10 cheap pharmaceutical preparations that can easily replace cosmetics

From the pages of glossy magazines and TV screens, industrial concerns convince women that it is their innovative drug that will solve all the problems with acne, dehydrated skin, mimic wrinkles and rosacea. Now cosmetologists have joined this whole aesthetic epic, who actively sell very expensive cosmetics by weight for home care, as well as their regular services and procedures, which often have a one-time visual effect. We, as consumers, get hooked on this business very quickly, because here it is beautiful skin, and in a day or two it is already shiny and faded. A lot of money is carried away to supermarkets and beauty parlors to buy “something” for superficial, shallow care. Unfortunately, this “something” often does not work and is not worth the money thrown to the wind.

Enterprising girls, as always, have learned to replace one with another and save where, it would seem, there is no chance. We offer you 10 amazing affordable pharmacy products that help to comprehensively care for our skin and, unlike cosmetic products, really work.

10 Salicylic alcohol and salicylic ointment

10 cheap pharmaceutical preparations that can easily replace cosmetics

An inexpensive and simple remedy perfectly dries the skin, helps fight wounds and cracks, sores and erosions, soaked burns. The component has a good effect on inflamed acne, reducing soreness and redness. The drying effect makes it possible to use the product for the treatment of oily facial skin, clogged pores and excessive secretion of fat. It is also used to eliminate oily seborrhea of ​​​​the scalp, which will reduce greasiness on the hair roots and prolong their well-groomed condition. The ointment exfoliates the epidermis well, and alcohol produces an antibacterial effect.

9. Zinc ointment

10 cheap pharmaceutical preparations that can easily replace cosmetics

According to the method of action on acne and blackheads, it resembles the previous described option. Produces antiseptic, astringent and anti-inflammatory effect. It is enough to apply the ointment pointwise to the local inflammation and let it dry, after which the residues should be removed with a damp sponge. With it, you can go to bed at night – so the effect of the component will last longer. Remember that zinc dries the epidermis very much, so apply only pointwise, and after rinsing, treat the skin with a nourishing or moisturizing agent. The price of the issue of treating pimples is about 40 rubles.

8. Hydrogen peroxide

10 cheap pharmaceutical preparations that can easily replace cosmetics

Almost every person in the pharmacy has a means to stop the blood. Such a cheap and popular antiseptic is idle and evaporates for months, but it can serve our skin well. You can dilute the drug with water in half and use daily as an antibacterial facial tonic. Wipe clean skin after washing, which will remove the remnants of pollution, disinfect cracks and wounds, and stop the inflammatory process. Do not forget to apply a moisturizer after the product, as peroxide also dries out the epidermis. As a bonus, you get a brighter, more even complexion, as the peroxide helps eliminate pigmentation. Surprisingly, the drug can be used under your usual deodorant or instead of it, which will eliminate unpleasant body odor without clogging the sweat glands.

7. Retinoic ointment

10 cheap pharmaceutical preparations that can easily replace cosmetics

In fact, the product is based on retinol or vitamin A, which is considered one of the main “beauty vitamins”. It is involved in the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the tone, elasticity and youthfulness of the epidermis. Also, the use of the ointment will get rid of acne, blackheads, dermatitis and other rashes. Do not expect a noticeable smoothing of wrinkles from it, but it is quite an improvement in complexion and skin turgor. It also eliminates irritation and dryness of the skin after severe winter frosts. Apply the product at night, then wash your face thoroughly in the morning. Remember that retinol conflicts with the sun’s rays, so if you use it during the daytime, pigmentation may occur on the skin. The price of retinoic ointment fluctuates around 200 rubles.

6. Tincture of calendula

10 cheap pharmaceutical preparations that can easily replace cosmetics

Alcohol tincture on flowers is one of the cheapest, easy to use and economical in terms of consumption of acne and inflammation remedies. Dip a cotton swab in the tincture and apply the product pointwise to the inflamed areas, blackheads and pimples several times a day (preferably 3-4). The tool dries acne well, stops the process of their maturation and eliminates redness. If diluted with water in half, it can also be used as an anti-inflammatory tonic for blackheads and sebum. The price of a bottle is about 40 rubles.

5. Aevit

10 cheap pharmaceutical preparations that can easily replace cosmetics

Aevit is not only vitamins in the form of tablets for oral administration. You can purchase capsules with a liquid solution of “beauty vitamins” A and E – the most powerful duet against fading skin, weak eyelashes and sparse eyebrows. Just crush one capsule and spread the composition over the entire face, as well as eyebrows and eyelashes (use a special brush). Vitamins are quickly absorbed and begin to act on the epidermis. The course of treatment is 2 weeks of daily use, and then as maintenance therapy.

4. Bodyguard

10 cheap pharmaceutical preparations that can easily replace cosmetics

This remedy was used for cosmetic purposes even by our ancestors due to its versatility. Bodyaga polishes the epidermis, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, promotes skin regeneration, slightly reduces the external manifestations of scars and stretch marks, and helps to resolve hematomas. The product is sold in the form of a powder (mix with water and peroxide) or a finished gel, cream. The freshwater sponge that is included in the product may cause a burning or stinging effect within 5-10 minutes. After the mask, the blood rushes profusely to the skin of the face, so for several hours it may be a little reddened. The price of the product is about 80 rubles, which is quite affordable for the average Russian pocket.

3. Vitamin E

10 cheap pharmaceutical preparations that can easily replace cosmetics

The second “beauty vitamin”, better known in medicine as tocopherol, is sold in pharmacies in the form of a solution or small transparent balls. Your goal is to extract the liquid contents and massage the nail plates, cuticles, problem areas on the face. Vitamin perfectly renews the top layer of the skin, restores healthy natural color and shine to the nail plate, strengthens it. At the same time, the price of the funds hardly exceeds 30 rubles.

2. Aspirin

10 cheap pharmaceutical preparations that can easily replace cosmetics

We do not recommend using this harmful antipyretic and blood-thinning agent inside – more effective analogues with a minimum of side effects have long appeared. But as a local cosmetic preparation, acetylsalicylic acid will do – crush a regular tablet to a powder state, combine with a teaspoon of sour cream and stir to a creamy consistency. You can apply the product as a mask, avoiding the sensitive area around the eyes. After 15 minutes, rinse off the product and be surprised at the noticeable lifting effect.

1. Liquorice root

10 cheap pharmaceutical preparations that can easily replace cosmetics

An infusion familiar to many since childhood, which made it possible to better expectorate sputum during a cough. But licorice root has another use – wipe the epidermis with age-related or other pigmentation. In just a few applications, you will notice a good whitening effect of the product, while investing in the beauty of the face with only 30 rubles.

These unusual life hacks were discovered by girls who are on guard of beauty and youth. Within 100 rubles, you can well replenish your emergency first aid kit for a variety of skin problems.

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