10 Celebrities Who Don’t Deal With Their Hair

For most actors, hair that starts to thin out suddenly and quickly is a real nightmare.

Firstly, who will now invite a bald (at least twice and thrice charming) artist to play the role of “hero-lover”? (Where did you see a romantic hero with “three hairs” fluttering in the wind in Hollywood films?)

Secondly, in most cases, a bald head makes its owner visually older and, even worse, more comical. Remember, for example, Johnny Depp (actually with gorgeous hair) as the always drunk or stoned bald Raul Duke in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Or Tom Cruise in Tropic Troopers. This is the real “Fuuu”!

The first handsome men of Hollywood instantly turned into the most ridiculous characters. (Hmm … Well, this is not the first time for Depp – he generally loves extravagant and strange roles, but Tom Cruise hardly liked being unattractive).

But for some famous actors, baldness is not only not contraindicated, it even suits them.

Let’s remember at least ten very charming “bald men”:

10 Ben Kingsley

10 Celebrities Who Dont Deal With Their Hair Here, for example, Ben Kingsley – we practically do not remember him with hair. And the thing is that it was in his current “bald” image that Kingsley acquired the very charisma of a negative hero that makes him wildly attractive to both directors and viewers.

And by the way, if you don’t know, the real name of this actor of Indian origin is Krishna Pandit Bhanji. Therefore, he often gets the roles of oriental characters (pharaohs, viziers, or, for example, Mahatma Gandhi, the prophet Moses, the Persian doctor Avicenna, Afghan President Karzai, etc.).

A proud predatory profile, a piercing look and a high intelligent forehead – all this together is the magnificent Ben Kingsley.

9. Stanley Tucci

10 Celebrities Who Dont Deal With Their Hair Stanley Tucci has a very versatile appearance (capable of evoking both positive and negative emotions), as well as an obvious acting talent, and therefore he can play both notorious villains (murderers and pedophile maniacs) and kind, wise and ironic characters.

In both cases, the bald head does not interfere at all, but even gives the image either rigidity (and even cruelty), or additional charm. Playing with just a glance, Tucci can suddenly become either dangerous and even frightening, or a cute “darling”.

8. Mark Strong

10 Celebrities Who Dont Deal With Their Hair Mark Strong is often confused with Stanley Tucci (the real name of this actor is Marco Giuseppe Salussolia, he is of Italian origin). Yes, Stanley and Mark are really similar in appearance, but they still have a different image.

And, by the way, Mark Strong demonstrates his perfect baldness far from every film: for example, in Stardust and Tristan and Isolde he had long hair, and in Rock and Roll and Body of Lies the actor is quite ordinary hair.

But in the role of “people with weapons” (criminals, military, secret agents), which very often goes to Strong, his “naked” head fits “perfectly.”

7. Laurence Fishburne

10 Celebrities Who Dont Deal With Their Hair Most Russian viewers remember Laurence Fishburne well in only one role – Morpheus, the brutal captain of the Nebuchadnezzar ship (in the immediately cult “Matrix”).

In fact, this very good actor has more than 80 roles in his filmography. And actually, Fishburne has pretty thick hair – he just always cuts it very short.

And for special roles that require a special “underlining” of masculinity and toughness, Laurence Fishburne shaves off his “head vegetation” completely.

6. John Malkovich

10 Celebrities Who Dont Deal With Their Hair John Gavin Malkovich is an actor with a very peculiar appearance. Frankly, it is very difficult to call him handsome (and yet, once he had a chance to play the role of insidious seducers).

Malkovich began to lose his hair catastrophically even before the age of 40, but he managed to turn this fact to the benefit of his acting career: firstly, he began to more often choose the roles of villains, scientists “not of this world” or just strange and eccentric characters who have these bald patches only gave additional charm; and secondly, once he took it and shaved his whole head, which made his “non-standard” face even more interesting.

5. Samuel L. Jackson

10 Celebrities Who Dont Deal With Their Hair Jackson, for a moment, is already 70 years old, but he still looks great. And his famous bald head is quite recognizable to most moviegoers (as are his large, expressive eyes).

In fact, we still quite often see Samuel Jackson in various roles with thick hair (remember Pulp Fiction, 1408, The Cleaner, etc.?), but, you see, bald Jackson for some reason he looks much more charming, especially when he smiles his wide sly smile.

For example, he turned out to be a very charismatic and very brutal (though absolutely not “canonical”) one-eyed Nick Fury.

4. Dwayne Johnson

10 Celebrities Who Dont Deal With Their Hair American wrestler and actor Dwayne Douglas Johnson is associated with only one familiar image – thugs with huge fists and a powerful blow. And for such roles, his “hairless” head is the very thing.

True, “The Rock” is often taken for comedy images – and, I must say, looks very worthy in them, but even there his beautiful bald head fits perfectly into the context. (Sure! A bald, muscular “terminator” in the role of, for example, a caring nanny, looks much more comical than any ordinary puny little man. This, at one time, worked great with Arnold Schwarzenegger).

But with hair, Dwayne Johnson seems much more harmless, and even, at times, funny.

3. Bruce Willis

10 Celebrities Who Dont Deal With Their Hair Already in his first prominent role (David Addison in the television series Moonlight Detective Agency), Bruce Willis was noted for his rather thinned hair. Then the process went even faster – by “Pulp Fiction” on his head there was only a “remote memory” of his former hairstyle.

As it turned out – well, to hell with them, with hair! Bald Willis has become even more charming, and now he perfectly combines the charisma of a real man who can, if necessary, solve any complex problems, and the charm of a man with a great sense of humor and a wonderful talent as a comic actor. And oh, this is still damn attractive (at 63 years old!) half-smile-half-smirk.

2. Vin Diesel

10 Celebrities Who Dont Deal With Their Hair Have you ever seen a photo of a young Mark Sinclair Vincent (future Vin Diesel) on the Internet? Then you will definitely agree that the guy made the absolutely right decision, having once shaved his head.

Still, he has a rather ordinary, by no means heroic (and certainly not romantic) physiognomy: small eyes, a nose with potatoes … And in combination with black small curls and (once) awkward thinness, these features made Mark very unsuitable for roles tough and tough men.

But by the age of 30, Vin Diesel had acquired his famous “texture” (pumped-up torso, strong arms and a stern look from under his brows), and since then he has been very willingly invited to play the role of “real men”. Most of us think of Diesel only as Riddick or Dominic Toretto.

1. Jason Statham

10 Celebrities Who Dont Deal With Their Hair

With Jason Statham, it’s about the same story – in his youth, when he still had quite thick hair (and, by the way, if you don’t know, he was part of the British national diving team), it was difficult to call him at least something interesting. The most ordinary guy, without the slightest “zest”.

But when Statham lost his hair by the time he was in his third decade, something special appeared in him – something that once forced British advertising agents to invite him to participate in advertising campaigns.

And a little later (in 1997), the famous Guy Ritchie unequivocally chose Statham for the role of Bacon in the movie “Lock, Stock, Two Smoking Barrels”. And it started: “Big Jackpot”, “Bonebreaker”, “Carrier”, “Adrenaline”, “The Expendables”, etc., etc.

It would seem that a very short, stocky and bald Statham (at the same time, however, he is fluent in several types of martial arts and has a piercing look) is now the idol of millions and a favorite of women.

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