10 common things that happen to have an expiration date

Everyone is used to the fact that the expiration date is an important parameter exclusively for food products, especially for dairy and meat products.

If an expired jar of yogurt is lying around in the refrigerator, then it will certainly go to the trash can, but at the same time, almost no one even thinks that it might be time to throw away the mattress or comb too.

Things that are customary to change only when they are worn out, in fact, also have their own expiration date.

After reading this material, you will probably wonder how long ago you bought shoes, a pillow or a bath towel.

10 Slippers

10 common things that happen to have an expiration date

Home slippers, if they are of good quality, can last more than one year, although they need to be changed every 6 months.

Think about how often you put them on dirty socks, wet feet, or even let guests vilify them at all? This treatment leads to the appearance of germs and bacteria, which can cause fungus.

Washing, which seems like an obvious solution to this problem, is not really a panacea, as many microorganisms will still survive.

9. Sunglasses

10 common things that happen to have an expiration date

As a rule, sunglasses are changed for 4 main reasons: broken, lost, scratched or just wanted new ones.

On the streets, you can often meet pensioners wearing glasses made during the Soviet Union, but no matter how high-quality things were made then, it is high time to throw them away.

The ultraviolet coating on the glasses that protects the eyes from the sun completely fades in 2 years, after which the glasses become useless. Just an accessory that allows you not to squint in the sun, but no longer protects your eyes.

8. Cutting Boards

10 common things that happen to have an expiration date

A cutting board, especially a wooden one, is a real paradise for all kinds of bacteria.

From regular use, scratches appear on them, in which dirt accumulates, and regular contact with water only aggravates everything.

No matter how carefully you wash the board, you still won’t be able to make it safe, therefore, if the product is more than 3 years old, it’s time to replace it with a new one.

Plastic, by the way, are more practical and durable.

7. Comb

10 common things that happen to have an expiration date

Any comb, be it a massage brush or a simple comb, needs weekly cleaning.

Most people follow this rule, but there is a second rule: buy a new comb at least once a year.

From frequent use, sebum and small fragments of dead skin cells accumulate on the surface, which, of course, cannot lead to anything good.

Using a very old comb threatens not only with dandruff, but also with alopecia: partial or complete hair loss.

6. A blanket

10 common things that happen to have an expiration date

A modern blanket made of synthetic material can last up to 10 years, but only if it is carefully looked after.

Otherwise, it’s worth thinking about replacing after 5 years, because microbes also accumulate in it, which can migrate to your body during sleep.

The most harmless thing that will happen in this case is itching and redness of the skin, which is already quite unpleasant, but more serious problems can develop.

5. Pillow

10 common things that happen to have an expiration date

A pillow, one of the most important components of a comfortable sleep, cannot boast such a long lifespan as a blanket.

Regardless of what it is made of, it needs to be changed every 2 years. Even if you carefully looked after her and did not go to bed with a dirty head, she still loses her shape during this time, and microbes start up inside. They, as in the case of a blanket, will definitely not bring you any benefit.

4. Mattress

10 common things that happen to have an expiration date

A mattress, like a blanket with a pillow, is considered a durable thing. In theory, and in practice, too, they can be used for decades, but if you look at it from a hygiene point of view, the numbers are completely different.

Modern frameless mattresses “live” no longer than 10 years. This age is the ceiling for an expensive and high-quality product, and if a simpler option was bought, then it should be sent to a landfill much earlier.

3. Bra

10 common things that happen to have an expiration date

Every girl has a favorite bra that is comfortable, beautiful and generally perfect.

Some ladies (for example, with curvaceous forms) are lucky to find one, so I don’t want to change it at all.

Alas, it is still necessary to do this once every one and a half to two years. The fact is that sweat-fat deposits accumulate in the cups, as well as pieces of dead skin tissue that are not completely removed during washing.

In addition, after a couple of years, the bra loses its shape, stretches, and looks completely different than it once was.

2. Bath towels

10 common things that happen to have an expiration date

Despite the fact that the bathroom is designed to give cleanliness, it is one of the most polluted places in the house.

High humidity, which is greatly exacerbated by poor ventilation and temperature changes, creates excellent conditions for the reproduction of various parasites. Their favorite habitats are crevices and other hard-to-reach places, and from what is visible, they are very fond of towels.

There is only one way out: wash them more often using quality products. Unfortunately, although this helps, it causes another problem – fabric wear. The pile becomes rough, the towel begins to “bald” and fade, so it becomes unpleasant to use it.

There is only one solution that is 100% effective – change it at least once every 3 years. If you are a man who has one towel for all parts of the body, then you should do this more often.

1. Sport shoes

10 common things that happen to have an expiration date

If the sneakers are several years old, then many consider this a sign of quality and do not even think about going to the store for a new pair.

In fact, you can’t do this, especially if you play sports in these shoes.

Sneakers or sneakers, no matter what brand they are, eventually lose their shock-absorbing properties. This means that the joints, which sports shoes should protect, remain defenseless.

In addition, the insole also wears out, or rather, it stops absorbing moisture, which can cause the already mentioned fungus to develop.

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