10 countries most affected by coronavirus

The coronavirus has quickly spread around the world. At the moment, there are still countries where not a single case of the disease has been registered, but their number is small. Most states are suffering heavy losses due to COVID-19. The lists of those infected and those who could not be saved are updated daily.

There are other consequences of the coronavirus. Many sectors of the economy have suffered, businessmen are suffering losses, not all of them can stay afloat. People are losing their jobs and are left without a livelihood. Of course, the authorities are trying to help those who are in a difficult situation.

Despite the fact that COVID-19 has “walked” almost all over the world, some states have experienced much more difficulties, where most people got sick and died from coronavirus. Below is a ranking of the countries most affected by this pandemic.

For your information: The statistics of infected and dead are as of May 16.

10 Iran

10 countries most affected by coronavirus

Infected: 117 тыс.

The dead: 6,9 тыс.

Back in early March, Iran was in the top three in terms of the number of infected. The first case was recorded on February 19, the virus spread at lightning speed to all provinces. Before the start of the pandemic, the authorities introduced restrictive measures: schools were closed, all events, including religious ones, were canceled.

Iran, however, like all other states, had to deal not only with the virus, but also with economic problems. The government had to choose: the spread of the disease or the impoverishment of the people, therefore, on April 11, part of the restrictions on certain types of business were lifted. There were many disagreements about this, but now the situation in Iran is gradually stabilizing. Over the past 2 hours, the minimum number of deaths (over the past 35 months) has been noted – 19 people died. The Iranian authorities say that they managed to bring the situation with COVID-XNUMX under control.

9. Turkey

10 countries most affected by coronavirus

Infected: 146 тыс.

The dead: 4,05 тыс.

While a pandemic was declared around the world, the first infected was found in Turkey on March 11. It turned out to be a man who arrived from Europe. A month later, Turkey ranked 9th in the top countries in terms of the number of people infected with coronavirus. When the rate of growth of diseases began to grow exponentially, tough measures were introduced, up to a curfew.

As for the economy, on April 26, the authorities announced the end of the epidemic. On May 4, information appeared that Turkey was planning to receive tourists in the summer. Of course, while observing all security measures. Not surprisingly, tourism is one of the most significant components of the economy of this country.

8. Germany

10 countries most affected by coronavirus

Infected: 176 тыс.

The dead: 8 тыс.

The first case of infection was on January 27. The virus began to spread, most of the sick arrived from the ski resorts in Italy. Germany has made great strides in the fight against the coronavirus. Yes, she was in the top ten in terms of the number of infected, but the level of deaths is low. The fact is that German hospitals are well equipped. People got the help they needed in time. Now the epidemic in Germany is on the decline.

Economy Minister Peter Altmaier assessed the impact of the coronavirus on the economy. According to him, Germany has not been in such a difficult position since the Second World War. Despite the anti-crisis measures taken, many enterprises are forced to close.

7. Brazil

10 countries most affected by coronavirus

Infected: 220 тыс.

The dead: 15 тыс.

The first positive test for coronavirus is February 26. Subject to security measures, the country would have reached a plateau long ago. That’s just the President of Brazil behaved unusually. Jair Bolsanaru believes that the threat of coronavirus is exaggerated. Deputies and local authorities do not agree with this opinion. While the authorities are sorting out which of them is right and who is not, the number of cases is increasing every day. Brazil has already set anti-records several times, repeatedly leading the ranking in terms of the number of infected.

Even in such a situation, local authorities are trying to normalize the economic life of the country.

6. France

10 countries most affected by coronavirus

Infected: 142 тыс.

The dead: 27,5 тыс.

In France, the coronavirus epidemic began at the end of January. Time was lost, the authorities did not take any measures, comparing the virus with the common cold. Only in mid-March, quarantine was announced, but it was too late. The numbers speak for themselves – too many deaths.

It is still too early to talk about stabilization; an increase in the number of diseases is expected in the near future. The government decided to end the quarantine, frightened by the current economic situation. The authorities say that people should go to work, even despite the virus.

5. Italy

10 countries most affected by coronavirus

Infected: 224 тыс.

The dead: 31,6 тыс.

Events in Italy unfolded according to a similar scenario. On January 31, two Chinese tourists brought COVID-19 to Rome; at the end of February, the country already closed the top three in terms of the number of cases. The Italians did not experience fear of the coronavirus, they led the same way of life. At the moment, the situation has improved, but the fight against coronavirus is not over yet.

Since May 4, the country has been gradually lifting restrictions, most enterprises are returning to the previous regime. In early summer, Italy plans to open its borders.

4. United Kingdom

10 countries most affected by coronavirus

Infected: 237 тыс.

The dead: 34 тыс.

On January 31, the first cases of coronavirus were detected. On March 7, restrictive measures were introduced, but they did not help, the virus quickly spread throughout the country. On March 23, measures were tightened, quarantine was introduced. Soon Great Britain caught up and even overtook Italy. In addition, information appeared in the media that testing was not properly established on British territory. There is an assumption that the real numbers are much higher.

On May 11, the country returns to its former life. Restrictions are being lifted, but the authorities are ready for the number of infected to increase.

3. Spain

10 countries most affected by coronavirus

Infected: 231 тыс.

The dead: 27,6 тыс.

Coronavirus hit the territory of Spain at the end of January. On March 13, it was known that there are infected people in all provinces of the country. Unfortunately, the Spanish healthcare system was not ready for such a flow of patients. Hospitalized only “heavy”.

Not the last role was played by the fact that the Spanish authorities did not interfere with the holding of mass events, as well as the lack of ventilators, tests, and protective equipment for medical personnel. On March 16, a state of emergency was declared in the country.

It is believed that the Spanish economy was in the most difficult position compared to other EU countries. According to forecasts, a fifth of the population may be left without work.

2. Russia

10 countries most affected by coronavirus

Infected: 272 тыс.

The dead: 2,5 тыс.

At the end of January, two cases of coronavirus infection were recorded in Russia. Every effort was made to buy time for the preparation of medical services. Managed to contain the pace of the spread of coronavirus, however, now Russia ranks second in terms of the number of diseases. On the other hand, our country has the lowest mortality rate (among those in the top ten). Although it is too early to draw conclusions, Russia has not reached a plateau, and a record number of deaths have been recorded over the past two days.

COVID-19 has dealt a severe blow to the Russian economy, and small and medium-sized businesses have been hit hard. The situation was further complicated by falling oil prices and lower demand for Russian exports.

1. USA

10 countries most affected by coronavirus

Infected: 1,47 million

The dead: 88,2 тыс.

The coronavirus began to spread at the end of January. At first it seemed that the situation was under control. In two months – less than 100 dead. Further, the situation deteriorated greatly. The US healthcare system is very specific – most hospitals are private and do not depend on anyone. The shortage of ventilators and protective suits for health workers has done its job. The United States could have prepared for a pandemic, but the authorities did not. The delay was too costly. The situation has not yet stabilized, and since March 27, the United States has become the undisputed leader in the number of infected people.

The richest country with the largest economy in the world fell into a depression. Companies close, unemployment rises. Trump promises “incredible recovery”, but so far these are just words.

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