10 books similar to Pride and Prejudice

Jane Austen’s novel was first published in 1813. Since then, two centuries have passed, and interest in it does not subside. Lovers of novels liked the book so much that more than 10 films were made based on it. It may seem that the plot is somewhat drawn out and has a strange plot – if you are used to dynamics, the work is most likely not for you. Here the events of the Bennet family unfold slowly – the girls have grown up and it’s time to marry them. But one of them wants to go against the will of her father…

The work perfectly reflects the era in which the Bennet sisters, their friends and relatives lived. The theme of love between people from different walks of life is an eternal story on which many masterpieces of literature and cinema are built. If you liked Pride and Prejudice, then you will most likely like these 10 similar books that we have selected for you.

10 Gorgeous Sophie Georgette Heyer

10 books similar to Pride and Prejudice

If your soul requires love and celebration – “Gorgeous Sophie” is what you need. Georgette Heyer is a writer of the last century, writing lightly, with humor and irony. There are no bed scenes in her novels, but there are many adventures (and sometimes very ridiculous ones) and very exciting dialogues.

The main character of the novel is an exceptional girl. She grew up on the Continent during the era of the Napoleonic Wars. Following her father, a diplomat, she learned to take care of herself and acquired such a quality as courage. Sophie comes to London in search of a husband, and settles in a family that is unhappy. But her cheerfulness, mind and light energy gradually began to change the situation in the house. The girl was nicknamed “Magnificent Sophie.” She knows what others need, and her efforts bring brilliant results.

9. “Ladies’ happiness” Emil Zola

10 books similar to Pride and Prejudice

Emile Zola, the creator of the Rougon-Macquart epic, wrote a non-standard book in 1883. One side, “Women’s happiness” is an exploration of the world of success, on the other hand, a classic novel on the popular Cinderella theme.

Denise is young and beautiful. The girl was left an orphan, and she was raised by 2 brothers. Growing up, she realized that she needed to think about the future. Denise went to Paris to her uncle, who has his own shop. But the uncle, like the neighboring small shops, is in an extremely distressed situation. The large store Octave Mouret “Ladies’ happiness” overshadowed many small ones. On the very first day of his arrival, Denise meets with the influential Mure – the entrepreneur is unable to resist the charms of the young saleswoman …

8. “North and South” by Elizabeth Gaskell

10 books similar to Pride and Prejudice

The Victorian writer Elizabeth Gaskell first published her book in 1855. The name reflects the main meaning of the work – a strong contrast between the dynamic life in England in the north of the country and the measured life in the south.

«North and Southis considered one of the best Victorian novels. Its storyline is quite impressive. The father of the family leaves the church due to issues of conscience, so everyone is forced to move from a comfortable home in the south to the north of England, including Margaret Hale. Poverty in Milton and acute social inequality give rise to an acute sense of justice in the main character. Against the background of social inequality, a touching love story develops between Elizabeth and the owner of the factory, John Thornton.

7. “Town” by Charlotte Brontë

10 books similar to Pride and Prejudice

Charlotte Brontë is one of those writers that everyone has heard of. She is one of the UK’s most brilliant novelists. From under her pen, the world was able to be inspired by stories from the books Jane Eyre, Emma Brown, Wuthering Heights and, of course,Town».

Lucy Snow lost her parents early, but her godmother’s doors were always open to her. Behind these doors, the girl met her love … Years later, Lucy left England behind. Now she works as a teacher in a girls’ boarding school, and years later, she meets again with Graham – her first love. But the man was never attracted to her – neither now, nor in deep childhood. Monsieur Paul burns with Lucy – can a big age difference not become an obstacle to love?

6. The Mystery of Edwin Drood by Charles Dickens

10 books similar to Pride and Prejudice

«The Mystery of Edwid Drood“- the last unfinished novel by Charles Dickens, who managed to write the best novels about family values ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXband home comfort. This work differs from other novels of the writer – it is a detective story with gothic elements. Dickens’ work has been called the most intriguing of all that he wrote.

Rosa Bud has been engaged to Edwin Drood since early childhood, but they are just friends. Their parents decided everything for them, so they had to submit to their will. Edwin has an uncle who is several years older than him and is in love with Rose. Jasper wants to kill his nephew and marry Rosa, besides, the girl is poor and lives in a monastery…

5. The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot

10 books similar to Pride and Prejudice

Before you is not just a novel, but a manual on education and autobiography of George Eliot. The writer tells the story of the life, love and death of Maggie Tulliver, one of the most touching heroines created by the English writer.

At first glance, the plot of the novel is simple: Maggie lives in her father’s mill, she has an older brother. Her father adores her, and her mother takes her for an ugly duckling. But the girl grows strong, smart and wayward, and she is uncomfortable within the limits imposed by society. When writing the novel, Eliot covered the story of 10-15 growing up children – the reader watches how their characters and relationships with the outside world change.

4. “Gone with the Wind” by Margaret Mitchell

10 books similar to Pride and Prejudice

Nowadays “gone With the Wind”is considered a universally recognized classic, but at the time of its publication (this was in 1936), he had haters. Ralph Thompson, then a reviewer for The New York Times, smashed the book in his own words: “Mitchell’s book has an absurd plot that she couldn’t deliver no matter how hard she tried.” If he knew that the novel would become a cult …

The events of the work take place over 12 years: from 1861 to 1873. The novel begins with 2 pieces of news: the civil war between the North and the South has begun and Ashley Wilkes is marrying her cousin Melanie Hamilton. The second news strikes Scarlett much more … This is where the story of a fascinating novel begins.

3. Wuthering Heights by Emily Jane Brontë

10 books similar to Pride and Prejudice

«Wuthering Heights“- the only novel by the English writer of the XIX century Emily Jane and her most famous work all over the world. The novel came out in the same year as Jane Eyre, but its path to the hearts of readers turned out to be longer and more difficult.

This story is about the fatal love of Heathcliff, the adopted son of the owner of the estate, for his daughter Catherine. The beginning was harmless – the owner of the estate saved the homeless boy Heathcliff, but he did not foresee what a stormy whirlpool of events this decision would lead to … How to distinguish a destructive passion from true love? Readers will try to answer this question.

2. “Rebecca” Daphne Du Maurier

10 books similar to Pride and Prejudice

A novel by Daphne Du MaurierRebecca” immediately brought her popularity, and today is considered one of the best works of the writer.

One sweet girl serves as a companion of a rich lady, and goes to the Cote d’Azur for company with her, where she meets the rich English aristocrat Maximilian de Winter. After a short courtship, the girl marries him and wants to continue her family life in Manderly. However, she soon realizes that she cannot take the place of his late wife Rebecca in her husband’s heart … She was unusually beautiful and graceful, an excellent hostess, they could not take her eyes off her at balls … The main character is the complete opposite of Rebecca. Can she outshine the late wife of Maximilian de Winter?

1. “Jane Eyre” Charlotte Brontë

10 books similar to Pride and Prejudice

Novel “Jane Eyre“- a classic of literature. It has everything that touches women so much: the first feeling of love, unjustified hopes and devoted friends. The fate of the main character is full of tragedy, but Jane has the strength to fight for her happiness.

Jane Eyre is an orphan who has been oppressed in everything since childhood. Despite all the bad things that happened to her, Jane grew up to be a kind girl. She never betrays her principles, which arouses admiration in the reader. One can’t help but sympathize with Jane Eyre, she endures hardships again and again, but accepts them with all pride. This work introduces us to the fabulous past and makes us feel the special beauty of the spirit.

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