10 best ways to fall asleep quickly at night without sleeping pills

According to doctors, in recent years people have begun to use sleeping pills more often. But you should not thoughtlessly use this invention if there are no medical indications and serious reasons for this. They are not as harmless as they seem at first glance. Tablets can cause serious damage to the body. In addition, in most cases they are addictive. The American psychiatrist Kripke says that one sleeping pill in its effect on the body is comparable to a pack of cigarettes. But you can improve sleep without resorting to drastic measures. If sleep problems are systematic, you will have to visit a doctor or change your lifestyle, few people are ready for this. You can also use the following tips to improve your sleep.

10 Prepare for sleep properly

10 best ways to fall asleep quickly at night without sleeping pills

Most sleep problems arise from the fact that people do not consider it necessary to somehow prepare for it. At least half an hour before going to bed, you need to turn off the TV, put your phone and tablet away. Before going to bed, you should get rid of thoughts, and not add new “food for thought” to yourself. Be sure to ventilate the room, a common cause of poor sleep is stuffiness. You can read a good book, but not a detective story with an exciting plot, otherwise you will not fall asleep until you finish reading it to the end. And it is best to turn on pleasant relaxing music. It will help you forget about the troubles, you can fall asleep quickly.

9. White noise

10 best ways to fall asleep quickly at night without sleeping pills

White noise is a great alternative to music. Use any sound effects. Again, a number of conditions must be met. The noise should not be loud, uniform. You just need to focus on it, try not to think about anything else. If you have small children, you probably know about this technique. Maybe you even tried it, but without success. Try it for yourself, a child often cannot fall asleep not because of thoughts that visit him, unlike an adult. If you manage to relax, you yourself will not notice how you fall asleep. It is not necessary to listen to white noise, it can be the sounds of running water, the noise of fans.

8. Color sequence method

10 best ways to fall asleep quickly at night without sleeping pills

This method is similar to meditation with elements of self-hypnosis. If you can’t sleep because you’re worried about tomorrow, try this method. Close your eyes and promise yourself that you will fall asleep as soon as you see all the colors of the rainbow. Visualize red first. It can be any object, concentrate your attention only on it. Next, move on to orange, yellow. When the turn of blue comes, tell yourself that when you see the last color, you will fall asleep. Present it in exactly the same way as the previous ones. As soon as you create an imaginary purple picture, sleep will come to you.

7. The GRU method

10 best ways to fall asleep quickly at night without sleeping pills

If someone does not know, the GRU is the main intelligence agency. But let’s not go into details. This technique is used by serious men when they need to fall asleep in the shortest possible time. After all, special forces do not have a lot of extra time, and in order to do their job efficiently, they must have a good rest. This method is quite simple. You need to lie on your back, relax. Then you should roll the pupils up. This is the normal position of the eyes during sleep. Thus, you can deceive your brain, it will give the body certain signals. Soon you will be able to sleep.

6. Folk remedies

10 best ways to fall asleep quickly at night without sleeping pills

The best way to fall asleep quickly is to work hard. This method has stood the test of time. When a person gets tired, he literally falls down. But if this method does not suit you, there are many others. A very tasty remedy for insomnia is honey water. Put a teaspoon of honey in warm boiled water and drink it 15 minutes before bedtime. You can replace water with boiled milk. Well help to fall asleep herbal infusions and decoctions. Mint, lavender, valerian, chamomile. These herbs are harmless, but will help to calm down, relax and tune in to sleep. If you don’t like herbal infusions, put dried herbs in bags. Place them at the head of your bed. You can also use essential oils.

5. Reverse Blink Method

10 best ways to fall asleep quickly at night without sleeping pills

This technique is soothing. At first glance, it may seem strange, try it, you will not regret it. Take a comfortable position, close your eyes and start blinking. Blink at intervals of 10-15 seconds. But try not to pay attention to the wallpaper, curtains, ceiling. Concentrate on the blinking process, open and close your eyes. Despite some absurd advice, this method is very effective. Don’t dismiss unconventional methods of falling asleep without trying them.

4. Visualization

10 best ways to fall asleep quickly at night without sleeping pills

Many people call visualization a great way. You just need to present a dynamic picture. You will say that every evening you imagine something. But vivid fantasies of your ex crying and begging you to come back, or your boss giving you a salary bonus won’t work. You can imagine a pendulum swinging from side to side. Or the surface of a river, a lake into which a stone was thrown. The main thing is that the pictures do not arouse interest. Your brain will get bored and you will fall asleep.

3. Take a walk outside before bed

10 best ways to fall asleep quickly at night without sleeping pills

The benefits of walking are enormous. It has a good effect on the body. This soft cardio load will help you not only bring your figure back to normal, but also establish an emotional background. Taking a leisurely walk before bed will relax you and help you rethink the information you’ve received during the day. According to statistics, people who regularly take a walk before going to bed have an easier attitude towards life. They are more calm, balanced. Of course, certain conditions must be met. You should finish all the work, make the bed, and only then go outside. Do not take a player with you, it is better to listen to the sounds of nature. It’s good if there is a park near your house, if not, choose small streets, do not walk along busy and noisy streets.

2. Relaxing bath

10 best ways to fall asleep quickly at night without sleeping pills

The bath will replace not only sleeping pills, but also sedatives. It will relieve stress, help unload the brain. You will forget about all the problems and troubles that happened to you during the day. If you do a lot of physical work, warm water can help relieve muscle tension. But this method can not be used more than 3 times a week. If you take a hot bath every day, the skin will dry out and become more sensitive. The water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. To make taking a bath twice as pleasant and useful, use different additives. It can be sea salt, herbal infusions, bath foam. You can use essential oil. Just make sure the product you choose has a calming effect first. Some additives, on the contrary, cheer up, tone up.

1. Massage

10 best ways to fall asleep quickly at night without sleeping pills

Massage will relieve you of pain, help you relax after a hard day’s work. If you know a massage therapist who agrees to give you a massage before going to bed, you are very lucky. Most likely, there are only a few such people. In this case, self-massage can help out. There are a lot of methods, choose the one that suits you and get started. Remember that the massage should not last longer than 8 minutes. Still, if you don’t live alone, ask family members to help you. You will be able to calm down, relax and fall asleep quickly.

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