10 cooking tricks that will surprise you

10 cooking tricks that will surprise you

From Food Service Magazine we do not stop thinking with what advice we can surprise you in our next article, what leisure and current news will you be most interested in discovering or what modern or traditional dishes we can help you prepare.

However, Today we have decided to prepare a somewhat different article: 10 cooking tricks that you probably do not know, but that will help you save time and energy.

All of them, below:

1. Remove the strong smell of a container

It has ever happened to all of us that we store some food with a strong smell that we later cannot eliminate. To get it, fill it with crumpled newspaper and leave it closed for a couple of days. With this simple tricks you will see how, almost by magic, the smell disappears.

2. How to grate white cheeses

To grate and gratin, in a thin layer, cheeses such as mozzarella, brie or nipple cheese, you just have to put them in the freezer for about 30 minutes. This way they will have a more manageable texture.

3. Avoid cross contamination between raw meat and fish and fruits

When you use the same cutting board, you cause cross contamination between raw meat and fish and fruits and vegetables. It is important that you prevent this from happening, for which we recommend buy two boards of different colors. The same is done in the hospitality industry.

4. Peel a ginger root

Peeling a ginger root with very fine skin or full of nooks is quite complicated and exasperating when we try to do it with a peeler or knife. But nevertheless, try it with a spoon: scratch the root of the ginger and you will see how to remove the skin is quite simple and fast. In addition, you will not leave half a piece in the attempt.

5. What to do with the leftover coffee?

Use a cooler to make cubes with your leftover coffee. And after freezing them, add them to the milk. In this way, you can enjoy your café con heelo without having to endure the watery effect.

6. How to remove soil from potatoes

Being given garden potatoes is a luxury. However, many times they are full of soil, and we have to spend half an hour rubbing them. To remove all the sand with little effort, rinse it under the tap for a while to remove as much of the dirt as possible. And, after doing so, put them in the dishwasher (without soap, of course) programming a fast and cold cycle. In this way, the earth will disappear.

7. The best way to prepare homemade popcorn

When we use fresh corn kernels, the popcorn is perfect. However, when these kernels are not as fresh, it takes a long time for the popcorn to pop or not pop (so it burns sooner). So, if you want to prepare some popcorn, but you have stored it for a while, follow this recommendation: soak the beans in water for 10 minutes and drain. Then prepare them as usual, and enjoy the result.

8. Are you unable to eat fruit?

If you are unable to eat fruit, try the following: place on the counter, or in the middle of the kitchen, a bowl of cherries, a slice of watermelon or bananas (to give some examples). In this way, the fruit will be much more likely to enter your eyes.

9. How to spread the butter

When butter is very cold, it is impossible to spread it on toast. Try grating it on top of the bread instead of cutting it and trying to smear it. In this way you will achieve the desired result in seconds.

10. Learn how to peel a banana

Bananas peel much better from the base. So, stop peeling it from the tip (like everyone else does).

We hope you apply some of these cooking tips. And, of course, do not hesitate to visit our blog to find gastronomic news, leisure, recipes, and much more.

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