10 Biblical Miracles That Have a Rational Explanation

The Bible is one of the oldest books written by mankind. It is filled with stories that often seem to be fiction. Therefore, earlier scientists considered the events described in the holy book to be a lie. But it was probably not fiction. Many of the legends have a completely rational explanation.

10 Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah

10 Biblical Miracles That Have a Rational Explanation Even those who have not read the Bible are familiar with the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. Debauchery and vice reigned in these cities. God decided to wipe them off the face of the Earth by sending sulfuric rain and fire from the sky on the inhabitants.

Archaeologists believe that a powerful earthquake occurred in Sodom and Gomorrah. These cities are located on two lithospheric plates, which diverged in different directions 5000 years ago.

In addition, the settlements were located in an unfortunate place. The Dead (Asphalt) Sea was full of lumps of bitumen, and there were many oil and methane deposits nearby.

During the earthquake, all these substances ignited, and the bitumen released sulfur and hydrogen sulfide. This is where the reference to burning brimstone comes from in the Bible. In addition, burning hydrogen sulfide turns into acid. It poured out on the inhabitants along with the rain.

9. Manna of Heaven

10 Biblical Miracles That Have a Rational Explanation Prophet Moses led the Jews in the desert for 40 years. All this time they ate manna from heaven – the food that God sent them. This is a small white groats that melted by noon. This food is also mentioned in the Qur’an.

It is most likely that the manna from heaven is a product of the vital activity of the tamarisk tree. This plant secretes drops of sweet juice that repels aphids.

The frozen juice falls to the ground in the form of small white grains, which melt or are eaten by ants by noon.

According to another version, manna was grains of trehalose, a sweet carbohydrate secreted by certain bacteria, fungi, plants, or beetles. Locals still use trehalose as a sweetener.

8. Moses’ conversation with God

10 Biblical Miracles That Have a Rational Explanation According to a professor of psychology at the Hebrew University, Moses’ conversation with God took place under the influence of the hallucinogen ayahuasca. Indian tribes used this substance to communicate with their gods.

7. Burning bush

10 Biblical Miracles That Have a Rational Explanation According to legend, this is a bush that burns, but does not burn out. It was in it on Mount Sinai that God appeared to Moses.

In the past, Mount Sinai was a volcano. Probably, an acacia bush grew in his vent. This plant is used to make special “fireproof” charcoal. Thus, the bush burned, and its frame remained intact.

Also, a scientist from the Hebrew University claims that in the Sinai region, some types of acacia contain psychoactive alkaloids, similar in composition to the aforementioned ayask. So the conversation with God took place under the influence of the excreted substance.

6. water from stone

10 Biblical Miracles That Have a Rational Explanation In the desert, people were in dire need of water. Moses struck the stone, and liquid poured out. This is due to the fact that not all stones are monolithic.

In some rocks there are many pores and voids in which moisture accumulates. Moses, striking with a rod, knocked down the outer layer of the stone, and the water that had accumulated in the rock poured out from the inside.

5. Ten Plagues of Egypt

10 Biblical Miracles That Have a Rational Explanation According to the Bible, Pharaoh did not want to let the enslaved Jews go. Then God sent ten plagues on Egypt. These include the transformation of water into blood, the invasion of toads, blood-sucking insects, the loss of livestock, an epidemic, “fiery hail” and lightning, Egyptian darkness, and, finally, the death of the firstborn of the pharaoh.

The reddening of the water is an algae bloom that releases toxic substances. It causes poisoning of fauna and flight of toads. Dead toads and fish entail the appearance of flies. The midge infected with glanders causes death in livestock and ulcers in humans. A fiery hail is a volcanic eruption. It was followed by a volcanic winter during which the sun could not be seen through the smoke. Also, the reddening of the water often accompanies the explosion of the volcano.

The Jews who kept cattle did not eat the meat themselves, but gave everything to the ruling family. In Egypt, it was customary to feed the firstborn of the pharaoh first, and give him a double portion of food. Because the cattle were infected, the firstborn ate the meat and died.

4. Fall of Jericho

10 Biblical Miracles That Have a Rational Explanation Jericho was impregnable. During the siege, 7 trumpets sounded simultaneously, and people screamed at the same time. After that, the walls collapsed, and the Israelites took the city.

However, according to research, in fact, the walls of Jericho were destroyed by an earthquake 150 years before the coming of the Israelites.

3. Jews crossing the Red Sea

10 Biblical Miracles That Have a Rational Explanation Moses led the Jews across the sea. The water parted before him, opening a passage through the land. The sea flooded the army following the people.

The stretch of water on the shore was shallow, with a reef hidden below. In 2010, scientists created a computer model in which the “miracle” described in the Bible could take place.

A very strong wind could expose a piece of land under water and open a passage. In addition, at the bottom of the Red Sea, archaeologists have found the skeletons of half a thousand people and their military equipment. That is, the warriors of the pharaoh really could die in the middle of the sea, when the wind subsided and the sea returned to its “normal” form.

2. Immaculate Conception

10 Biblical Miracles That Have a Rational Explanation The conception of Mary is one of the most controversial and controversial episodes in the Bible. Humans, unlike some animals, are not capable of parthenogenesis (the birth of a child from an unfertilized egg).

And even if this happened, the born individual (in this case, Jesus) would have to be completely identical to the mother.

1. The Tower of Babel

10 Biblical Miracles That Have a Rational Explanation According to Genesis, after the Flood, people were one people. They created the city of Babylon and decided to build a high tower in it to exalt themselves. God did not allow them to finish building.

In addition, after the heavenly punishment, people began to speak different languages. Not understanding each other, the peoples dispersed all over the world to build their cities.

Some scholars see a connection between the story of the Tower of Babel and the building of ziggurats in ancient Mesopotamia. These are tall towers.

In Babylon, the highest was located – Etemenanki (“the house where heaven meets earth”). The building was destroyed several times. Presumably, at the time when Etemenanki was rebuilt again, the arriving Jews mistook it for destroyed.

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