10 Body Signals to Pay Attention to

Our body is constantly giving us clues if something is going wrong inside the body. But most people don’t listen to their body’s signals. And various ailments are perceived as a reaction to stress. Many do not even go to the doctor, reassuring themselves that “it will pass by itself.” But “it will pass by itself” may not pass by itself. And the constant ignoring of the signals of your body often leads to the development of chronic diseases that are either not treated at all, or the therapy process will be very long. It is easier to immediately recognize the signs that the body sends you, so as not to start the pathological processes that occur in your body.

10 Finger color change

Changes in skin tone on the fingers are due to hypothermia, constant stress or physical exertion. But all of the above reasons are pretty harmless (apart from stress). But if changes in the color of the fingers are accompanied by tingling and numbness of the hands, it is quite possible that there are some problems in your body. First of all, such symptoms indicate diseases of the spine, skin or blood vessels. If you notice changes in skin tone that do not go away for a long time and your fingers are constantly numb, you should immediately consult a doctor. Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat it.

9. White coating on the tongue

Another body signal that you definitely need to pay attention to is a white coating on the tongue. Normally, white plaque is always present on the surface of the tongue, but it is practically not noticeable. But its excessive amount speaks of diseases of the upper respiratory tract and heart, infectious pathologies, leukoplakia, lichen planus, scarlet fever and other diseases. In addition to white plaque, a person should be alerted by bad breath. White plaque is a common symptom of a large number of serious pathologies.

8. Dry mouth

First of all, dry mouth can indicate the development of diabetes. In this case, the person begins to drink more water and go to the toilet more often. But not only diabetes manifests itself in this way. Dry mouth occurs with Parkinson’s and Schegner’s disease, HIV, Hodgkin’s disease, hormonal failure. Heavy smokers often complain about dry mouth. Dehydration is another reason why you get dry mouth. The cause of this symptom may be an incipient stroke or heart attack, rheumatoid arthritis, and hypotension. It is impossible to say with certainty that dry mouth is a sign of a serious illness. But if this symptom does not go away for a long period of time, it is worth considering a visit to a general practitioner.

7. Dark circles under the eyes

The first thing that comes to mind if you find circles under your eyes is lack of sleep. Indeed, if a person does not get enough sleep regularly, then dark circles appear under his eyes. The skin under the eyes is very thin and blood vessels are located next to the skin. If the blood in the blood vessels accumulates due to a lack of oxygen, then a person develops dark circles. In addition to lack of sleep, the cause of dark bags under the eyes is chronic stress, anxiety and depression. Another reason is insomnia. Naturally, smoking, drinking alcohol and junk food affect the skin around the eyes in a negative way.

6. Flaky skin

First of all, the skin peels off from a lack of moisture and nutrients in the body. The skin of the face and hands is especially susceptible to peeling. The skin on your hands can flake due to constant exposure to chemicals (if you wash dishes or floors without using gloves). But there are also more serious reasons why the skin may begin to peel off. These include dermatological diseases, autoimmune pathologies, scarlet fever and secondary syphilis. Peeling is often accompanied by reddening of the skin and severe itching. To eliminate this symptom, you must first visit a dermatologist.

5. Blurred image

The most innocuous cause of impaired visual function is lack of sleep. Often, during severe fatigue, a person stops noticing small details and complains of visual impairment. In this case, it is enough to sleep well and rest. But in addition to lack of sleep, the cause of blurry vision is nearsightedness or farsightedness, cataracts, multiple sclerosis, hypoglycemia, and blood sugar imbalances. These reasons no longer seem so harmless. If treatment is not started on time, the person’s condition will only worsen.

4. Smell from the mouth

Bad breath in the morning is quite normal. If the smell disappears after brushing your teeth, then there is nothing to be afraid of. Another thing is if he accompanies you constantly. First of all, the cause may be insufficient oral hygiene, problems with teeth and gums, problems with the stomach and intestines, taking certain medications and eating foods with a pronounced smell. Most often, with an unpleasant smell from the mouth, smokers with experience suffer. First of all, when this symptom appears, contact your dentist and gastroenterologist.

3. “Flies” before the eyes

It is easiest to spot flies in front of your eyes if you look at a light surface for several minutes. The appearance of flies before the eyes indicates violations of the organs of vision. Most often, the cause of the flies is the pathology of the vitreous body of the eye. For example, it can be a posterior vitreous detachment or retinal detachment, trauma to the eyeballs, peripheral retinal dystrophy, or hemorrhage in the eyeball. It is not difficult to guess that all these reasons are very serious. And, if you do not turn to an ophthalmologist in time, you can lose your eyesight.

2. eyelid twitch

Eyelid twitching or nervous tic is quite common. If the twitching of the eyelid is episodic, then there is nothing to worry about. But it’s still worth checking. And if this problem torments you constantly, you need to sign up for a clinic. The main cause of eyelid twitching is stress. It also occurs with a strong load on the eyes, overwork, dry eyes, excessive use of strong coffee and allergies. The lack of magnesium in the body is often accompanied by this symptom. Many neurological pathologies manifest themselves in the form of a nervous tic.

1. “Music” in the stomach

Rumbling in the stomach is not always due to hunger. Acute and chronic diseases of the stomach, nervous and mental disorders, intestinal disorders and food allergies – all this is often accompanied by rumbling in the stomach. It is not difficult to recognize that the “music” in the stomach is the cause of the pathology. If rumbling in the stomach disturbs you constantly, and not only when you are hungry, this is the first signal that it is time to visit a gastroenterologist. Especially if you know that you have intestinal or stomach problems. At first glance, it seems that rumbling in the stomach is a harmless symptom. But in reality this is often not the case.

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