A toned, slender figure is the dream of many women, for the sake of which they are ready to exhaust themselves with training or go on a strict diet.
It is good if you manage to get rid of extra pounds and maintain your ideal weight for a long time. But sometimes, despite all efforts, the weight does not go away.
This may be due to health problems such as hypothyroidism. Or with typical mistakes that prevent you from losing weight.
10 Eat a lot after a workout
Perhaps you work out long and hard in the gym, and after training, feeling very hungry, you eat a huge portion. Such activities will not help you lose weight, because. your goal is to burn more calories than you consume.
Can I eat after a workout or is it better to refuse to eat? Experts say that half an hour after the completion of classes, you need to close the anabolic window. This is a state in which the body needs nutrients. If he receives them, the muscles will grow, but there will be no formation of fat mass.
30 minutes after class, you need to make a small protein-carbohydrate snack, for example, eat low-fat cottage cheese or an omelet. The calorie content of the meal should be 50% of the calories that you burned during training.
9. Not drinking enough water
Those who are struggling with excess weight need to drink a lot. After 2 glasses of water, the metabolic rate increases by 30%.
If a person drinks up to 2 liters of water a day, then he loses about 100 kilocalories, which is about the same as after a 40-minute walk.
By ditching sugary drinks such as soda, juices, sweet tea, and replacing them with pure water, you cut down on calories. If you drink a lot of water, then the appetite decreases, respectively, the person loses weight. This has been confirmed experimentally.
Scientists asked 50 overweight women to drink 2 glasses of water 3 times a day: half an hour before the main meals. Otherwise, they could eat the same way as before. For 8 weeks, the participants in the experiment dropped about 1,5 kg.
But if you have been diagnosed with heart or kidney disease, increased intracranial pressure, consult your doctor, because. in this case, a large amount of liquid can harm.
8. Skip meals
Most often, we skip breakfast, because. in the morning there is no appetite, you need to get ready for work, and every minute counts. But nutritionists do not advise giving up the morning meal.
Breakfast does not have to be very satisfying, scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, porridge are the perfect start to the day.
Nutritionists warn that not eating in the morning increases the risk of obesity by almost 20%. Because of this, problems with the stomach, malfunctions of the intestines and other diseases can appear.
7. Vitamin D deficiency
A lack of vitamin D in the body can lead to weight gain. This was proved by a scientist from the Netherlands Rachid Rafik and his colleagues. He examined obese people and found that all of them, without exception, had low levels of vitamin D.
Scientists advise those who want to get rid of extra pounds to check the level of this vitamin. Its other name is calciferol. This is necessary not only in order to lose weight, but also to prevent insulin-dependent diabetes.
Prior to this, scientists have proven that there is a direct relationship between the amount of this vitamin and the likelihood of this dangerous disease.
6. Don’t Consume Healthy Fats
Losing weight also needs to include fatty acids in the diet, at least 0,8 -1,6 g of omega-3 per day. Some of them our body cannot produce on its own, so it must be obtained from food.
Fatty acids reduce the risk of cancer, and also contribute to weight loss. Thanks to them, a person’s appetite decreases, and he consumes less food. In addition, they reduce the level of cortisol, which contributes to weight gain.
Omega-3 is abundant in fish (herring, salmon, sardines). To gain a daily dose, it is enough to eat a piece weighing 200 g. There are these healthy fats in walnuts, it is enough to eat 30 g of nuts a day to make up for their deficiency.
5. Exercising more than you should
Training should be moderate, you need to take breaks to prepare the body for the next sport.
If a person is engaged too intensively, then he will achieve the opposite effect. A tired, driven body perceives such a load as stress. And stress contributes to the accumulation of fat, especially in the abdomen.
4. Be under stress
If a person is under stress, then cortisol is produced in his body. The release of this hormone affects fat metabolism. Our body, whether we like it or not, takes care of preserving our life. He expresses this concern in his own way.
As soon as the adrenal glands give a large release of cortisol, the body begins to accumulate glucose in the tissues and provokes the deposition of fat in reserve. In addition, a person’s appetite greatly increases.
Most often, “stress” fat is deposited on the stomach and face. In this case, you need to check the level of hormones. If the study confirms elevated cortisol levels, it is advisable to reconsider your lifestyle, avoid irritants.
3. Eating too much sugar
Sugar itself is not harmful if consumed in moderation: 40-50 g per day. But we often exceed this dose. Excess sugar is converted into adipose tissue.
2. Eat little but often
Many experts advise eating small meals throughout the day to lose weight. The body, knowing that food will soon arrive again, will burn calories, and will not store it as fat.
But losing weight often do not comply with one important condition – reducing portions. And as a result, additional snacks are added to the main meals, and the person gains weight.
1. don’t sleep enough
Due to lack of sleep, the feeling of hunger increases, people overeat and get fat. This was proved by Japanese scientists from Waseda University. They recruited a group of 9 healthy guys. The first 3 days they all slept 7 hours a day, and the next 3 days – 3,5 hours each.
Scientists were able to establish that in the last 3 days the number of hormones responsible for the regulation of appetite has decreased by 10%.
Participants were asked if they felt hungry. All 6 days they received the same amount of food, but on those days when they slept little, the feeling of hunger became stronger.
It turns out that a person suffering from lack of sleep eats more, but his energy consumption remains the same, and he begins to get fat.