10 celebrities who were beaten by their husbands

It is no secret that despite the various initiatives of the authorities and the sharp social condemnation, the problem of domestic violence is very acute in our society.

Tens (or even hundreds) of thousands of women have been brutally beaten by their husbands or cohabitants for years. Some of them have the courage and strength to break off relations with a bastard who loves to scratch his fists on his wife, and each time someone believes the promises of his faithful that this will never happen again.

This problem covers all sectors of society, so even some Russian celebrities have understood in their own skin what it means to be a victim of domestic violence.

We present 10 famous Russian women who were beaten by their husbands.

10 Rosa Syabitova

10 celebrities who were beaten by their husbands In 2007, Rosa was invited to Channel One as one of the TV presenters on the daytime show Let’s Get Married. Thanks to this transfer, Syabitova very quickly gained popularity.

It was here that she met her second husband, who came to “Let’s Get Married” as one of the contenders. Shortly thereafter, their wedding took place.

At first, the “young” could rightly be called an ideal couple: they always appeared together and supported each other in all endeavors. However, the ending of this love story was not as beautiful as it looked at the beginning.

In 2010, the leading media of the country spread incredible news: “The young husband of Roza Syabitova beat the star wife to a pulp.” This story significantly crippled the health of the main matchmaker of the country.

After the scandal, the ex-husband repeatedly asked Rosa to forgive him and tried to reconcile with her. He even gave her a diamond ring. However, the woman was adamant – she answered all his requests with a firm “no”.

9. Pamela Anderson

10 celebrities who were beaten by their husbands In 1995, the sex diva of the 90s married the drummer of the American glam metal band “MötleyCrüe” Tommy Lee, whom she had only known for 4 days at that time. The lovers got married right on the beach – Anderson walked to the altar, dressed in a bikini.

After the wedding, Pamela took her husband’s surname. In 1995, a home video of a sexual nature was stolen from their home and went viral on the Internet.

The family life of Pamela and Tommy could hardly be called cloudless – the spouses very often sorted out the relationship, often there were fights. After Lee was sentenced to 6 months in court for beating his wife in 1998, the couple broke up.

8. Ekaterina Gordon

10 celebrities who were beaten by their husbands The second husband of the famous human rights activist was the famous lawyer Sergei Zhorin. Their wedding took place in the summer of 2011. Under the influence of a successful spouse, Catherine awakened an interest in jurisprudence, thanks to which she began to painstakingly study civil rights at the Moscow State Law Academy.

And a month after the marriage, Gordon was hospitalized due to a concussion and multiple bruises. The fact is that the newly-made husband beat his wife, who, moreover, was pregnant.

After a series of skirmishes, the lawyer filmed a frank confession and posted it online. Catherine forgave her unfortunate spouse and did not give a move to this matter. They soon divorced. In the fall of 2012, the human rights activist gave birth to a son, Daniil.

7. Valeria

10 celebrities who were beaten by their husbands The dramatic story of an unhappy family life is known to almost everyone in our country. Her second husband, producer Alexander Shulgin, repeatedly raised his hand to her and mocked her in every possible way, demonstrating to the singer my power over her.

Valeria for many years was afraid to leave her home tyrant or go to the police, because thanks to her connections and money, Shulgin could take away their three children from her. But, nevertheless, her patience was not unlimited – one day she, along with her children, ran away from her husband.

Valeria shared her terrible memories of this period of life with her fans on the pages of her autobiographical book “And life, and tears, and love.”

6. Rihanna

10 celebrities who were beaten by their husbands The scandal with the beating of 29-year-old Rihanna in 2009 made a splash in the world media. Then all the tabloids were full of headlines about Chris Brown, the singer’s lover, who inflicted serious injuries on her.

According to police findings, Chris inflicted a lot of fairly strong blows to Rihanna’s face and head, after which he kicked her, almost bringing her to a faint. The court sentenced Brown to five years of probation and ordered him 1400 hours of community service.

5. Christina Orbakaite

10 celebrities who were beaten by their husbands In the late 90s, the star daughter of a Russian pop prima donna decided to leave her first husband Vladimir Presnyakov for a businessman of Chechen origin Ruslan Baysarov. This is her decision very many of her bohemian friends. Then her second son, Denis Baysarov, was born.

However, in 2001, at first glance, a happy married couple broke up. Various versions of what was happening were put forward in the media. It was rumored that the businessman, in his first jealousy, broke Orbakaite’s nose right at the presentation of her new album. After that, a long divorce process began, accompanied by incessant scandals between people who were once in love with each other.

4. Kim Kardashian

10 celebrities who were beaten by their husbands Socialite, actress and fashion model Kim Kardashian for a long time suffered from her first husband, music producer Damon Thomas, beatings and bullying. At the same time, the cruel spouse liked to do this in the morning, before leaving the house.

Damon demanded unquestioning obedience from his wife. She could not only communicate with those who did not like her husband, but even leave the house without his permission.

This whole nightmare lasted for four whole years, and when the girl could no longer tolerate such treatment, she nevertheless decided to file for divorce.

3. Jasmin

10 celebrities who were beaten by their husbands The singer’s first husband was businessman Vyacheslav Semenduev. Jasmine has been married to this man for 10 years. It was he who contributed to the promotion of the career of a young singer. It would seem that in their family there is complete understanding and harmony.

But in 2006, information appeared in the media that Jasmine decided to divorce her husband. As it turned out later, Semenduev often raised his hand to his wife. Once he severely beat her in front of their young son. This was the last straw of the singer’s patience.

2. Madonna

10 celebrities who were beaten by their husbands Madonna and famous Hollywood actor Sean Penn got married in 1985 in Malibu. Since childhood, Penn suffered from a behavioral disorder, which was manifested by sudden and unreasonable outbursts of aggression, so even while adoring his wife, he could not stop beating her regularly.

Sean was pathologically jealous, and Madonna, in turn, really liked to provoke her unrestrained spouse into jealousy. In 1987, the singer was hospitalized after her star husband beat her with a baseball bat. After this incident, they stopped living together.

Two years later, he, in a fairly drunk state, broke into her house and tortured her for several hours. When he fell asleep, Madonna managed to free herself and contact the police for help. Penn was arrested, but a week after this incident was released, as the victim took the statement.

1. Tina Turner

10 celebrities who were beaten by their husbands Tina Turner met her future husband Ike in St. Louis – she became a vocalist and host of his show. In the 1960s and early 1970s, Tina and Hayk worked and lived together.

Their popularity grew by leaps and bounds: new songs, a sea of ​​​​fans, prestigious music awards. Together they raised four children – son Tina, two children Hayk and their common child.

However, by the mid-1970s, their couple and creative union began to crumble. It’s all to blame for Hayk’s drug addiction and regular assault.

In 1976, Turner ran away from her husband after another scandal. She was hiding from him with friends, because of this her tour was disrupted, she suffered heavy losses.

In 1978, she officially divorced Ike. Since then, they have never met.

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