10 celebrities who became recluses after their careers ended

Looking at our celebrities, one wonders how fame and fortune can corrupt and change a person, and sometimes just kill a healthy person in him. But still, you should not hang labels, because not all stars are people spoiled by popularity and money.

Some celebrities, having “tasted” the vices and falsity of life, chose to escape into their own little world, become hermits, or even retire to a monastery.

Today we will meet 10 famous people who gave up stardom, career and fans in order to lead a quiet life.

10 Olga Gobzeva

10 celebrities who became recluses after their careers ended A well-known domestic actress one fine day went to the mirror and realized that she saw in the reflection of a person she did not know. It was in 1992 when she was offered the role of a Spanish woman on the theater stage. That performance was the last in Olga’s life.

Despite a dizzying career and more than 40 films behind her, the woman went to St. Elisabeth, where to this day she acts as abbess.

A woman feels grace and harmony, does not regret her decision at all. She lived a creative life full of colors, and now it’s time to serve people faithfully.

9. Yulia Matveeva

10 celebrities who became recluses after their careers ended The popular Russian singer came to the capital at the age of 15. In order to achieve fame, I had to sleep with the “right people”, which the star does not hide.

At some point, a strange handsome young man came across a woman on the way, who offered all the contracts she had seen in exchange for her soul.

At that time, Matveeva’s health deteriorated greatly, and she thundered into the clinic, praying to God for a recovery. After this landmark life period, Julia revised her values ​​​​and retired to a monastery in the outback of Russia, where for many years she was mother Euphrosyne.

Now the woman has completely moved to Israel to gain new levels of spirituality.

8. Hayden Christensen

10 celebrities who became recluses after their careers ended The attractive and talented Canadian actor played the iconic role of Skywalker in Star Wars. After a role in Hollywood, he was predicted to have a luxurious future and a powerful career breakthrough, but Hayden, to everyone’s surprise, refused such opportunities.

Having “tasted” the fame and turmoil of the film business, the actor bought a farm far from the noise of the metropolis, where he moved with his son and civil wife.

Christensen still continues to act, but very rarely, carefully sorting through the scripts. The man had no desire to return to the profession of an actor.

7. May Abrikosov

10 celebrities who became recluses after their careers ended Remember the unusual bright kid who participated in the first editions of House-2. Abrikosov won the hearts of thousands of fans, and even after the end of the project, he was predicted to have a bright future and a good career on television.

Contrary to expectations, there were no significant offers from directors and producers. Without thinking twice, the guy left the “star path” and retired to the village of Korotyak. There he bought a small old house and runs his household like a real hermit.

It seems that Abrikosov does not regret his decision and is quite happy in the bosom of nature.

6. Dolores Hart

10 celebrities who became recluses after their careers ended A lovely young actress (only 24 years old) did not even have time to taste fame and popularity. She got her first cult role in the film Love Me, where she was lucky enough to kiss Elvis Presley himself.

And then the girl announces to her family and Hollywood that she is leaving for the monastery. Dolores was engaged during this period, and even signed a lucrative contract with Metro Goldwyn Mayer, according to which the salary was 5 thousand dollars a week.

Nevertheless, the girl decided to go to the monastery of the Order of St. Benedict and find God. After 50 years, mother Dolores has already become the abbess and does not regret her once worldly decision.

5. Alexander Mikhailov

10 celebrities who became recluses after their careers ended The actor shocked the Russian cinema, having played perfectly in the film “Formula of Love”. He was predicted to have a fabulous career, which was further confirmed by his role in the film Mikhail Lomonosov.

But in a relatively short period, Mikhailov suddenly disappeared from the screens. In 1987, he decided to leave the theater with his wife and move to the outback near Moscow – the village of Grebnevo.

The actor decided to sing in the local church choir, which is conducted by his wife, and rarely appear in unpopular films.

4. Alexey Leonidovich Fomkin

10 celebrities who became recluses after their careers ended Now few people will remember Lesha Fomkin, but once upon a time it was he who played Kolya Gerasimov in the cult science fiction film “Guest from the Future”.

As a boy, Alexei was popular, acting in Yeralash and teen films, but then there was a lull in his career. Fomkin went to the army, and after the service he got a job in the theater, from where he was fired for absenteeism.

At some point, the guy moved to the village of Bezvodnoye, where he met his future wife. But in the tragic year of 1996, the apartment where Lesha was located caught fire, and everyone present survived, except for him.

3. Jack Nicholson

10 celebrities who became recluses after their careers ended The charming and smiling actor made an excellent film career and was nominated for an Oscar many times. In Hollywood, Nicholson also became known as a famous womanizer, claiming that more than 2 women have been in his bed.

But the years passed, and the actor became wiser. At some point, he abandoned his acting career and began to build good relations with numerous heirs. Now Jack lives as a hermit and rarely gets into the lens of the paparazzi.

2. Sean Connery

10 celebrities who became recluses after their careers ended Yes, you read that right, we are talking about that Sean, who played the main James Bond. For this role, the actor received an Oscar and charmed thousands of women’s hearts.

However, fame did not spoil Connery, and he was ready to give it up quite early.

And so his dizzying career was interrupted – the man moved with his wife to the Bahamas, where he lives in peace and quiet away from Hollywood intrigues.

1. Tatyana Agafonova

10 celebrities who became recluses after their careers ended The famous Russian actress is familiar to us from many Soviet films – more than 60 roles. In addition, the woman played in the theater, was an active presenter, and taught at the university.

But still, Tatyana’s soul was restless and called her to her homeland in the village of Zalazino, where the actress eventually moved. In just six months of work as the chairman of the collective farm, she lost 50 kilos and feels great.

Of course, during the breaks, Agafonova starred in films and even sometimes talked with fans, but she chose to live away from the bustle of the capital.


When you ask former celebrities if they regret their life-changing decision, it turns out they don’t at all.

Happiness is far from being in money and fame, but in harmony, peace of mind and the opportunity to do what you love when you want, and where you want.

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