10 books about sex and sexuality you should read

Although nudity and various publications about sex in the media are normal today, sex is still taboo for many people. When problems in bed arise, many people feel ashamed to seek help from other people. Books that answer many troublesome questions are often helpful. If you are looking for interesting publications about sex and sexuality, check out our suggestions from literia.pl.

10 books about sex and sexuality you should read – Sexologists. New talks ”

The book is a continuation of the best-selling book “Sexolożki. Cabinet Secrets “. This publication is another meeting with a group of sexologists. The reader will find in it not only the next secrets of sexology clinics, but also help to understand many stereotypes that limit femininity and sexuality. Many questions can be answered by reading the book. The author, Marta Szarejko, will explain, inter alia, what problems are most often reported by couples in Poland to a sexologist, which destroys the libido, why the feeling of guilt in a woman when she does not want sex and many, many others. The item “Sexologists. New talks ”available at literia.pl.

10 Books About Sex And Sexuality You Should Read – “The Art Of Penis Handling”

Men sometimes treat the penis as something separate. In practice, this means that when they come to a doctor, for example, they talk about him as if he was not part of his body. In their publication, the authors want to make men aware of how many things that happen in their lives also affect sexuality. It is worth emphasizing that this is not just sex. Men tend to have task anxiety, porn addiction, or masturbation. It turns out that problems with libido and erection are only in third place among problems with male sexuality.

The authors Andrzej Gryżewski and Przemysław Pilarski discuss all these problems and many other issues that will help you learn how to use the penis. You can buy the book “The Art of Penis Handling” at literia.pl.

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10 books about sex and sexuality you should read – Slow sex. Free love ”

Slow sex. Uwolnić miłość ”is a new edition of the extremely popular guide by Hanna Rydlewska and Marta Niedźwiecka. Sex is a very important part of human life. It gives you energy and helps to maintain the emotional bond in the relationship. The new edition of the guide has been supplemented with current problems resulting from changes in the world. Many of the problems today are due to the fast pace of life, isolation during a pandemic, and various mental disorders. The authors of the book explain many issues related to sex and sexuality. In their opinion, they are associated with the inability to be here and now, and slow sex can be their solution and inspiration to introduce changes. The publication “Slow sex. Uwolnić miłość ”is available at literia.pl.

10 books about sex and sexuality you should read – “Intimacy Workshop”

“Intimacy Workshops” is a book by Agnieszka Szeżyńska. The author is an intimacy coach and sexuality educator for adults with extensive experience. Through her book, she wants to help her readers rediscover their sexuality and needs, and teach them to talk freely about sex.

The publication covers 10 important topics related to sexuality, as well as various exercises, questions and surveys. Thanks to this, the book can be compared to a workshop that will help you rediscover your needs. The book “Warsztaty intymności” is available at literia.pl.

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10 books about sex and sexuality you should read – “The sex worker, that is smart and spicy”

“Sexownik, meaning smart and spicy” is a book in which the authors discuss many topics related to the intimate zone of human life. Although sexuality is slowly ceasing to be a taboo subject, there are still many stereotypes associated with it. The authors, i.e. the well-known psychologist Katarzyna Miller and the journalist Beata Pawłowicz, raised many topics related to human sexuality. The book allows a very broad and unfettered view of sex and everything related to it. By reading it, we will discover our desires, understand our needs, and also increase the joy and satisfaction of sex. The book “Sexownik, or smart and spicy” available at literia.pl.

10 Sex and Sexuality Books You Should Read – Seven Sins Against Sexuality

Professor Zbigniew Izdebski and the journalist and writer Małgorzata Szcześniak have jointly created a publication that will help improve the quality of intercourse and get rid of fears, phobias and limitations. The book consists of seven chapters, which are a record of conversations full of anecdotes and experiences from the professor’s professional work. In the conversations there are issues related to religion, neglect, and shame that provoke reflection. The book “Seven sins against sexuality” available at literia.pl.

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10 books about sex and sexuality you should read – “Lew-Starowicz about delight”

Professor Zbigniew Lew-Starowicz is an undisputed expert in the field of sexology in Poland. “Lew-Starowicz about delight” is a book in which we can find answers to many questions related to sex. It is a collection of advice related to awakening sexuality, which is a continuation of the well-known series “About a woman, About a man, About love”. The book “Lew-Starowicz about pleasure” is available at literia.pl.

10 Sex and Sexuality Books You Should Read – “Is It Just Sex? The naked truth about our desires ”

The authors of the book are sexologist Anna Golan and journalist Justyna S. Majewska. They collected a dozen or so stories straight from life, which they used to learn how to set limits, about whether you can talk about normality in bed, or whether parenthood kills desire in a relationship. While reading a book, you can undoubtedly be surprised many times, but also learn a lot. You will learn, for example, why it is sometimes worth turning on an adult program, and you will learn about various aspects of sexuality. The book Is It Just Sex? The naked truth about our desires ”can be purchased at literia.pl.

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10 Sex and Sexuality Books You Should Read – Women Who Want More. Sexual life of Polish women – true stories ”

The book is the perfect book for adults. It is a record of sexologists’ conversations with women who found the courage to find their sexuality. The authors are doctor Sylwia Jędrzejewska and doctor Andrzej Depko. The protagonists of the book are women who took advantage of the sexual revolution of the XNUMXst century and the right to discover their own sexuality. It is worth noting, however, that the source of their pleasure was equally pain, domination, BDSM, open relationships or swingers clubs. Each of these women, however, found satisfaction.

The book is a description of the process of reaching your desires, the difficulties encountered and all the doubts that the protagonists struggled with along the way. The publication “Women who want more. Sexual life of Polish women – true stories ”is available at literia.pl.

10 Sex and Sexuality Books You Should Read – “Lots of Orgasms Please”

The book “Many Orgasms Please” is a collective work. It is an extremely interesting and fun publication about delight. While orgasm is temporary, it has a huge impact on sleep quality, keeping your appearance young, and can even help you overcome a crisis in your relationship. It is free and, importantly, everyone has access to it without restrictions. The guide examines all aspects of female sexuality. The guide is unbiased and helps women open up to pleasure and orgasm. The authors want to make women enjoy sex more and have the courage to try new things. The book “Lots of orgasms please” is available at literia.pl.

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