10 books similar to Shantaram

The novel of the Australian writer Gregory David Roberts “Shantaram” surprisingly affects the fate of people. The reason for this phenomenon is not clear. Either in mysticism and philosophy, which the work is thoroughly saturated with, or in the story itself, according to the plot of which the protagonist of the novel, being a former writer and robber, escapes from prison and starts life anew, having ended up in the Indian city of Bombay.

Be that as it may, the book was a huge success when it was published in 2003. If readers liked this work or somehow influenced their lives, then they should read books similar to Shantaram from this rating.

10 All-In, Shariera Henri

10 books similar to Shantaram

“All in” , Shariera Henri is a continuation of the world bestseller “Moth”

The reader is given the opportunity to find out what happened to the main character after he escaped from prison and wandered in search of freedom for 13 years.

The fate of the Moth is not as happy as he would like. He will again have to face the underworld.

On Papillon’s life path, cheaters, gold diggers, unscrupulous businessmen will again appear. He will rob them, and they will rob him. And in this wild and crazy cycle of life, you need to somehow survive.

9. Papillon, Henri Charriere

10 books similar to Shantaram

Word “bow tie” is a literal translation from French. In the Russian-speaking environment, the book is known under the name “Moth”. It was this work that became the debut work of the French writer Henri Charrière.

In essence, the novel is an autobiography of the writer, through which he describes the events during which he was unjustly accused of murder and sentenced to life imprisonment.

The novel “The Moth” is a story of incredible ups and terrifying falls, during which the main character strives for one thing – freedom.

8. Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand

10 books similar to Shantaram

In 1957 the American writer Ayn Rand wrote her most significant and large-scale work, namely a dystopian novel “Atlas Shrugged”.

The plot seems, on the one hand, incredibly clear, and on the other hand, terribly complex. The story is built around the struggle of socialism and big businesses with creative people.

The author of the novel is sincerely convinced that creative people “hold” the world on their shoulders.

Thus, it is the creators who are the Atlanteans of the entire universe. If these Atlanteans begin to straighten their shoulders, as the title of the novel says, then the world will collapse and plunge into darkness and chaos.

7. Source, Ayn Rand

10 books similar to Shantaram

Another masterpiece, or rather, debut work Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead, which preceded the novel Atlas Shrugged, well known to many readers.

After reading the “Source” it becomes clear where the legs “grow” from the idea of ​​who the entire universe is based on.

The protagonist of the novel, the architect Howard Roark, is convinced that his mission is to create and transform the world around him.

6. Midnight’s Children, Rushdi Salman

10 books similar to Shantaram

Unusual Romance “Children of Midnight” Rushdie Salman, thoroughly saturated with the history of India and mysticism. On the example of the life of the main character, Salem Sinai, as well as his family, the author shows how the status of an independent country affected India.

According to the idea of ​​the novel, all children born on August 15, 1947, were endowed with magical abilities. Salem Sinai was one of those children.

As the hero later learns, such children are only half the children of their parents. And in the second half – the children of midnight.

An attentive reader will immediately, from the first lines, pay attention to the fact that the very image of Salem Sinai is, in fact, the state of all of India at the moment when she gained her long-awaited freedom.

But to gain freedom and become a free country – these concepts are very far from each other. And in order to bring them together, it will take no small effort.

5. The Elegance of the Hedgehog, Muriel Barberi

10 books similar to Shantaram

A novel by a French writer Barbary Muriel, The Elegance of the Hedgehog rightfully considered one of the cult and knowingly takes the position of a bestseller.

The plot will tell the inquisitive reader how difficult it is to live in a world in which you have to hide your true self.

This is how the main character of the novel Rene Michel lives her life, who works as a concierge in an elite house and hides her elegance and intelligence from others. She is afraid of being misunderstood by people around her and therefore lives very modestly and alone.

It turns out that Renee is not the only one who leads this lifestyle. Paloma Joss, a 12-year-old girl who also hides her knowledge and interests from her classmates, lives in the same business building.

4. Shadow of the Mountain, Gregory Robert

10 books similar to Shantaram

Judging by the rave reviews of critics, the continuation of the novel “Shantaram” “Shadow of the Mountain” left no one indifferent. As you know, the first part of the work to some extent reflects a huge layer of the biography of the author of the novel, Gregory David Roberts.

In the second book, the main character, Lindsay Ford, who escaped from prison after 19 years in prison, continues to search for himself, continues to improve, continues to search for the meaning of his own life.

3. The Wind Runner, Khaled Hosseini

10 books similar to Shantaram

Khaled Hosseini, an Afghan-American writer, rose to prominence and acclaim around the world when he published his novel in 2003 “Wind Runner”. If you pay attention to the original name, it will be translated from English as “Kite Flyer”.

An incredibly difficult mentally and psychologically difficult story is presented to the reader on behalf of a boy named Amir, who lives in a fairly wealthy family.

On the example of Amir’s life, readers will see and most likely understand how difficult it was to live in Afghanistan at the end of the last century, how big the difference exists between the national majority and the minority.

As a reader, so little Amir learns how strong beliefs are, which are instilled from an early age. Amir learns what it’s like when one wrong deed affects the rest of his life.

2. Journey Home, Radhanath Swami

10 books similar to Shantaram

Author Journey Home by Radhanath Swami – an outstanding person, an American Hare Krishna guru, a preacher and also one of the spiritual leaders of the international society for Krishna consciousness.

In 2011, admirers of the activities of Radhanatha Swami got the opportunity to get acquainted with the biography of the great teacher. The reader and anyone who wishes has the opportunity to go through his path together with the master, learn his story and, possibly, acquire the wisdom of Swami.

Despite the fact that the work is in the nature of an autobiography, it is not without humor and lightness. Critics unanimously say that it is impossible to regret reading this book.

1. Tai Pan, James Clavell

10 books similar to Shantaram

literary masterpiece “Tai-Peng”, or rather, a historical novel directly from the pen of an American writer, screenwriter and director James Clavell. The work refers both by the author himself and by critics to the so-called “Asian Saga” cycle. Location: South China.

James Clavell claims that the novel is autobiographical. The main characters, Dirk Struan and Tyler Brock, are in an irreconcilable conflict, namely, they share the tea and opium market in China.

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