is not yet possible to protect astronauts from radiation.

The peculiarity of Mars is that it has a very thin atmosphere and completely lacks a magnetosphere. As a result, this leads to the fact that a person is absolutely not protected from both solar radiation and cosmic radiation, which is created by supernovae.

From the bombardment of ionized particles in the body, many systems collapse. The brain is inflamed. And if a person manages to survive, the intellect will be destroyed. An additional concern is the fact that a similar situation will develop during the mission.

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