10 Celebrities Who Died Wanting To Get Prettier

Celebrities never suffer from a lack of attention. Fans are interested in their creative activity, personal life and, of course, the same appearance.

Appearance is a separate issue. Stars should always look perfect, this is closely watched not only by fans, but also by journalists. Have to match.

Many famous women and men believe that in the pursuit of youth and beauty, any means are good. They sit on starvation diets, use medications, agree to plastic surgery and beauty injections.

Few people think that all these methods cause great harm to the body. Health problems of the stars do not scare, they always have the best doctors at their disposal. But even they can’t always help.

Below are 10 celebrities who died wanting to be more beautiful.

10 Jean Harlow

10 Celebrities Who Died Wanting To Get Prettier

The first “platinum blonde” of Hollywood, the sex symbol of the 30s. Harlow from childhood was inclined to be overweight, but the girl managed to control herself. She always limited herself in food, many women envied her figure.

When Jean felt unwell, she did not see a doctor and did not take a break from work. The actress did not attach importance to the disease.

Unhealthy appearance did not prevent her from acting in films, as you know, cosmetics work wonders.

The banal flu caused the death of a talented actress and just a beautiful woman. Jean’s kidneys failed. She was only 26 years old.

9. Natalia Krachkovskaya

10 Celebrities Who Died Wanting To Get Prettier

The famous Soviet comedian has always been overweight. This fact did not upset her at all. She always liked herself, she had many admirers.

With age, excess weight made itself felt, joint problems began, and Krachkovskaya decided to lose weight. Although Natalya declared that she loves every kilogram of hers, sometimes she was visited by a desire to put her figure in order.

The actress chose the easiest way. She bought a “miraculous” remedy and lost 14 kilograms in 2 weeks. Before Natalya had time to be happy, the weight returned.

Health has deteriorated significantly. Krachkovskaya was seriously ill for a long time, after a few years her heart stopped. The doctors said that the diet pills had a big impact on the health of the actress. If not for them, Natalya would have lived for more than one year.

8. Lyudmila Gurchenko

10 Celebrities Who Died Wanting To Get Prettier

The great actress has been chasing youth and beauty all her life. She has done a lot of plastic surgery. Numerous facelifts, cheekbones, eyelids, nose.

Doctors forbade the actress to go under the knife, but Gurchenko could not stop. She really wanted to be beautiful. Operations had a negative impact on the immunity of the actress, she had serious health problems.

Ludmila also tried to prolong her youth with the help of stem cells. She was not afraid of the fact that their effect on the body is little studied.

The official cause of death is heart failure. Shortly before her death, Gurchenko fell and broke her hip. She survived the operation well, but three weeks after discharge, she suffered a heart attack. The artist could not be saved.

7. Love Polishchuk

10 Celebrities Who Died Wanting To Get Prettier

The famous Soviet actress also tried to keep her youth in an unconventional way. Love participated in an experiment with stem cells. She even decided to become the face of the clinic.

Most likely, the actress did not expect that this method would lead to such tragic consequences. She had severe back pain. A number of studies were conducted, during which it turned out that the actress had a malignant tumor of the spine.

Doctors confirmed that stem cells could cause such a serious disease.

According to another version, a car accident in which Lyubov got into a few years ago could have provoked the disease. Although there were rumors that even Polishchuk tried to treat cancer with stem cells. All to no avail. The actress died at the age of 57.

6. Oleg Tabakov

10 Celebrities Who Died Wanting To Get Prettier

The great actor and director died of a heart attack. Before his death, he was ill for a long time and spent about six months in the clinic. He was diagnosed with blood poisoning.

One of the reasons was called an infection introduced during dental prosthetics. Oleg also suffered from prostate cancer.

He underwent chemotherapy, which should never be combined with implantation. Apparently, no one warned the actor. An ordinary trip to the dentist costs Oleg Tabakov his life.

5. Roman Trachtenberg

10 Celebrities Who Died Wanting To Get Prettier

The comedian decided to take care of his figure when the store could not find clothes for him. Trachtenberg turned to professionals and began to rapidly lose weight.

He lost 40 kilograms in 2 months. Roman did not long rejoice at the new figure. During the next broadcast on the radio, he felt bad. No one could help the host, he died of a heart attack.

Undoubtedly, such a sharp weight loss had a negative impact on Roman’s body. In addition, doctors do not exclude that he could use drugs for weight loss.

4. Vladimir Turchinsky

10 Celebrities Who Died Wanting To Get Prettier

Vladimir never complained about his health. He went in for sports, watched his well-being and did not even think about death.

One morning, the showman became ill, he lost consciousness. The actor could not be saved, the cause of death was a heart attack. Later it turned out that Turchinsky underwent a rejuvenation procedure.

Plasmapheresis – blood purification, which is carried out to collect donor plasma or rejuvenate the body. After the procedure, Vladimir did not feel very well, he went to the hospital, but all the tests were normal. Turchinsky died at the age of 46.

3. Natalia Gundareva

10 Celebrities Who Died Wanting To Get Prettier


Natalia was never satisfied with her appearance. She always dreamed of a perfect figure, although fans have repeatedly told her that she is a very attractive woman.

Gundareva decided on plastic surgery. She hoped that the new figure would help her get interesting roles.

Natalya changed size 56 to 48. However, the actress did not think that with her health it was absolutely contraindicated to go under anesthesia.

The actress had problems with pressure and weak blood vessels. Consequences – hypertensive crisis, stroke, coma.

2. Julia Nachalova

10 Celebrities Who Died Wanting To Get Prettier

Julia was a beautiful woman, but she was always trying to improve herself. In the early 2000s, she began to have serious health problems.

The singer tried to lose weight, doctors diagnosed anorexia nervosa. After 7 years, she underwent plastic surgery for breast augmentation. The implants did not take root, blood poisoning began.

The situation was complicated by the fact that the singer suffered from gout, diabetes and lupus erythematosus. For some time she tried to conquer the disease.

In 2018, Nachalova injured her leg, but did not go to the doctors. She got gangrene. The singer’s condition deteriorated sharply. Julia passed away at the age of 38.

1. Brittany Murphy

10 Celebrities Who Died Wanting To Get Prettier

The American actress passed away at the age of 32. She worked hard and did not pay due attention to her health. Brittany gave all her strength to work.

For the past year, Murphy has often been sick with colds. In addition, the girl was obsessed with the idea of ​​losing weight.

Weakened by diets and stress, the body could not cope with the disease. The actress died of cardiac arrest. The official cause of death is pneumonia and iron deficiency anemia.

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