10 Bizarre Facts That Might Make You Believe Alien Life Exists

Whether alien intelligence exists is still debated. Ufologists, parapsychologists and psychics are sure that UFOs really exist.

So far, there is no absolute evidence that aliens visit our planet. Nevertheless, experts say that extraterrestrial life does exist.

Observations obtained during the Soviet era are especially valuable. At that time, people were not particularly interested in aliens, no one believed in the supernatural. But the UFO was still observed.

10 UFOs visited the ancient Egyptians

10 Bizarre Facts That Might Make You Believe Alien Life Exists There are irrefutable scientific facts that aliens visited Ancient Egypt. That is why this civilization began to develop so rapidly. Otherwise, how to explain some of the facts that have come down to us?

Looking at the ancient hieroglyphs, ufologists found there pictures that show light bulbs, as well as devices that look like modern helicopters and planes.

The Tully Papyrus is especially impressive. This is an unusual papyrus that records Egyptian sightings of UFOs.

At the time when Thutmose ruled Egypt, a fiery disk descended to them. Later, several similar disks appeared, shining brighter than the Sun. A few days later, all these objects disappeared.

9. In the United States, a special SETI Institute was built in Mountain View, which should prove the existence of an alien mind

10 Bizarre Facts That Might Make You Believe Alien Life Exists

On November 20, 1984, the SETI Institute was opened in California. This is a non-profit organization that the government has exempted from taxes.

They set themselves the goal of exploring and understanding how life spreads in the universe. They have their own radio telescopes, optical telescopes, which are necessary to pick up signals from extraterrestrial civilizations.

One of the tasks set is the search for exoplanets, as well as life on the planets of the solar system, including Mars.

But scientists say that their institute was also created in order to popularize science, to interest young people. They take part in interesting space projects.

Since 1995, this institute has been working on a project that scans more than 1 stars to detect alien radio communications. So far, nothing is known about the results obtained, but huge amounts of money are spent on all these developments, about 5 million a year.

8. Alla Tsevalyuk’s observations

10 Bizarre Facts That Might Make You Believe Alien Life Exists Alla Tsevalyuk once lived in Leningrad. On September 15, 1982, she was at home.

Somewhere closer to dinner, around 12.30, she saw a bright disk, a little more than the sun. He was flat. The disk hovered at an angle of 15°. Alla Dmitrevna could see that he was light, airy, pale, and he had “braids” around the edges.

At first, Tsevalyuk decided that it was the sun with braids, but then she realized that this was not so. It really couldn’t be the sun. Calculations showed that at that time it was at an angle of 30°.

7. Observation of pilot John Wakare

10 Bizarre Facts That Might Make You Believe Alien Life Exists This incident occurred on August 13, 1956. At 21.30:9 pm, an American pilot named John Wakare saw a UFO. He flew at a speed of XNUMX thousand kilometers per hour.

The pilot told L. Wenry that his radar was able to detect 12-13 unidentified objects. Later, they all merged into one large UFO, which was larger than an airplane with a wingspan of 70 m.

At 10 o’clock, one UFO appeared again, moving at a speed of 19 thousand kilometers per hour. The air traffic control tower also observed a UFO, but described it as a bright light located at an altitude of 1200 m.

6. Observations of Doctor of Sciences, author of books on UFOs, Yuri Horak

10 Bizarre Facts That Might Make You Believe Alien Life Exists It was in the summer of 1968. He walked around Zhitsin. Yuri watched as an unidentified flying object appeared in the sky in the form of a symmetrical triangle. Its surface was shiny, made of some kind of metal.

The scientist watched him for almost half an hour, all this time he did not move anywhere. Then the object disappeared. A minute before he disappeared, a haze enveloped him, and behind it everything disappeared.

5. T.P.’s story Drury from New Guinea

10 Bizarre Facts That Might Make You Believe Alien Life Exists He was well versed in 32 types of different aircraft and was a specialist in meteorology. He recalls how on August 23, 1953 he went for a walk with his family. There are no clouds in the sky.

He filmed a native who was fishing with a spear. His wife noticed a cloud that suddenly appeared in the sky. Gradually it turned into a white cube. There was nothing like a UFO in the sky.

He decided to film it all, because. interested in such things. A long object suddenly appeared from the cloud, it glittered in the sun. It was shaped like a bullet. He didn’t have wings.

The object soon disappeared, but a trace remained behind it. It was dense, with black edges, but at the same time white and wavy. All this could be seen on a piece of the film. But he did not hear any sounds, although the object was not far from him.

4. I. Kravchenko shared his story in the Leninskoe Znamya newspaper

10 Bizarre Facts That Might Make You Believe Alien Life Exists It happened in March 1989, in Kyiv. At 7 pm he was on the balcony of his 15-story building. He was looking around with interest when he suddenly saw an orange stripe.

A little later, an oval figure appeared in front of him. She stayed in the sky for 10-12 minutes, and then floated up. It emitted black smoke. The figure rapidly moved up, and then it shrank, became like an accordion.

Then a second figure appeared before his eyes, a “trunk” descended from it, gray smoke came out of it. Before his eyes appeared a wing with turbines at the end. It had orange stripes coming out of it.

When all this disappeared, the eyewitness’s head became like cast iron, and his legs became cotton.

3. In America, you can insure against UFO abduction

10 Bizarre Facts That Might Make You Believe Alien Life Exists Insurance companies have a new service. They pay $1 over time if their client is abducted by aliens. He chooses which insurance to choose.

There are options: UFO abduction, pregnancy from aliens, or violence and even death.

According to the data, about 20 thousand people took advantage of such insurance.

2. American firefighters are ready to meet with aliens

10 Bizarre Facts That Might Make You Believe Alien Life Exists In the United States, some firefighters are trained to provide first aid in the event of a UFO invasion or accident. And in these courses they teach, including how to help the affected aliens.

1. 2% chance that the existence of UFOs will be proven

10 Bizarre Facts That Might Make You Believe Alien Life Exists

According to scientists at the University of East Anglia, the probability that the existence of aliens will be proved in the next ten years is 2%. This is not so little, given the fact that the Earth and our Universe are quite well studied.

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