10 Books Similar to The House Where… by Mariam Petrosyan

These ten works, offered to your attention, are so different in genre and style, they are similar to one thing – these are books about unreal worlds and are very similar to Mariam Petrosyan’s “The House in which …”.

Even if the action takes place on planet Earth in an ordinary place, it is filled with the magic of a human dream, a flight of fantasy.

All authors interpret the concept of “House” in their own way, it is not necessarily the building where you once lived. Home is our Planet, this is the place where you always dreamed of going, it can be a magical land where your dream takes you. But most importantly, the house is the place where you want to live and create.

10 Oksana Butuzova. House

10 Books Similar to The House Where... by Mariam Petrosyan Home is the foundation. Your home is not just walls and a roof, it is your rear and support, a reliable shelter that protects from enemies, from wild animals, from the elements and any troubles. The feeling of home, in which you feel completely protected, originated in ancient times.

Each house bears the imprint of the owner’s personality. After all, from childhood we dream of our Home, not just a home, but a metaphorical place where not only we live, but also our memories, dreams and dreams.

The author of the novel also creates his own world, in which everything is done according to his desire.

9. Garcia Marquez. One hundred years of solitude

10 Books Similar to The House Where... by Mariam Petrosyan Amazing, captivating book, reading which, you come to the verge of understanding all the secrets of the universe. The story of the city of Makonda, lost in the impenetrable jungle.

The history of the Buendia family, in which miracles and reality are intertwined so tightly that it is not clear where is reality and where is mysticism.

Adventurers and revolutionaries, rampant sinners and immaculate saints, and women so beautiful that they seemed born in Paradise, and not on sinful earth, are born in this family.

The novel boils with frenzied passions, repeating as if in a mirror world again and again, this novel is about the heart and blood of Latin America.

8. Maxim Maksimov. We don’t exist

10 Books Similar to The House Where... by Mariam Petrosyan Exciting events in a wonderful world take the reader from the real world to another, full of adventures, fights and pursuit of truth and justice.

In the unreal world of lunatics, maniacs and murderers, a whole gang is chasing the unfortunate Isidor Knecht, who was lucky enough to receive a strange gift – a capsule that gives extraordinary abilities. He received this gift in a dead city, where life from an old man ended long ago.

Isidore has to constantly run, confusing his tracks, but all the cities and towns on his way present new terrible surprises. In one place, the old men fight to the death like gladiators, in another they kill the Messiah himself in order to save him from torment on the cross, somewhere trams with the dead, etc.

7. Ekaterina Murashova. Burabashka is me

10 Books Similar to The House Where... by Mariam Petrosyan We used to think that Burabashka is something otherworldly, which is not a person’s gaze, hides in secret corners, perhaps even this is just a fiction, something from ancient folklore.

And if strange abilities are manifested in a teenage boy, it suddenly turns out that he can start a fire with just one look. What feelings might he have? The boy did not like all this at all, he was frightened and decided to leave home in order to sort himself out.

Once in a scientific institute in Moscow, where such people with strange abilities are studied, the boy meets new friends, all of whom also have anomalous abilities.

It cannot be said that all these boys are happy, the fates of some of them are truly sad, but our hero is pleased that he is not the only one.

6. Vladislav Krapivin. Deep in the Great Crystal

10 Books Similar to The House Where... by Mariam Petrosyan The books of the famous science fiction writer who writes for teenagers are interesting not only for children, but also for adults.. They are about nobility and meanness, about mercy and fearlessness. More than one generation of young knights was brought up on these novels.

The new novel from the cycle “In the Depths of the Great Crystal” tells about the unbreakable friendship of a teenager Stasik, who was nicknamed Sailor Wilson, because the boy literally from birth dreamed of becoming a sailor and a tiny star called the White Ball.

This star is unusual, it can turn into an ordinary earthly boy. Stasik and the White Ball constantly find themselves in funny and dangerous situations, adventures await them, and friends from everywhere come out with honor.

5. Nikki Cullen. Gel Green

10 Books Similar to The House Where... by Mariam Petrosyan This book consists of a new cycle of stories, the main character of which is still a girl – a dream and a mystery Nikki Cullen. Gel Green is the name of a distant unusual place, located three thousand kilometers from civilization. It is like the name of God himself, the promised land, the place where people live who have known all the secrets of the universe.

A distant unknown city on the banks of the Aniva River, inhabited by people with strange names: Light, Ray, Color, River, Peace. These people can not be loved and not respected. On the one hand, these are ordinary people, and on the other, they are unearthly, mysterious, full of mysteries.

One cannot tear oneself away from these stories, filled with fresh taiga wind and the smell of the sea, and the characters become close and dear.

4. Kazuo Ishiguro. Do not let me go

10 Books Similar to The House Where... by Mariam Petrosyan The prosperous and wealthy heroine of the novel named Kathy suddenly began to remember her past.. As a teenager, she studied at the closed privileged school Hailshtem, now he recalls his discomfort, fear, imaginary threats, omissions from teachers and classmates.

Sometimes it seems that Kathy has returned to her past again and evaluates what is happening from the point of view of an adult.

This novel is a philosophical parable about how the past is connected with the present and influences the future. This is a book about the formation of a person, the formation of his spiritual values, the concept of love, friendship, mercy, the memory of time.

3. Callin Mitch. Tideland

10 Books Similar to The House Where... by Mariam Petrosyan Tideland is an amazing book like Alice in Wonderland. A novel written in perfect language, with a sense of humor and an understanding of reality and magic in everyday life.

Eleven-year-old girl Jelliza-Rose hastily moves to the endless Texas steppe with her father, a rock guitarist. In this steppe, each cricket and grasshopper has its own name, and a monstrous monster, a huge shark, moves along the cast-iron rails.

Amazing adventures and transformations take place with the girl, and they participate in them on a par with the owner of the Barbie doll, devoid of heads.

The book is about how the familiar world can change in one minute and become tempting and frightening at the same time.

2. Volkert Ivan. Dark Forest Tales

10 Books Similar to The House Where... by Mariam Petrosyan Unusual creatures live in a dark scary forest – Mushroom Elves. They see everything not as we do, but from their own point of view. The story covers a difficult period from 1991 to 2000, which causes a lot of interest and fear, which we now talk about with sacred horror.

These stories shock with their reality, because they tell about the very day of life. More than five hundred stories told by eyewitnesses about scum and murderers, about bullying and mockery of personalities, about rampant drinking and drug dens, about emerging sects that completely enslave people, about provocations, about the inability of the authorities to normalize society.

1. Alessandro Baricco. Sea ocean

10 Books Similar to The House Where... by Mariam Petrosyan This is a novel and a thriller, and a philosophical parable, and an action movie, and an adventure novel at the same time.. An eccentric professor lives on the seashore, who compiles the “Encyclopedia of Limits”, about those places where the sea surface ends, and an artist who paints pictures with sea water.

In the same place, two women appear: one to get rid of unnecessary love, the other to meet true love. All these people live without thinking about tomorrow, live as if tomorrow will never come and life will never end.

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