10 common childfree myths

In our world, there are many stereotypes that are difficult for many to get rid of. Stereotypes are associated with “ossified” thinking, a person cannot perceive something new and different, something that does not correspond to his ideals and worldview.

For example, they think about childfree people that these people are cruel egoists and hate children. But it’s not! Childfree are people who decide they don’t want kids, but that doesn’t mean they hate them.

In this article, you will learn 10 myths about childfree and, perhaps, look at this culture in a different way.

10 Childfree impose their position on others

10 common childfree myths

Many people, having seen a childfree community in any social network, believe that these people are promoting their ideology and imposing their worldview on others. But think for yourself… why would they? After all, this is not a sect that gathers members to promote their life position.

Childfree does not impose anything on anyone, and everyone has communities, for example: “Mommies and babies”, “A child is a miracle”, and everything like that. Any community can be called propaganda, but it is not. People just communicate and share their stories, their world, like everyone else.

9. Childfree hate children and mothers who demand benefits from the state

10 common childfree myths

This, of course, is not true. Childfrees may love children (such as their nephews, younger siblings), but their values ​​are different – it’s possible that in the first place people have a desire to build a career or travel alone. Hatred has nothing to do with it, people just do not want to have children and raise them.

Yes, there are also deto-haters among childfrees (they are called childheit), but rarely. And the childfree question about why people have children and then demand help from the state can be quite justified – after all, first of all, this suggests that parents are irresponsible, since they did not think about the maintenance of their unborn child in advance.

8. Children are not born either sick or infertile

10 common childfree myths

For some reason, people believe that everyone (mostly women) should want children, and if they don’t, there is a reason: people either have something wrong with their heads, or people cannot have children.

But reproductive function should not determine human life – we are not animals that are not able to think. For example, everyone can sign up for shooting, but not everyone does it – because we can choose what we want and what we don’t.

The same is true with children. The unwillingness of a child is not a psychological problem, but a conscious choice.

7. Childfree cannot have children because there is no one to be with.

10 common childfree myths

There is one universal phrase that is often heard by childfree and gay women: “You just didn’t have a normal man!” What “normal” means and why it should change everything is still not clear … “Normal” is a very subjective concept, and this phrase is at least inappropriate.

In addition, many childfrees are a couple consisting of a woman and a man, who, by the way, can be happier than their neighbors with children living next door.

6. Children are the meaning of life, childfree life is empty

10 common childfree myths

Whose meaning is life? Everyone has their own ideology, and if for someone the meaning of life is a child and his upbringing, this does not mean that everyone sees the meaning in the same. About the emptiness of life is a very controversial statement … Many people who live as a family with their children lead a very empty and uninteresting life, while childfree people live rich and rich.

Someone finds happiness in caring for children, someone likes to paint and live alone, and someone travels and enjoys life … Everyone has their own meaning.

5. When the childless are retired, the state will support them at the expense of the taxes of our children

10 common childfree myths

Hearing this is very strange, because childfree, like everyone else, pay taxes, and they go to support families from the state – in the form of maternity payments, free education, medical care.

The childfree pension depends on how much taxes they pay now. If you delve into this issue, it turns out that childfree even overpay for those services that they will never use.

They certainly have no purpose to get your offspring’s money.

4. Childfree are doomed to a lonely old age, they will have no one to serve a glass of water

10 common childfree myths

Children are not a guarantee of a carefree old age in love and care. A child can move away, get sick, refuse to care for their elderly parents and send them to a nursing home – anything can happen …

Many grown-up children start their own families and they simply do not have time for their elderly parents. Maybe they’ll bring a glass of water, but they definitely won’t be around all the time.

Loneliness is normal, we are born and die alone. In addition, who is better – chaifldry or those who have children – is unknown … After all, childfree can live for their own pleasure without worrying about their children. Many people have children only out of fear of being single.

3. If childfree does not give birth, then humanity will die out

10 common childfree myths

The earth is inhabited by more than 7,5 billion people, and childfree is very small for it to threaten extinction. 90% of people become parents.

Yes, every year there are more and more childfree, as well as those who are more conscious about conceiving a child. This is much better than abandoned unwanted children in shelters …

Besides, why are people so concerned about this issue of extinction?

2. A woman without children is unnatural

10 common childfree myths

Women are still under the yoke of stereotypes. Yes, they have the opportunity to conceive a child, but to do it or not is everyone’s business.

Sometimes a paradox happens – infertile women who dream of children are condemning childfree, thinking: “How can you refuse children? After all, this is a blessing of God … “

It’s not a blessing, it’s fertility. The birth of a child is not a duty imposed by nature, but an opportunity – to use it or not, each woman decides for herself.

1. Previously, there were no people with such beliefs.

10 common childfree myths

Previously, there was not a lot of things … Therefore, people had to hide, impersonate someone else, etc. The childfree movement arose in the XNUMXth century – it is quite young, but this does not mean that people used to have children with great pleasure. People simply had no choice, the opinion of a person did not matter.

However, in history there are cases of infanticide, methods of abortion, staff of nannies who took care of children if the mother did not want to raise her offspring. This proves that it is better to have open beliefs than to pretend that everything is fine and torture yourself.

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