10 commandments for dieters

Achieving the perfect figure is not easy. Exhausting diets, physical activity, constant restrictions. It seems that in the life of losing weight there are no joys. They cannot sit with friends in a cafe or go to visit, because they know by heart what others will say to them: “Nothing will happen from one slice of pizza. And from the second. And there are only 100 calories in 500 grams of chips.”

It is doubly hard for those who have to cook normal food for the family, and sit on lettuce leaves and kefir themselves. Triple for those who sit at the festive table. Relatives and friends are happy to eat mayonnaise salads and potatoes with pork, and the losing weight is running out of willpower. There is a way out: there are commandments for losing weight. They will silence your conscience and allow you to eat what you want without unnecessary worries. Just don’t be surprised if you soon have a few extra pounds. Below is the top 10 funny commandments for dieters.

10 Food from someone else’s plate has no energy value

It is very difficult for people who are on a diet to resist the temptation. At the feast, their plate will always be empty. The maximum that can be seen on it is a couple of slices of cucumber and a lettuce leaf. But on the other hand, from the plate of a husband, friend, girlfriend, sister, you can try anything. “I’ll just try,” says the losing weight. He is sure that he will not get better from a small piece of pork. And half a piece of cake, a couple of sweets, a fat salad. “I didn’t eat anything,” the person thinks at the end of the holiday. Indeed, a couple of slices of cucumber and a lettuce leaf are still on his plate. And a person who is losing weight is not tormented by conscience, he does not think that, taking a sample, he added two daily calories to his diet.

9. At parties you can eat anything

Losing weight people are sure that during the holidays you can not deny yourself anything. They think that they will burn all the calories that come in by socializing and dancing. So, if you talk and eat at the same time, you can burn 93 calories per hour. Slow dancing will help burn about 200, and fast dancing up to 300 calories per hour. Wait a minute, a martini glass adds 145 calories and a slice of cake adds 300 calories or more. Most people at a party are not limited to a couple of glasses, and, as you know, alcohol awakens a brutal appetite, and many simply lose control of themselves. If you want to lose weight, replace food with socializing and dancing and control the amount of alcoholic beverages.

8. You can eat anything called salad

Those who are on a diet believe that lettuce leaves are a panacea for all ills, for sure from extra pounds. You can eat them with high-calorie sauce or mayonnaise. And if you wrap something fatty in a lettuce leaf, then the fat is neutralized and becomes harmless to the figure. Also, many believe that all food called “salad” will not cause any harm to the figure. “It’s a salad,” exclaims losing weight, eating a herring under a fur coat and Olivier. Do not be fooled if you dream of losing weight, mayonnaise salads will not help you with this. Yes, by the way, many salads with butter are also not as harmless as they might seem at first glance.

7. Pieces of sweets and cookies are not high in calories

And those who think about proper nutrition eat pieces of cookies and sweets without fear. Surely they think that calories are contained only in products whose integrity is not broken. Therefore, you can safely break off a piece of cookies, sweets, eat a spoonful of ice cream or cake. You already know what the habit of trying food from a table neighbor can lead to. So half a candy with fudge will pull out about 30 calories. Of course, this is very little, but not a single person will be limited to half a candy. He decides to try another candy with marmalade filling, bird’s milk, coconut cookies, waffle. And this is not only calories, but also carbohydrates, the use of which must be limited.

6. The number of calories divided by the number of people

If you eat not alone, but in the company, the number of calories decreases. It is not known who came up with this myth, but many people really think so. In fact, the feeling of fear is dulled: “Everyone eats, why am I worse? At least I’m not the only one who’ll be fat.” You should be more careful about what you eat at friendly gatherings or dinners in the company of relatives. Do not look at the slender girlfriend who bites the cake with sausage, perhaps she has an excellent metabolism and she has never faced the problem of being overweight. Watch what you eat, not your relatives and friends.

5. In exceptional situations, you can eat sweets

Many believe that in difficult situations, you can please yourself with delicious food without a twinge of conscience. But any situation becomes difficult for them. Ice cream is a great antidepressant. It will cheer you up if you had a fight with your loved one, were reprimanded at work, ruined your dress. Even in case of bad weather, this tool works great. Chocolate is generally a valuable product, without it the brain refuses to work. So every day you can please yourself, cheer up and stimulate brain activity. If you absolutely cannot live without sweets, limit yourself to a couple of slices of dark chocolate in the morning. You can occasionally allow yourself ice cream, but not more than once a week.

4. When cooking, you can taste without risk to the figure

Most women and some men think so. Calories are contained only in the finished dish, so you can try as much as you like. If you doubt the taste of a cooked dish, try it, just count these calories. After all, if you are on a diet, and you yourself have tried a high-calorie dish that you cook for your man many times, imagine how many calories you consumed. In this case, it will be better if you sit down at the table and eat fully. At least you will count the calories eaten, and you won’t think that you had dinner with one glass of kefir.

3. You can eat everything in the cinema

The food at the cinema is also calorie-free, it’s just part of the entertainment. Popcorn, pizza, soft drinks. Are you still up for some fun? Extra pounds do not appear out of nowhere. For many people, relaxation and entertainment is associated with food. If you want to lose weight, you should learn to have fun in a different way. You come to the cinema to watch a movie, not to eat. In addition, it is contraindicated to combine watching a movie and eating. After all, when a person watches something interesting, he does not feel the taste of food and does not control the amount of food eaten.

2. Diet soda helps you lose weight

Not so long ago, a new product appeared on the market – diet sparkling water. How did people live without this product before? Now you can drink liters of sweet water. Moreover, it neutralizes fats and extra calories from hamburgers, french fries and other McDonald’s delicacies. Diet soda is indeed calorie-free, yet after drinking it, blood sugar levels rise. The risk of a breakdown increases, a person feels a strong hunger, which is very difficult to resist. And the sweeteners that are included in it do not differ in useful properties.

1. If you eat while standing, you won’t get fat

Another commandment that those who lose weight unconditionally believe in. If you eat while standing, on the run, on the fly, in the dance, calories are immediately spent. It is best if you eat sitting at the table, without being distracted by the phone and TV. You must feel the taste of food, enjoy it, chew it thoroughly. Then you will be satisfied with less food, after half an hour you will not want to eat. Don’t eat on the run. Concentrate on your feelings, do not swallow food. Soon your figure will thank you.

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