10 biggest libraries in the world

The following list of 10 positions includes the largest libraries in the world. The largest repositories of books have at their disposal millions of paper editions, both in native and foreign languages. In addition to printed publications, these world book giants also have electronic media. The determining criterion for the scale of the book depositories was the size of the fund, which is at their disposal.

10 National Library of France

10 biggest libraries in the world

National Library of France (Paris) opens the ranking of the largest book depositories in the world, which contains the richest collection of literature in French. It is one of the oldest libraries in Europe, which for a long time was at the personal disposal of the rulers of France. Its foundation took place in the 14th century by Charles 5 the Wise. Currently, the reading room includes six buildings, and its book fund is 31 million items. About 1,5 million people visit this place every year.

9. National Library of China

10 biggest libraries in the world

National Library of China (Beijing) ranks ninth on the list. The Beijing Reading Room was opened at the beginning of the last century and was known as the Library of the Capital Teachers’ Chambers. The modern name of the book depository was closer to the beginning of our century. The area occupied by the institution is 170 thousand square meters. The library has the richest collection of rare books, which are not found anywhere else in the world. The book depository is located in three buildings. The fund of the institution has more than 31 million items. More than 5 million people visit the reading room every year.

8. Royal Danish Library

10 biggest libraries in the world

Royal Danish Library (Copenhagen) is the largest reading room in Scandinavia, one of the ten leaders in the world in terms of the number of books and other publications stored in it in print and electronic form. This book depository takes its history from the middle of the 17th century, the general access to which appeared only at the end of the 18th century. Currently, the institution includes several buildings, the main of which is located on the island of Slotsholmen. Over 33 million positions are stored here. More than a million readers visit the walls of the reading room every year.

7. National Diet Library

10 biggest libraries in the world

National Diet Library (Tokyo) is located on the seventh honorary line. The reading room was founded in the middle of the last century. Includes two largest branches, which are located in Tokyo and Kyoto. There are about 30 smaller subsidiaries. The library collects all books printed in Japan. The collection of the book depository contains books not only in Japanese, but also in other languages. Eight collections are considered especially important, including foreign books about Japan, ancient publications, etc. The reading room’s fund exceeds 35 million items.

6. Russian National Library

10 biggest libraries in the world

Russian National Library (St. Petersburg) is located on the sixth position of the library top. The unofficial name of the book depository, which was given to him by the people of St. Petersburg – “Publicka”. The library is recognized as a particularly valuable object of national heritage, which contains the largest collection of books in Russian. It was founded in 1814. Currently, in addition to the head building, “Publichka” includes six branches, which act as a repository of unique editions and ancient handwritten books. The national treasure has a fund of about 37 million units. About a million people visit the reading room every year.

5. Russian State Library

10 biggest libraries in the world

Russian State Library (Moscow) is located in the middle of the ranking of the largest book depositories in the world. It was founded in the middle of the 19th century and is located in the historic area called Old Vagankovo. The institution includes a complex of buildings, the main of which is a nineteen-storey book depository. Its total area is 85 thousand square meters. To withstand the entire weight of the books, the building is helped by a lattice grid laid between the tiers. The number of seats in the reading room is more than 1700, and the volume of the fund is close to 47 million items.

4. Library and Archives Canada

10 biggest libraries in the world

Library and Archives Canada (Ottawa) are responsible for the collection and preservation of Canada’s documentary heritage. The materials that are in the institution’s fund come from other government agencies, national communities and private donors. Most of the library’s collection consists of materials that are directly related to the history and culture of the country. In addition to fiction and historical literature, the book depository contains artifacts, architectural sketches, works of art, etc. The fund of the institution is approximately 48 million items.

3. New York Public Library

10 biggest libraries in the world

New York Public Library (New York) opens the top three largest book depositories in the world. It is a private non-profit organization that is on private and public financial support. The institution has several branches located in Manhattan, Staten Island and the Bronx. In total, the library has more than 80 departments. The total library fund includes over 50 million items, of which almost half are books. About 18 million people visit the walls of this reading room every year.

2. british library

10 biggest libraries in the world

british library (London) is second in the top three. It was founded in the 70s of the 20th century. The institution is funded by the UK government. The library includes three branches located in different parts of London. All residents of London over the age of 18 have the right to visit with a library card. The reading room fund today is about 150 million units.

1. Library of Congress

10 biggest libraries in the world

Library of Congress (Washington) – the largest library in the world, serving both the regular school and more global institutions engaged in scientific, political and research activities. It was founded at the very beginning of the 19th century, when the reins of the United States of America belonged to John Adams, who allocated the first funds for the development of the institution. The initial fund was just over seven hundred books, which began to gradually increase. However, during the hostilities in Washington, the library was completely destroyed. The restoration of the library began on the orders of the next president, Thomas Jefferson, who sold his personal collection, which included more than 6 volumes in various languages. Currently, the library’s fund is 155 million items, and it itself occupies three buildings located on Capitol Hill.

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