10 countries where homosexuals are overly hated

Each country has its own attitude towards sexual minorities.

In some states, same-sex marriages are legalized, and no one points the finger at gays, because this is quite a common phenomenon.

In a number of countries, usually regions that are subject to Sharia law, same-sex relationships are severely punished, up to and including the death penalty. Gays are imprisoned, beaten, publicly mocked.

Below are 10 countries where homosexuals are overly hated.

10 Pakistan

10 countries where homosexuals are overly hated

In the constitution of this state there is no mention of non-traditional orientation. Accordingly, gays are not criminals, but they can hardly be envied.

The country lives according to Sharia law. Homosexuals are beaten with rods, imprisoned and even killed.

The worst thing is the attitude of relatives. There is a famous story when a father suspected something was wrong and tried to poison his 4-year-old son. Gays are a disgrace, a stain on the reputation of a whole family.

9. Malaysia

10 countries where homosexuals are overly hated

About 60% of Muslims live in Malaysia. Non-traditional sexual orientation is punishable by a prison term of up to 20 years.

There was a scandal here recently. The newspaper published an article in which it was written about the dangers of homosexuality.

They also painted the signs that distinguish a gay man. Human rights activists have tried to defend the interests of sexual minorities, but the situation has not changed.

8. Afghanistan

10 countries where homosexuals are overly hated

Homosexuality is illegal in this country. In areas controlled by the Karzai government, the death penalty for gays has been abolished. In other territories, gay men risk their lives.

There are also milder punishments for representatives of non-traditional sexual orientation – forced marriage or expulsion from the country.

7. United Arab Emirates

10 countries where homosexuals are overly hated

In the UAE, there is only one method of dealing with non-traditional sexual orientation – this is decapitation.

But here is the city of Dubai, which is so loved by tourists. They should be more careful and monitor their behavior.

Once there was a case here when two foreign women who allowed themselves to embrace on the street were put in prison. Then they were returned to their homeland as criminals.

6. Gambia

10 countries where homosexuals are overly hated

Homosexuals in the Gambia are punished with imprisonment. There is no separate article, but you can always blame “unnatural contacts”.

In 2014, a law on “severe forms of homosexuality” was passed. Gay men with HIV or AIDS status, as well as those who have previously been prosecuted, receive a life sentence.

5. Yemen

10 countries where homosexuals are overly hated

Homosexual inclinations in Yemen are considered unnatural. Criminals are punishable by death.

4. Nigeria

10 countries where homosexuals are overly hated

In the northern part of Nigeria, homosexuals are subject to the death penalty. The “guilty” are offered to be stoned.

In the southern part, the laws are less stringent; there, for same-sex love, a prison term of 14 years is assigned.

3. Iraq

10 countries where homosexuals are overly hated

In Iraq, homosexuality is legalized, but often gays become victims of homophobes. They are chased, beaten, killed.

In 2017, the story of two Iraqi soldiers shocked the world. Nayef Khrebid and Btu Allami met in the war, feelings flared up. The men understood that they needed to be careful, and in this country they would not be allowed to be together.

Hrebid was granted U.S. refugee status and tried to get Btu to move. It was not easy, but the men did it. Now they live in Seattle, and are officially married.

2. Somalia

10 countries where homosexuals are overly hated

Sharia law is respected in Somalia. People who raise suspicions about their sexual orientation are executed here.

1. Saudi Arabia

10 countries where homosexuals are overly hated

There is no law in this country that regulates homosexual relations.

Although after the event that took place in 2000, there are probably no gays here either. Three people were beheaded in the central square, in full view of the local population. It is logical that people are simply afraid to admit that they are not like everyone else.

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