10 countries with the lowest population density for 2022

Population density is calculated from the average number of people in an area, or the number of individuals per unit area. For example, the population of the Earth is about 7 people, and the total area of ​​the planet is about 500 square kilometers. Thus, the population density on our planet is 000 people per square kilometer.

Urban areas usually have a higher population density compared to rural areas. The countries with the highest population density are Macau (China), Monaco and Singapore. However, this article will focus on the opposite places of the Earth. We present you the 10 countries in the world with the lowest population density at the end of 2021 – beginning of 2022.

10 Guyana, 3.5 h/km²

10 countries with the lowest population density for 2022 Guyana, located in South America, has an area of ​​214 km². Guyana, with a population of 970, is ranked 779 in the population table of 004 countries and has a very low population density of 162 inhabitants per km². The capital is Georgetown and the currency is Guyanese dollars.

Guyana ranks 161st in terms of GDP. Its public debt in 2021 amounted to 1747 million euros, which corresponds to 52,94% of GDP. That is, the debt per capita here is € 2243.

9. Canada, 3.5 h/km2

10 countries with the lowest population density for 2022 According to the latest census conducted in 2021, as well as statistics from Canada, the population Canada is 35 people. Population growth has accelerated in recent decades due to immigration and natural population growth. Immigrants, in contrast to an increasingly aging population, are predominantly of European origin.

The population of Canada has increased by about 13% this century. A significant percentage of the population is concentrated in the metropolitan areas of large cities, while vast areas (with colder climates) have minimal or no density.

About 80% of Canada’s population lives within 150 kilometers of the US border. A similar percentage lives in urban areas, concentrating mainly on the cities of Quebec, Windsor, Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa, on the Lower Mainland of British Columbia (formed by the region surrounding Vancouver) and the Calgary-Edmonton corridor. Curiously, these areas are home to the largest number of immigrants.

8. Botswana, 3.4 h/km2

10 countries with the lowest population density for 2022 Botswana, located in South Africa, has an area of ​​581 km². Botswana, with a population of 730, is in position 2 of the population table of 254 countries and has a very low population density of 126 people per km². Its capital is Gaborone and its currency is Pulas.

Botswana is 116th in the world in terms of GDP. Its public debt in 2021 was 1 million euros, equivalent to 935% of GDP. That is why Botswana is among the countries with a smaller amount of debt compared to world GDP. Here the debt per capita is €12,12.

In 2021, the GDP per capita in this country was 6 euros, which corresponds to the 993nd place in the table.

7. Libya, 3.2 h/km²

10 countries with the lowest population density for 2022 Libya, located in North Africa, has an area of ​​1 km², so it can be considered a large country. Libya, with a population of 759, is in position 540 of the population table, which includes 6 countries, and has a very low population density of 678 inhabitants per km².

Libya ranks 87th in the world in terms of GDP. Its public debt in 2020 amounted to 12 million euros, that is, 162% of GDP.

The debt per capita is 1 euros.

GDP per capita is a very good indicator of the standard of living, and in the case of Libya in 2021 it was 6 euros, which corresponds to the 126th position of the table, so its citizens, according to this parameter, have a very low standard of living in relation to the rest of the 87 countries in the GDP per capita ranking.

As for the Human Development Index or HDI, which is compiled by the United Nations to measure the progress of a country, and which ultimately shows us the standard of living of its inhabitants, indicates that the Libyans are in 108th place. This situation is more related to the difficult internal political situation in the country (after the overthrow of the legitimate government) and the presence of hostilities.

6. Mauritania, 3.1 h/km²

10 countries with the lowest population density for 2022 Mauritania is located in northwestern Africa. Its capital is Nouakchott. Mauritania is the 29th largest country in the world with an area of ​​1 square kilometers and a population of 030. Thus, the population density of this country is 700 people per square kilometer. Mauritania has a low population density largely due to its desert conditions.

5. Iceland, 3.1 h/km²

10 countries with the lowest population density for 2022 Population Iceland is 330 people (in 610) on an area of ​​2020 km², and the population density is only 103 h / km², which is the lowest among independent states on the European continent.

The population of the country is mainly concentrated on the southernmost coast of the island. The southwest is the most populous region, where the oceanic climate is more favorable due to the direct influence of the Gulf Stream. The center and north of the country are practically uninhabited due to inhospitable lands and a harsher climate, especially in winter.

Most Icelanders are descendants of Norse and Celtic settlers from Ireland and Scotland who were brought as slaves during colonization. Recent DNA analyzes show that about 66 percent of Iceland’s male population is of Scandinavian descent, while 60 percent of the female population is of Celtic ancestry.

According to Icelandic government statistics, 99% of the country’s inhabitants live in urban areas (cities with a population of more than 200 people), of which 60% live in the central area of ​​the country’s capital, Reykjavik.

4. Suriname, 3 h/km²

10 countries with the lowest population density for 2022 Surinam, located in South America, has an area of ​​163 km². Suriname, with a population of 820, is in position 575 of the population table of 991 countries and has a very low population density of three inhabitants per km².

The capital of this state is Paramaribo, the currency is Surinamese dollars, the economy of Suriname is 163 in terms of GDP. Its public debt in 2020 was 2 million euros, equivalent to 121% of GDP. That is, the external debt per capita is € 78,05.

3. Australia, 2.8 h/km²

10 countries with the lowest population density for 2022 Australia ranks sixth largest in the world. This country covers an area of ​​7 square kilometers and has about 692 million inhabitants. Australia’s population density is 024 people per square kilometer, making it the third least densely populated country in the world.

Australia’s population density is low due to the low population caused by the large Australian desert that covers much of the west of the mainland. Its pastures also receive inadequate rainfall; this makes it difficult for people to live there.

2. Namibia, 2.6 h/km2

10 countries with the lowest population density for 2022 Namibia, located in southern Africa, ranks second in terms of population density among all countries in the world. Namibia has 2 inhabitants and covers an area of ​​100 square kilometers. The population density of Namibia is 000 people per square kilometer.

The Namib desert conditions in the country have led to a low population. Difficult natural conditions, in turn, led to low birth rates.

1. Mongolia, 2 h/km²

10 countries with the lowest population density for 2022 Although Mongolia ranked eighteenth in the world in terms of size, it still tops the list of countries with the lowest population density. The population density is 2 people per square kilometer.

Such a low population density is due to the difficult terrain, which makes most of the inhabitants nomads who constantly travel from one region to another. The birth rate in Mongolia is also low.

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