10 Common Maternity Hospital Myths That Scare Expectant Mothers

Most pregnant women think about the upcoming birth with horror. “How can you be afraid of what you don’t know?”, the most daring argue, and they are partly right.

Still, the biggest fear is the unknown. The girls do not know what awaits them outside the walls of the hospital. They begin to collect information, since there is more than enough time on maternity leave.

The easiest way is forums in social networks, stories of friends and acquaintances. By the way, women who have children do not always “sit” on such forums. Some do not even think about the child, but give advice and provide implausible information, because they simply have nothing to do, and they consider themselves experts in all areas.

This is how myths about the maternity hospital appear, which it is not clear who and when invented. Pregnant girls believe them and are afraid to get to the hospital ahead of time. From this article you will find out how things really are in the maternity hospital. Maybe she will help you allay your fears and create a positive attitude towards childbirth.

10 Mobile phone ban

10 Common Maternity Hospital Myths That Scare Expectant Mothers

Women are afraid of being left without communication when they are put in pathology. You should not be afraid, no one will take your phone away from you. He will be with you in pathology, in the delivery room, and in the postpartum ward.

Doctors are loyal to mobile phones and do not prohibit the use of them. During childbirth, many girls listen to soothing music or call loved ones. Such calls help to endure pain during contractions.

When active labor activity begins, you will no longer be up to the phone. After giving birth, you will have the opportunity to inform your husband and relatives about the joyful event. In the postpartum department, there is no ban on the use of mobile communications either.

9. Caught in pathology is kept until childbirth

10 Common Maternity Hospital Myths That Scare Expectant Mothers

Every pregnant woman dreams of not getting into pathology. If there are any health problems during pregnancy, there is no other way out.

No one will keep you there if it’s not necessary. If the period is short, after treatment you will be allowed to go home.

Girls who ended up in the hospital for a long time are also released. Of course, only if there is still time before the birth.

If the deadline has already come, and there are no harbingers of childbirth, then the pregnant woman is put in pathology. Such women are discharged only after childbirth.

8. Queues for treatment rooms

10 Common Maternity Hospital Myths That Scare Expectant Mothers

Do not confuse the maternity hospital and clinic with grandmothers. You will definitely not see such queues there. If we talk about the pathology department, then small queues may arise, but there you have nowhere to rush.

In the delivery room, an obstetrician and a doctor will observe you, there is no need to talk about queues there. In the postpartum ward, you will have to go for procedures.

As a rule, doctors try to do everything faster and let mothers go to babies. Usually patients are called in turn, so as not to create a flea market.

7. Those who arrive early are stimulated by contractions

10 Common Maternity Hospital Myths That Scare Expectant Mothers

If you need to arrive at the hospital early for any reason, do not be afraid of stimulation. Doctors will not carry out this procedure if the deadline has not yet come.

They will stimulate if the child is not in a hurry to be born, and all the deadlines have already passed.

If you have a similar situation, do not give up stimulation. If a woman in labor moves, this poses a threat to her life and the life of the child. Trust the doctors, they will not impose on you what is not necessary.

6. Visitors are not allowed

10 Common Maternity Hospital Myths That Scare Expectant Mothers

Some maternity hospitals do not allow visitors, but recently there have been fewer of them. Now they say a lot that after birth, a child should see not only mom, but also dad.

In ordinary maternity hospitals, men are allowed to visit during the hours allotted for this. The husband needs to have a fresh fluorography and comply with a number of additional conditions.

Do not forget that each maternity hospital has its own rules. You will have a much better chance of visiting if you choose a paid room.

5. Bad conditions

10 Common Maternity Hospital Myths That Scare Expectant Mothers

Women who have been in the hospital at least once think that the conditions in the maternity hospital are exactly the same. In fact, everything is done there for the comfort of women in labor.

In some perinatal centers, each room has a separate toilet, shower, and even a TV. Even if you do not get into such conditions, you will not have to queue to wash.

If you’re worried about food, the food there is pretty good too. Again, the newly-made mother will have to think for herself what is possible and what is not.

Sometimes on the menu you can see borsch or mashed potatoes, which will cause gas in the child. Of course, if the mother is breastfeeding.

In any case, you can ask your relatives to bring you something to eat. Do not forget that there is a certain list of allowed products.

4. In prenatal patient all alone

10 Common Maternity Hospital Myths That Scare Expectant Mothers

When labor activity begins, the patient is escorted to the delivery room, where she is waiting for the birth of the child. Indeed, all this time the woman is alone, but she is constantly looked after.

An obstetrician and a doctor come and check her condition. When attempts begin, a doctor, an obstetrician and a neonatologist should be next to the patient.

Unfortunately, if the flow of women in labor is too large in the maternity hospital, doctors simply do not have time to pay due attention to all women. Don’t worry, during contractions (if everything goes right), you don’t need a doctor.

If you are afraid that attempts will begin, and there will be no one around, consider the option of partner childbirth. Then at the crucial moment you will definitely not be left alone. This does not have to be a husband, your mother or sister can be present at the birth.

3. Wild pains in childbirth

10 Common Maternity Hospital Myths That Scare Expectant Mothers

Women, having heard enough of the horrifying details from those who have already been lucky enough to give birth, are in a state of panic. Of course, giving birth is not very pleasant.

It will hurt. That’s just not a day and not 12 hours in a row, as your friend says. First, you will have contractions. Each woman tolerates them differently, but usually they are more or less tolerable.

The closer the moment of childbirth, the more painful it will be. The main thing is to obey the doctors and not to panic. If possible, you can attend classes where they teach you how to breathe correctly during childbirth. Be that as it may, think that very soon you will meet with your baby, and for this it is worth a little patience.

2. The child is immediately taken away from the mother

10 Common Maternity Hospital Myths That Scare Expectant Mothers

Several decades ago, children were taken away from their mothers. Now doctors recommend that mothers put the baby to the breast right in the delivery room. After childbirth, all the necessary manipulations are carried out with the baby.

If nothing threatens the health of the child, he is left for a couple of hours with his mother, then they are transferred together to the postpartum ward.

Women who gave birth by caesarean section are taken to intensive care, then the child is really taken away. If this happens, then you will still be allowed to look at the baby and only then they will take him to the children’s department.

1. May confuse children

10 Common Maternity Hospital Myths That Scare Expectant Mothers

This is the most common fear of new parents. The doctors laugh at him and say it’s impossible. Now, on both hands, the crumbs immediately after childbirth are put on bracelets with the name and surname of the mother. They can be removed with some effort.

In addition, if the birth took place naturally, the child and mother after the birth are taken together to the postpartum department. Also, mothers usually take pictures of their newborn babies in order to send a photo to dad and other relatives.

If you have any doubts, you can check the photo. Particularly anxious mothers look for birthmarks or other unusual marks on the child’s body by which he can be recognized.

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