10 celebrities who were cultists

Cults are organizations that are created for the sake of money and power. All its members are completely subordinate to the leaders. It is easy to get into a sect, because. recruiters can pester people on the street, invite them to some seminars, send out letters, etc.

Sectarians often become those who are experiencing some kind of crisis in life, those who are uncomfortable and feel bad in a new environment, for example, people who were forced to retire.

Unfortunately, getting into a sect, a person can lose his job or family, break all ties with society. The rich and famous are no exception. Many were members of the sect, and we can learn about their experience from the media.

10 Nikita Dzhigurda

10 celebrities who were cultists This artist became popular due to his outrageous behavior. This can be explained by the fact that he is trying to attract attention to himself.

But the actor himself admitted that he suffers from psychopathy. Once he was an adherent of “Kabbalah”. But this was not enough for him. He decided to create his own sect, Dzhigurdism. Declared that he is a god in the flesh.

9. Rose McGowan

10 celebrities who were cultists The future actress spent the first 9 years of her life in the Children of God commune. These sectarians promote free love. The girl recalls that their family was forced to break off all relations with the outside world. They had no newspapers or television.

Rose herself did not like the commune, especially their attitude towards women. The sectarians were sure that the beautiful half of humanity should satisfy the whims of a man all his life. Sometimes they were forced to “work” in bars in order to lure new people into their ranks.

Rose was lucky that her parents still changed their minds and left the sect, fleeing to the United States. But they decided on this only after its leaders allowed intimate relationships between adults and children.

8. Anna Bolshova

10 celebrities who were cultists Because of the sect, the once prosperous family of the actress’s parents fell apart. Her parents are physicist Leonid and doctor Natalia.

Anna and her sister Alexandra were surrounded by mother’s love and care, from childhood the girl was engaged in singing, English, drawing, skiing.

30 years of a successful marriage ended after the meeting of Natalia and Anna Kanaeva. She told her about India. The whole Bolshov family began to attend lectures, and then agreed to see the settlement “Valley of the Sun”. Here Kanaeva was called Asmito.

A new acquaintance began to give advice, interfere in the affairs of the family. She decided that Leonid would now live with her. Natalya could not accept this, but her husband and daughters had already fallen under the influence of the sect and took up arms against her. Anna called Asmito mother.

Leonid donated about 50 thousand dollars to this sect. Asmito was in charge of everything, she also selected couples for the sectarians, brought out all the intimate details for general discussion.

By her order, Anna married her son Asmito, who was then only 18 years old. Her second husband was also a member of the community Alexander Makarenko.

Anna Bolshova denies her connection with the sect and accuses journalists of inflating this story.

7. Tom Cruise

10 celebrities who were cultists Ronald Hubbard Lafayette was the founder of Scientology. Now this sect, according to various estimates, has from hundreds of thousands to 10 million fans. Her gurus promise their followers deliverance from any disease, wealth and fame. But in fact, they preach dangerous ideas, for example, deny modern medicine.

Tom Cruise joined the Scientologists in 1990, he was brought to the sect by his first wife, Mimi Rogers. The actor has repeatedly said that thanks to this teaching he got rid of dyslexia. He always supported the ideas of this organization.

He publicly spoke out against psychiatry more than once, calling it “Nazi science” and criticizing those who drink antidepressants. Moreover, he tried to promote Scientology in Germany and France. It was because of this hobby that the marriage of Tom and Nicole Kidman broke up, although this was not talked about publicly.

Actress Katie Holmes agreed to follow the rules of the Church, but she also ran away from Cruise after 6 years of marriage, abandoned her Scientology beliefs and decided to raise their common child in the Catholic faith.

Because his daughter is not a Scientologist, Tom was banned from seeing her. And he abandoned his 10 dates a month, choosing religion, not family.

6. Winona Ryder

10 celebrities who were cultists From the age of 7, the girl lived in the Raduga hippie commune. The families that were part of it were engaged in agriculture or worked on a farm. They got up early and went to bed just after sunset.

The commune forbade the use of electricity. All her free time, Winona read books. The Ryder family moved when the girl was 10 years old.

5. Fedor Chistyakov

10 celebrities who were cultists The famous rock musician who created the group “Zero” in 1992 ended up in a pre-trial detention center. He was accused of attempted murder of his partner, Irina Linnik, whom he attacked with a knife.

At the trial, he said that he mistook her for a witch, and therefore wanted to kill her. Fedor was recognized as mentally ill and sent for compulsory treatment. After he was released, it was difficult for him to adapt to a normal life, he was on the verge of suicide.

Fedor got into the Jehovah’s Witnesses sect, and they saved him. He continues to be her follower, does not smoke or drink, does not sing his old songs that talk about drugs.

In 2017, the sect was recognized as extremist. Because of this, Chistyakov moved to the United States. He never spoke about his religion at concerts, rarely mentioned it in interviews.

4. John Travolta

10 celebrities who were cultists For more than 40 years he has been a supporter of Scientology and still defends this sect. He is sure that people do not understand this teaching, because. they didn’t read the main books of Scientology adherents, and she saved him more than once by working miracles.

But, nevertheless, this faith did not help him save his son. He died in 2009 at the age of 16. He had a rare disease – Kawasaki syndrome, which is now well treated. But sometimes it gives a complication in the form of epileptic seizures.

But Travolta, like other Scientologists, was against the intervention of doctors. The boy, due to an attack of epilepsy, was injured by falling to the floor, due to which he later died.

It was said that after that John wanted to leave the sect, but he was not allowed to do so, threatening to publish incriminating materials.

3. Joaquin phoenix

10 celebrities who were cultists The Phoenix family was unusual. My parents were hippies. In 1973 they joined the Children of God sect. She preached a spiritual revolution, called on everyone to fight the system.

As a demonstration of “God’s love,” its members had sex. They wrote that sectarians encouraged the sex of children, and adult members of the sect sometimes committed violence against teenagers or babies.

The parents of the future star were missionaries, they collected fruit. Children used to be vagabonds to earn a piece of bread, they sang in the streets.

In 1979, after the birth of 5 children, they finally changed their minds. Having changed their surname to Phoenix, the family moved to Los Angeles, the adults got jobs and started teaching children.

2. Igor Sorin

10 celebrities who were cultists When Igor Sorin died, there were many versions of what happened: drugs, an accident, suicide. Igor Matvienko said that Sorin was always interested in the occult. He could die, because. fell under the influence of the Caduceus Reiki sect, which he sometimes visited.

1. Michelle Pfeiffer

10 celebrities who were cultists When the actress was 20 years old and she had just moved to Hollywood, the girl met a couple. These were people from the sect of “sun eaters”. They began to control her every step, forced to give them all the money.

The sectarians were sure that at a certain stage of development, people can only eat air and the sun. Such a “diet” could easily lead to Michelle’s death.

But her future husband, Peter Horton, was preparing to shoot a film about the sect at the time and met one of its members. The girl realized that in communicating with her, “personal consultants” use the same manipulation techniques as other sectarians.

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