10 biological anomalies inherent in humans

About 7,6 billion people live on planet Earth. Of course, they all differ in appearance, but the structure of the body and internal organs is the same for all. Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule. We are talking about genetic abnormalities. Human anomalies have long been of interest to doctors, scientists and ordinary people. However, no one can explain their origin. Some deviations are no longer considered as such, they have become quite common. However, no one can explain the nature of these anomalies.

We present to your attention 10 biological anomalies inherent in humans.

10 Mongolian spot

10 biological anomalies inherent in humans

These are bluish spots on the skin of babies. They can be of different sizes and shapes. They are formed in the lumbosacral region. Mongolian spots are a distinctive feature of representatives of the Mongoloid and Negroid races. If a Caucasian child was born with such a spot, then one of his ancestors definitely belonged to the “colored” race. Do not be afraid of Mongolian spots, this is just a pigment deposit in the connective tissue layer of the skin. It is not dangerous for the health of the child. Most likely, by 4-5 years it will disappear. But it happens that the spots remain for life. Still, if a child was born with a spot, you need to contact a dermatologist, you should not make a diagnosis on your own. Perhaps this is something else, and then the health of the child may be at risk.

9. The influence of the sun on man

10 biological anomalies inherent in humans

Surely, most people have never heard of science – space natural science. It is she who studies the influence of the Sun on the planet Earth and on humans, in particular. The scientist Alexander Chizhevsky devoted his whole life to this science. He conducted research, correlated all the most tragic events during the existence of mankind with solar activity. He took into account the most significant historical events: uprisings, wars, revolutions. As it turned out, they happened at the peak of solar activity. The information that the Sun affects a person has been confirmed. Indeed, solar flares excite the nervous system. We are talking about magnetic storms. Everyone at least once experienced their effect on the body. A person becomes emotionally unstable, some even show aggression.

8. Features of the respiratory system

10 biological anomalies inherent in humans

It seems to a person that he breathes with both nostrils at the same time. But it’s not. The nostrils “work” alternately. The nasal cycle lasts on average up to 2,5 hours. At this time, one nostril breathes, and the other rests. This phenomenon can be explained by the alternation of swelling of the cavernous tissue in the nostrils. The blood vessels constrict and expand. We can say that one nostril breathes 85%, the other the remaining 15%. In the world, 80% of the total population has such breathing, and the remaining 20% ​​do not. Scientists still cannot explain this phenomenon.

7. Paraphilia

10 biological anomalies inherent in humans

Paraphilia is an abnormal sexual desire. In this case, the sex of two people who have passed the stage of puberty is considered normal. This, in addition to traditional sex, includes oral, anal and some other types. Examples of paraphilia can be: preference as a sexual partner for persons with physical disabilities, paralyzed, interest in enemas or urine. But there are other types of paraphilia that harm others: pedophilia, bestiality. Pedophiles are not considered sick, they are punished to the fullest extent of the law, although zoophiles, perhaps, should also be punished. Scientists cannot name the causes of paraphilia, but they found that to a greater extent they are neurobiological in nature. Of course, psychosocial factors play a big role.

6. Left handed and right handed

10 biological anomalies inherent in humans

Until now, scientists cannot figure out why a person cannot do things with the right and left hands in the same way. For most people, the dominant hand is the right. Therefore, for those whose left hand predominates, life is a little more difficult. Firstly, everything in this world is adapted for right-handed people. Secondly, left-handers have much more health problems. Urinary incontinence, disorders of the immune system, mental problems. These people are more prone to depression, they are prone to suicide, drug and alcohol addiction. Their life span is also shorter. Left-handed children have learning difficulties, especially when learning foreign languages. But on the other hand, nature often endows them with good mathematical and musical abilities.

5. Sexual Deviations

10 biological anomalies inherent in humans

It is difficult to draw the line between sexual deviations and paraphilias. In general, all these concepts are very blurred, there is no consensus regarding sexual deviations. Someone considers this normal, someone will call it nothing more than a sexual perversion. Still, there are more than enough sexual deviations in people’s behavior. Some do not need any interaction and sexual partners at all. They take pleasure in others. Exhibitionists are a prime example. They do not hope for a “continuation”, they just need to demonstrate their genitals. For a long time homosexuality was also attributed to sexual deviations. Now, some countries even allow same-sex marriages.

4. Identical twins

10 biological anomalies inherent in humans

A fertilized cell can divide into two parts. This is how the life of identical twins begins. They not only resemble each other in appearance, but have the same genotype. Surprisingly, people who are difficult to distinguish from each other, sometimes they are a mirror copy of each other. The only thing that does not always coincide with the twins is the size of the legs. Of course, they differ not only in this, but usually an outsider will not notice the difference. They even have similar fingerprints.

3. intraanesthetic awakening

10 biological anomalies inherent in humans

People have not been afraid for a long time at the word “anesthesia”. It was in the past that many did not live to see the end of the operation solely because of the method of anesthesia. In medieval Europe, the patient was simply beaten on the head until he lost consciousness. But still, some individuals shudder at the mere memory of the operation. The fact is that not all people are amenable to the action of anesthesia. Some hear the doctors talking, others even experience discomfort. This is not about choosing the wrong dosage. Just 1 – 2 people out of a thousand experience problems with anesthesia. Scientists cannot explain what this is connected with. It is very difficult for such a person to decide on an operation, moreover, he may begin to panic.

2. Chimera

10 biological anomalies inherent in humans

Chimeras are sometimes found among humans as well. They are formed by the fusion of two fertilized eggs. The body develops, and each of its cells too. In 1953, scientists discovered a woman who had two different blood types. The official number of chimera people is 40, in fact there are, of course, many more. Scientists suggest that the maniac Chikatilo was also a chimera. Data on blood type and sperm did not match. Of course, this does not include organisms bred artificially.

1. Communication between humans and animals

10 biological anomalies inherent in humans

Also, scientists are still at a loss because they cannot explain how the owners understand their pets. The dog knows when the owner is dissatisfied with her and when vice versa. In the same way, a person feels non-verbal signals, understanding what mood the pet is in. There has long been controversy among scientists as to how this process occurs. There may be facial expressions, eyebrow movements, eye expressions corresponding to animal signals. To be honest, this worries not only scientists, but also the owners. After all, they would like to understand their pets even better. Most likely, someday animals will begin to understand people, and people animals. But it will be a completely different world, not like the one we live in now.

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