10 books similar to The Witcher by Andrzej Sapkowski

The Witcher is a series of books by Andrzej Sapkowski. Readers got acquainted with the first book in 1986, and the story got its fans. And the story in the book is this: the main character is a monster slayer, he is a witcher named Geralt. As a child, he was given to witchers, among whom he grew up hardy and learned to resist poisons – of course, it was not without interference … Geralt was subject to mutation, during which he acquired superpower. The Witcher belongs to the epic fantasy genre. Instead of a clear division of good and evil, Sapkowski painted a gloomy picture of the Middle Ages, in which the sides of different states are at war. The features of fantasy lie in the fact that the author did not try to make one of the parties noble, but demonstrated all the horrors of life during wars.

If you have already read The Witcher in its entirety, and you are looking for similar books, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with this list.

10 “Congregation” Nadezhda Popova

10 books similar to The Witcher by Andrzej Sapkowski

“Congregation” – this is a cycle of books by Nadezhda Popova, after reading which you regret only one thing – that they ended so quickly. The ending of the book cannot be guessed, not predicted – it is so unexpected! Try to figure out together with Popova who is to blame for the creation of the Holy Inquisition…

In the center of the story is Kurt Hesse, a graduate of the Academy of the Inquisitors. After graduation, he is forced to go to a small town to serve. Gradually, the reader gets acquainted with the world of the protagonist and the orders of the Middle Ages. In Popova’s novel, the Inquisition appeared earlier than in our history. There is magic in the book, but it is different from the usual fantasy.

9. “Guardian” Alexey Pekhov and Elena Bychkova

10 books similar to The Witcher by Andrzej Sapkowski

“Guardian” – one of the most popular Pekhov series in the adventure genre. The first novel immediately won the favor of critics and even received the honorary title of the best domestic fantasy book according to the World of Science Fiction magazine.

The little boy was only 6 years old when he saw a monstrous picture before his eyes – the royal poisoner cook was boiled alive … Or rather, his soul. After the incident, the child was taken to the Brotherhood of Guardians for training. Years later, the little boy became a free hunter for the creature of darkness. Traveling from country to country, he took on dangerous missions at the behest of the Brotherhood. He appears wherever terrible events take place, and dark souls hate him…

8. “Meekhan” Robert Wegner

10 books similar to The Witcher by Andrzej Sapkowski

Robert Wegner is a versatile author, which is only worth dozens of his pseudonyms for publications in magazines! The author gained wide popularity only after science fiction. It was in this genre that he liked to work the most.

Events in “Meekhanare set in the empire of the same name. In the North, a Mountain Guard lieutenant and his staff investigate mysterious murders and mass disappearances. Warriors perform their official duties, but are associated not only with the abomination of people, but also with other devilry. A noble warrior from the people of Issaram does what he did not want to do, and a difficult choice arises before him …

7. “Hunters” Nick Perumov

10 books similar to The Witcher by Andrzej Sapkowski

In the summer of 2017, Nick Perumov presented readers with a new series of books “Hunters”, which tells about the age-old enmity between humans and vampires. The first are betrayed by magicians who previously stood for the protection of mankind.

The plot of the book revolves around the conflict between humans and the Night Folk. The central characters here are a vampire hunter and his apprentice, a sorcerer waging war against vampires, and his lover, who wants to put an end to the enmity between the two peoples. The Hunters series does not decide the fate of the universe, but you will find a vigorous fantasy with an abundance of action scenes and intertwined storylines.

6. Reinevan Saga Andrzej Sapkowski

10 books similar to The Witcher by Andrzej Sapkowski

Historical-fiction cycle by SapkowskiSaga o Reinevanewas first released in 2002. This collection is considered even better than The Witcher. The trilogy is set in Medieval Europe. At that time, Europe was shaken by endless wars between the Czech Hussites and adherents of Catholicism.

The main character is a herbalist and doctor, Reinmar loses his brother, who died under strange circumstances. He takes on the investigation of his death, but becomes embroiled in the confrontation between the Hussite underground and the Catholic Inquisition. In the course of the story, Reinmar escapes from enemies, gets captured, saves friends – in a word, he has a great time.

5. “Yuga” Dmitry Skiryuk

10 books similar to The Witcher by Andrzej Sapkowski

The hero Zhug is known by the nickname Autumn Fox – he is a magician and herbalist. Together with the Fox, the reader is immersed in a harsh world where he never ceases to fight evil and lies. The world in the book is a world where events are always ready to test the protagonist…

«Zhuga. autumn fox“recognized as the best Slavic fantasy. A more than compelling world, captivating stories and a charismatic hero make the reader remember the best examples of the genre. The good news is that you never guess what will be on the next page … But Zhuga’s main goal is to find his destiny. Can we help him?

4. “Debren from Dumayki” Artur Banevich

10 books similar to The Witcher by Andrzej Sapkowski

Artur Banevich is a writer from Poland who works in the genres of thriller and fantasy. The protagonist of his works is Debren, a wandering magician unraveling semi-detective stories. Rumor has it that Banevich took for the book “Debren from DumaikaThe best of The Witcher. Is it so? You decide.

Debren is a wizard living in a world reminiscent of medieval Europe. He does strange but well-paid jobs. Reliable work is done in Fritzfurd, famous for the teleport, turns into a deadly investigation, during which the main character will have to do something that no sorcerer has ever done before …

3. “Order of the Gray Cloaks” Marcin Guzek

10 books similar to The Witcher by Andrzej Sapkowski

Guzek’s novel has it all: love, battles and love triangles. The novel is well written and easy to read. It does not pull up to the level of The Witcher, but against the background of other fantasy “Order of the Gray Cloaks‘ looks really good.

After the Great Plague, the world comes to life, and the empire takes care of the preservation of civilization. In the course of the plot, there is a constant struggle with criminals, heretics and those who turn to ancient knowledge – sorcerers and witches. The Empire is surrounded by external enemies, but members of the Order of the Gray Cloaks are trying to keep the defense.

2. “Free Knight” Paul Stewart

10 books similar to The Witcher by Andrzej Sapkowski

«Free Knight” talks about who does not turn off the path, and whose enemies are very insidious. All that a knight has is a faithful horse and a good sword. But this is enough for him to perform feats!

A free knight saves a lady who has fallen into the net of an evil sorceress. Having obtained the royal crown on the lake, he, of course, kills the dragon that appeared on his way in order to save the girl. The book includes 3 stories about a knight who is always looking for adventure. The hero will travel to Death Valley, and readers will follow his path.

1. “Swords and Black Magic” Fritz Leiber

10 books similar to The Witcher by Andrzej Sapkowski

The collection includes 2 collections of stories about Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser. Fantasy was great for its time, now readers choose other books, but it still has fans. “Swords and black magic» Leiber is one of the fathers of Black Magic.

2 adventure-loving buddies travel across Novon, embarking on various adventures along the way. They fall into traps, fight monsters, and raid the Sorcerer’s Lair. But at the end of each journey, the Gray Mouser and Fafhrd always return to the town of Lankmar, from where they begin new adventures.

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