10 Bizarre Plastic Surgeries That Are Already Popular

Plastic surgery is already used by many people in order to improve their appearance. If a person does not like his appearance, which nature has awarded him, then he can turn to a specialist who will correct the “flaws”, for example, improve the shape of the nose or increase the chest.

Such things no longer surprise anyone, but there are strange types of plastic surgery that not everyone has even heard of.

From the article you will find out what operations are becoming popular and what people are ready to go to create the perfect appearance.

10 Creation of dimples on the cheeks

10 Bizarre Plastic Surgeries That Are Already Popular

People with dimples look charming and cute, but not everyone has them. It’s all about the individual characteristics of a person’s large zygomatic muscle – its structure makes a “dimple”.

People who are not endowed with charming dimples by nature can undergo plastic surgery – dimplectomies. But it is important to know something – after such an operation, it will not be possible to return your previous appearance back – the dimples cannot be removed.

9. Navel plastic surgery

10 Bizarre Plastic Surgeries That Are Already Popular

When a person begins to look for “shortcomings” in himself, he finds them everywhere (it was not in vain that he started searching!) Especially for those who care even about the little things, there is an operation to change the shape of the navel – umbilicoplasty.

With the help of the operation, you can change the size of the navel, its shape and appearance. Belly button surgery is becoming popular, and it is readily done, especially by young people – they want a neat navel, a depression resembling a funnel.

8. Shortening of the toes

10 Bizarre Plastic Surgeries That Are Already Popular

Women make any sacrifice in pursuit of beauty. And what is not invented for them!

Women who wear open shoes want the perfect look of their toes, so they resort to “Cinderella Surgery” – this is the name of the operation.

As a rule, women are most worried about the long second finger – it is he who stands out from the rest.

The causes of long fingers can be different – genetics, developmental anomalies, injuries of the phalanges of the fingers. Although the feet are not the most visible part of the body, girls willingly undergo surgery.

7. Calf enlargement

10 Bizarre Plastic Surgeries That Are Already Popular

Beautiful legs are a matter of pride, and if a person wants to give them harmony, he can do cruroplasty – an operation to improve the legs.

The operation is simple and takes no more than 30 minutes. The doctor installs an implant for the patient, which allows the shins to be expanded to the required size.

After 4 months, when the tissues of the lower leg adapt and stretch, a second operation can be performed by installing a larger implant. Silicone tabs make the legs smoother and it seems that a person never parted with the sport.

6. Muscle Implantation

10 Bizarre Plastic Surgeries That Are Already Popular

Of course, a person can go to the gym and try to achieve the perfect figure with the help of exercise equipment and a professional trainer, but not everyone has the time and desire to go to the gym.

You can give the body a perfect relief with the help of implants made of silicone. They are tough and hold their shape well.

A spectacular appearance is guaranteed – the girls will pay attention, but such an operation will not make a person strong, which is typical for athletes.

5. Breast augmentation for a couple of days

10 Bizarre Plastic Surgeries That Are Already Popular

Breast augmentation is the most popular plastic surgery in the world, but not every woman is ready to go under the knife. For those who are afraid of surgery, surgeons in Japan have come up with a non-surgical method of breast augmentation – Cinderella Breast Augmentation.

Instead of implants, which are usually inserted into the body, a woman is injected with half a liter of sterile saline. This procedure lasts only 20 minutes, and the breast increases by 2 sizes. True, the effect will last no more than 24 hours.

You can resort to this method, for example, if a very important event is planned in your life, and you want to wear a beautiful dress with a deep neckline.

4. Hair transplant to increase the volume of eyelashes and eyebrows

10 Bizarre Plastic Surgeries That Are Already Popular

Hair transplantation in the area of ​​eyelashes and eyebrows has been developed and used for a long time, but before it was done only in cases where a person had lost their hairline for some reason.

Now a hair transplant can be done if the facial hair does not suit the person.

Thin and drawn eyebrows are no longer in fashion – they give out a bad tone and the face looks unnatural. Hair transplantation will allow everyone to get the desired image – the face will look beautiful and natural.

3. Moving your own fat

10 Bizarre Plastic Surgeries That Are Already Popular

Own fat can be moved from one part to another. You do not like that you have excess fat on your tummy and want to get rid of it? Think about where in the body it is missing … Maybe in the buttocks?

Professional surgeons can move fat from one area of ​​the body to another – for this it is pumped out and placed in the desired one. If a person is slender, then fat is taken on the inside of the knees – every person has fat deposits there.

2. Lip lifting

10 Bizarre Plastic Surgeries That Are Already Popular

As men and women naturally age, the area around the mouth changes. Upper lip lift is a long-term method that helps restore youthful proportions.

Under the nose, the doctor removes a strip of skin, thereby the upper lip rises slightly, the red border of the lips becomes wider again. The nasolabial folds are smoothed out and the corners of the mouth are raised.

The operation lasts from 40 to 60 minutes. Lips look swollen and elastic, re-intervention will be needed no earlier than in 10 years.

1. Changing the lines of fate

10 Bizarre Plastic Surgeries That Are Already Popular

Those who are sensitive to the lines on their hand, believing that they determine the fate, can take advantage of surgical intervention.

Everyone can draw on their palm what they want, and stop feeling fear for their fate. Patients ask surgeons to correct some lines that are responsible for love, well-being …

It is generally accepted that fate cannot be changed, but is it really so? The operation lasts 10-15 minutes, during which time the doctor can correct up to 10 lines in the palm of your hand. After that, you can calmly consider the lines and know that everything will be fine.

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