10 celebrities who have had blepharoplasty

The era of plastic surgery swept the stellar community. It is very sad to see how beautiful outwardly women, in pursuit of fashion for altered body parts, resort to dangerous and, at times, stupid procedures.

Of course, there are cases (for example, congenital malformation, trauma, diseases, etc.) where the intervention of a surgeon can be useful and really make life easier. But in most cases, all the same, the stars just want to correct their appearance and make it subjectively more attractive.

Today we will have an interesting review. It was not stars with new noses, lips, priests or lush busts that came into focus, but eyes … Yes, yes, this operation is called “blepharoplasty”, and it provides correction of the shape or structure of the eyelids. This eliminates the consequences of sleepless nights, touring stress and natural “growing up”.

We get acquainted with the 10 world stars who have done blepharoplasty.

10 Victoria Bonya

10 celebrities who have had blepharoplasty Remember this attractive Dom-2 participant with plump lips? She had little natural data, so she constantly invests in her appearance. For example, at the age of 25, she “gave” herself a change in the shape of her eyelids.

Images from the recovery period have leaked online, showing huge bruises and bruising under the eyes. Then Bonya announced that she had allegedly been attacked with beatings. And only later, the star admitted to reporters that the hematomas were the result of blepharoplasty, the result of which she is satisfied.

9. Elena Yakovleva

10 celebrities who have had blepharoplasty Previously, the popular actress was not particularly worried about her appearance and was tolerant of naturally expressed “crow’s feet” around her eyes and large circles under her eyes. The latter are completely the result of malnutrition, internal diseases or genetically determined causes.

For the sake of a cult role in the series “Kamenskaya”, the actress decided on an operation to change the appearance of her eyelids, or rather, blepharoplasty. The result was, admittedly, not bad – at 53, Elena looks well-groomed and fresh.

8. Lolita Milyavskaya

10 celebrities who have had blepharoplasty The biography of this extravagant and courageous woman is surprising. It’s no secret that Lolita endlessly experiments with new images, various diets and plastic surgeries.

At the same time, the singer boldly tells the press about all the “bullying” of her appearance, saying that in adulthood, care and anti-aging procedures are simply necessary. The main thing, according to Milyavskaya, is that the manipulations are in moderation and do not harm health.

Well, having eliminated the “hernia” under the eyes, the singer obviously did not harm herself. Perhaps it was a good gift to himself for 45 years, especially if he solved any internal conflicts of the singer.

7. Rosa Syabitova

10 celebrities who have had blepharoplasty Everyone knows Syabitova as a media personality and one of the main “matchmakers” of modern Russia. Zhenina is constantly getting rid of plastic surgeons, not hiding this from the press.

She confesses that after a sharp weight loss, she had to undergo a series of operations, including tightening the sagging skin of the eyelids with the help of blepharoplasty.

6. George Clooney

10 celebrities who have had blepharoplasty Our “women’s team” was also diluted by the world-famous heartthrob Clooney, who simply could not help but look attractive in the eyes of fans. The man was always worried about his narrow eyes, so he decided on blepharoplasty to change their incision and visually “open” the look.

It must be admitted that many fans did not even notice the transformation of the man, and yet he took risks, since any surgical intervention can have complications and side effects.

5. Sarah Jessica Parker

10 celebrities who have had blepharoplasty The star of series and TV shows has long adopted her unusual Jewish appearance, which gave her a twist. With a wavy big nose and narrow thin lips, Sarah did not dare to do anything, since she was completely satisfied with their shape. But the actress did blepharoplasty twice.

Unfortunately, the first procedure was unsuccessful and led to the appearance of painful circles under the eyes. Well, after the second narrowed eyes, small by nature, widened, giving Parker a more open and lively look.

4. Paris Hilton

10 celebrities who have had blepharoplasty Everyone knows that the darling of the hotel empire, Miss Hilton, constantly perverted over her appearance. And the girl’s reputation is quite scandalous, so she will surprise few people with antics.

Only a few have noticed that the girl has a defect in appearance – one eye is slightly covered, which does not hide the makeup. People argue that the reason for this was the operation of blepharoplasty, as a result of which the left eyelid sagged a little.

3. Uma Thurman

10 celebrities who have had blepharoplasty Star Mind recently surprised fans with transformations in appearance, overdoing it with the services of a plastic surgeon. Her mockery of the face is compared to the unsuccessful attempts of Rene Zellweger – it looks tired, faded and exhausted. According to the experts of the region, Uma decided to make herself a newfangled blepharoplasty, but something went wrong.

2. Linda the Evangelist

10 celebrities who have had blepharoplasty The famous model with bright natural data is not at all embarrassed by the fact that Botox has long been used to straighten her muscles and maintain a young attractive appearance.

But at the same time, Evangelista zealously proves that she never went under the “scalpel” of a plastic surgeon. But the visual changes of a woman cannot be hidden from experts. The shape of Linda’s eyes has definitely changed, so there are rumors that she still changed her principles and decided on blepharoplasty.

1. Renee Zellweger

10 celebrities who have had blepharoplasty Our review is completed by the favorite Bridget Jones, who, to the chagrin of the fans, has done “deeds” with her appearance, changing beyond recognition.

Unsuccessful plastic on the face literally screams with its unnaturalness and poor quality. Plastic surgeons themselves believe that in addition to braces and other procedures, Rene resorted to blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids, removing hernias under the eyes, sagging skin and reducing the appearance of facial wrinkles.

This is what despair brings when a woman cannot calmly come to terms with natural data and the fact that the body is aging. Whether the stars changed for the better or not is for inexperienced fans to judge.

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