10 Celebs Who Seem Rich And Successful But They’re Not

Looking at a famous actor, musician or athlete, everyone thinks that he has a luxurious villa, a garage with a dozen new foreign cars, his own island, a private jet and millions of bank accounts. Often this is the case, but not always.

Celebrities are people too and are not immune from mistakes. A failed marriage, misinvested money or trust in the wrong people can ruin them and drive them into debt, so they don’t want to envy them at all.

Today we will talk about a dozen popular personalities who seem successful only at first glance.

10 Evander Holyfield

10 Celebs Who Seem Rich And Successful But Theyre Not

The absolute world champion in several weight categories and one of the best in his sport in the 80s and 90s earned more than $ 100 million during his career, but at the beginning of the 109s he experienced serious financial difficulties. Even his house, which has XNUMX rooms (!), was arrested.

His money was always managed by his mother, who did it quite competently, and after her death, he entrusted it to other relatives who did not differ in experience. The boxer himself has repeatedly admitted that he extremely stupidly disposed of the millions he earned, not counting money in general and spending on everything.

Now, being already a “pensioner”, Holyfield is engaged in business, starring in TV shows and is engaged in other projects, so he has enough for his life, but it is no longer possible to call him fabulously rich, as it once was.

By the way, he has 11 children from several women, which is also an additional (and significant) expense item.

9. Mike Tyson

10 Celebs Who Seem Rich And Successful But Theyre Not

An even more famous, titled and successful boxer who treated money even worse than his colleagues. The abundance of friends who love to profit from Tyson, as well as high-profile litigation – all this regularly devastated the athlete’s wallet and accounts.

The rape allegations forced him to spend huge sums on lawyer fees, court costs, fines and compensation, so it was difficult to maintain the reputation of a successful person.

Returning to the ring after prison allowed him to improve things, or rather pay off his debts, but in general, everything did not go very well.

Now, when professional boxing is long behind, Tyson occasionally acts in films and speaks on talk shows, which is quite enough for him for a comfortable life, but if not for those scandals and problems, everything would be much better.

8. Stephen Baldwin

10 Celebs Who Seem Rich And Successful But Theyre Not

You have probably heard the surname Baldwin, but the name Stephen may well not tell you anything. This is not surprising, because of the 4 brothers-actors, only Alec Baldwin managed to truly become famous, while the rest gained much less popularity.

However, because of the surname and profession, as well as due to getting into the tabloids, the society has an opinion about his success and viability.

In fact, the youngest of the Baldwins in his entire career received only the National Council of Critics Award for The Suspicious Persons in 1995, so he never saw big fees, and in 2009 he even declared bankruptcy.

7. Amanda Bynes

10 Celebs Who Seem Rich And Successful But Theyre Not

The story of this actress is a classic example of how to take off quickly and fall painfully. On TV, Amanda made her debut as a child in 1996, and in 2002 she “grew up” to a big movie (she was 16 years old).

Popularity, first fees, several Kids’ Choice awards – she really was successful and rich, until at the end of the 2012s the girl met drugs and alcohol. The peak was 3, when she received XNUMX years probation for an accident (which was not the first) and was deprived of a driver’s license.

The rampant lifestyle has greatly affected Amanda’s face and figure, so now she cannot be recognized, although she is only 32 years old. However, due to her relative youth, she still has a chance to return, especially since she seems to have given up her addictions, having spent all her money on clinics and lawyers.

6. Lindsey Lohan

10 Celebs Who Seem Rich And Successful But Theyre Not

Lindsey has a very similar story (she, by the way, is also only 32), only her popularity and success was greater than that of Amanda Bynes.

All the same drugs and alcohol led to the collapse of her career and personal life, spoiled her appearance, devastated bank accounts. Now she is trying to return everything, although she is no longer called in the cinema.

5. Chris Tucker

10 Celebs Who Seem Rich And Successful But Theyre Not

The name of this comedian, who became famous for his roles in The Fifth Element and the Rush Hour trilogy, is known to a huge number of viewers, and the same number of people consider him successful at the moment.

In fact, this is not so: having received $ 25 million for shooting Rush Hour 3, he became the highest paid actor (even Jackie Chan received less), but since then he has starred in only 2 films. If we discard the trilogy about the police, then he will have only 10 roles in a 25-year career.

4. Pamela Anderson

10 Celebs Who Seem Rich And Successful But Theyre Not

Almost the main sex symbol of the 90s, Pamela is widely known even now, but only for past merits. For many years she has not received major roles (even on TV), and the image of a sex symbol has long been dispelled (after all, the woman is 51 years old).

The last significant mentions in the media about her were related to the fact that she had an affair with Adil Rami, the defender of the French national football team, who is almost 20 years younger than her.

3. Gary Busey

10 Celebs Who Seem Rich And Successful But Theyre Not

The actor is the owner of a memorable appearance, so he never had problems with recognition, especially after his role in the film The Story of Buddy Holly, for which he received a BAFTA award in 1979 and was nominated for an Oscar and a Golden Globe.

Unfortunately, in the future, Busy’s what is called “didn’t work.” Being known and maintaining the image of a successful actor, he was interrupted by roles in second-rate films and never again received nominations for awards.

2. Britney Spears

10 Celebs Who Seem Rich And Successful But Theyre Not

Britney Spears was a wildly successful (and very rich) popular teen and young lady, but things only got worse with age.

Alcohol and drug addictions, problematic relationships with men and extravagant antics – all this brought her exclusively “black” PR, thanks to which even those who are not interested in pop music in principle learned about her.

Now her name is known to the whole world, but few people listened to the latest albums: as a singer, she ceased to be in demand a very long time ago.

1. Nicolas Cage

10 Celebs Who Seem Rich And Successful But Theyre Not


Perhaps the presence of this actor on the list may seem strange to someone, but judge for yourself: when was the last time Cage starred in a good movie and got a good role?

Unlike most of our other heroes, Cage did not sit on the needle and in general he is an athlete, but he does not know how to choose roles, which is why many even in Hollywood scoff at him.

Possessing talent, recognition and the financial ability to choose roles for himself, for some reason he “enters” into everything.

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