10 best vitamins for women over 40
After 40 years, women begin to show hormonal changes, to which the whole body is sensitive. What vitamins women need to take to maintain health and prolong youth, let’s deal with an expert

After the age of 40, almost all women, regardless of their state of health, face physiological, psychological and emotional disorders.1. For example, the ability to conceive is reduced: the pregnancy rate is only 36%2.

It’s all about changing hormonal levels and a gradual decrease in the level of female sex hormones – estrogens and progesterone. Micronutrients will help maintain a woman’s health, good condition of the skin, hair and nails. What vitamins for women after 40 are especially useful?

Vitamins C and E protect against oxidative stress – an excess of free radicals in the body that provoke premature aging and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Also, taking vitamins C, E, beta-carotene and zinc reduces the risk of developing breast cancer.2

B vitamins are part of the enzymes that are involved in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates1. Magnesium reduces the excitability of the nervous system, regulates the process of relaxation and tension of muscles and blood vessels3. The lack of calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper and manganese negatively affects the synthesis of collagen – a structural protein that is responsible for the condition of the skin and joints4.

These beneficial nutrients cannot always be obtained in sufficient quantities from ordinary foods, and then vitamins and minerals from the pharmacy will come to the rescue.

Rating of the top 10 inexpensive and effective vitamins for women over 40 according to KP

There are a huge variety of drugs on sale. All nutrients can be purchased individually or as a multivitamin supplement. There are synthetic and herbal dietary supplements, as well as combined products. The doctor will help you choose the most suitable drug for you.

1. Estrovel

The drug is designed for women with symptoms of menopause and the risk of tumor processes. It is an additional source of B6, E, K1, folic acid, boron and other essential trace elements.

The dietary supplement helps to maintain sexual desire and good mood, and also reduces the unpleasant manifestations of menopause. A good effect on the absorption of calcium, its deposition in the bones, and the reduction of pain in the joints was noted. Sleep improves, the frequency of hot flashes decreases. The bioadditive helps to normalize the hormonal background, which is especially important for mastopathy, myoma and endometriosis.

It is recommended to take 1-2 tablets daily with meals for 2 months. The course will require 1-2 packs.

helps with the first manifestations of menopause, a balanced composition.
not detected.
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2. Solgar Female Multiple

Inside one tablet – all the necessary substances, ranging from antioxidants (A, C, E) and folic acid, ending with chromium and molybdenum. The composition also includes extracts of useful plants and phytoestrogens, which are used as an alternative to hormone therapy for menopause symptoms.

It is recommended to take 3 tablets per day in the instructions, which is not very convenient.

rich composition.
high price in the segment.
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3. Fortamin Women

This domestic dietary supplement contains a whole complex of vitamins and minerals, as well as coenzyme Q10, which helps to “slow down” age-related changes.5. Grape seed and green tea extracts will energize, help maintain weight control and preserve the beauty of the skin.

In the list of contraindications – only individual intolerance to the components. In any case, you should first consult with your doctor about taking these multivitamins. The package contains 30 tablets, which is enough for one course.

low price in the segment, natural ingredients in the composition.
not detected.
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4. Duovit for women

A drug that meets all the “classic” requests of women regarding the beauty of hair, nails and skin. According to the manufacturer, the dietary supplement strengthens bones, helps with anemia and prevents osteoporosis, and has an antioxidant and rejuvenating effect.

It is convenient to use: 1 tablet with food once a day – for a month. One package is enough for the whole course. It does not contain sugar, which is a big plus.

a wide range of activities.
large tablets that are not convenient for everyone to take.
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5. AlphaVit Cosmetics

Complex of vitamins and minerals for women’s health and beauty. It contains 13 most important vitamins and 10 minerals, as well as coenzyme Q10, which has a rejuvenating effect.

The package contains tablets of three colors, they are different in composition. This is to ensure that nutrients that don’t mix (like calcium and iron) don’t “cross over” in the same meal. Therefore, you need to take vitamins 3 times a day: 1 tablet of each color. The package is enough for 20 days, therefore, for a monthly course, you need to purchase 2 packs.

saturated composition, vitamins sorted by compatibility.
uneconomical packaging (designed for 20 days, while the course is 30 days).
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6. NOW EVE superior women’s multi softgels

American dietary supplement, which, due to its optimally selected composition, has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system of the body, normalizes hormonal levels, helps strengthen hair and nails, preserve the beauty and elasticity of the skin.

In the composition: vitamins A, E, C, D, K, group B, calcium, folate and biotin, lycopene, lutein, coenzyme Q10 and a number of other substances and plant extracts. You should take this supplement three times a day, but check with your doctor beforehand for your individual dosage. The dosage of substances is designed only for an adult body, so you should not give capsules to children.

rich composition, high efficiency, economical packaging (180 capsules for 2 months).
high price in the segment.

7. Dr. Sea “Extra youth for women”

This unique preparation is based on sea urchin caviar, as well as rose hips and calcium alginate, which are familiar to many, which help to improve digestion and help cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. Sea urchin caviar regulates hormonal balance, slows down the aging process, improves the functional activity of the female body. You need to take the drug twice a day, 2 capsules.

simple composition, wide spectrum of action.
not a very convenient reception mode, difficult to find on sale.
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8. Akvion multivitamins for women

The creators of the drug combined 12 vitamins and 9 minerals in it, added coenzyme Q10, enzymes, plant extracts and carotenoids. Such a vitamin complex can be a good support for women who after 40 want to remain as active, energetic and beautiful.

The dietary supplement is designed to restore and support the female body, including during physical and psycho-emotional stress, as well as to prevent age-related changes. In addition to the classic list of contraindications (intolerance to components, pregnancy, breastfeeding), carbohydrate metabolism disorders are also indicated here. In any case, you should consult your doctor.

Suitable for active women.
difficult to find on sale, high price in the segment.
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9. Vitazhinal Inositol

Do not be confused by the phrase “for mom and baby” on the package: the composition of this drug is suitable for women 40+ who want to maintain reproductive function, get pregnant on their own or with the help of IVF. Each tablet contains a thoughtful composition to support ovulation, healthy conception and the prevention of fetal malformations.

The drug is an additional source of omega-3, vitamins D, E, folic acid and iodine. It is recommended to take 1-2 months before the planned conception, as well as after it. In the list of contraindications: individual intolerance and thyroid disease (due to iodine in the composition).

suitable for women 40+ who want to get pregnant.
limited composition, focused on the goals of “conception, pregnancy, breastfeeding”.
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10. Multivitamin for Women, Women’s Complex

This multivitamin complex has a very rich composition – a total of 36 different active ingredients designed to protect the female body from diseases, the negative effects of stress, age-related changes, to maintain attractiveness and energy.

Inside each tablet – “classic” vitamin C, zinc, B vitamins, as well as useful extracts of plants such as Chinese angelica, garcinia and others. The manufacturer reports that taking the drug will slow down the aging process.

In an economical package – 120 tablets, but you need to take two tablets twice a day.

rich composition.
not a very convenient mode of reception.
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How to choose vitamins for women after 40 years

During perimenopause, a woman especially needs additional vitamin support. But it is far from always possible to get enough vitamins, useful acids and minerals from food, and their digestibility worsens with age.

Also, we must not forget that every woman is individual. The deficiency of certain nutrients depends on many factors – on the geography of residence, diet, lifestyle. You can find out which useful microelements the body lacks by passing the appropriate tests. And to decipher them and help with the choice of vitamins is the task of the doctor.

– With age, due to unbalanced nutrition and accumulated problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the most significant is the deficiency of vitamins A, D and E, B vitamins, vitamin C, folic acid, iron, chromium, selenium and zinc. Many women are deficient in calcium and magnesium, and those living in endemic areas are deficient in iodine, says Tatyana Saubanova, obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences.

The body of a woman 40+ additionally needs antitumor protection, since the unstable work of the ovaries causes chaotic emissions of estrogen hormones, and those fractions that cause the growth of tumors of the uterus, breast, ovaries, colon and rectum, bladder. At the same time, the level of progesterone in the body decreases, which has a protective effect and inhibits tumor processes.

Here, natural phytoestrogens, phytogestagens, as well as antitumor compounds – epigallocatechin (found in green tea extracts) and indole-3-carbinol (found in potatoes, cabbage) come to the rescue. The addition of such substances to vitamin complexes for women protects the body from hormonal disruptions and tumors. 

At the same time, it is impossible to constantly and uncontrollably take various dietary supplements and multivitamin complexes. An overdose of vitamins can lead to adverse effects. For example, fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E tend to accumulate in the body and become toxic, primarily to the liver. Iron, zinc, selenium can also be deposited in organs, causing damage to them.

The most correct approach is the individual correction of the age-related deficiency of vitamins and microelements based on the results of the tests. Or taking balanced and safe complexes from trusted manufacturers with courses of no more than 3 months.

Reviews of doctors about vitamins for women after 40 years

Many negative changes in the body that appear in a woman after 40 years of age are associated with a decrease in the synthesis of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Therefore, doctors often prescribe hormonal therapy to patients. A number of experts offer an alternative – phytoestrogens. They are found, for example, in broccoli, grapes, spinach, flax seeds and alfalfa extract.

In addition, doctors often recommend that women drink vitamins. Most often, these are multivitamin supplements with an average dosage of vitamins and minerals – to maintain the body. But such drugs will not be able to solve the problem of acute deficiency of a particular substance.

The optimal solution, which most doctors adhere to, is to choose one or another drug based on the results of the tests.

Popular questions and answers

With age, women are more reverent about their health, this also applies to taking vitamins. How to drink dietary supplements and other popular questions are answered by our expert Tatyana Saubanova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Chief Freelance Obstetrician-Gynecologist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.

When should a woman over 40 take vitamins?

– A woman after 40 years old should think about taking vitamins if she experiences chronic fatigue, a desire to eat certain foods that previously did not arouse such interest. This is due to the fact that the body intuitively begins to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins with the food in which they are contained in large quantities. You also need to pay attention to problems with hair growth and hair loss, changes in the nail plate.

If a woman is planning a pregnancy at the age of 40+, then the choice of vitamins should be especially careful. Vitamins should not only provide a supply of nutrients for the unborn child, but also prevent fetal malformations, improve egg quality, stimulate more frequent and full ovulation, and not have a harmful effect on the fetus. For example, high doses of vitamin A, which are used in beauty complexes, can cause malformations in the fetus for a long time even after their withdrawal. There are special preparations with a composition to maintain ovulation and prevent fetal malformations.

Another category of women who need competent vitamin support are those who, after 40, begin to show signs of metabolic syndrome. For example, weight grows, despite the usual loads and proper nutrition, cholesterol and blood glucose levels increase, and the first signs of cardiovascular diseases appear.

The main rule: before you buy vitamins and start taking them on your own, you need to take tests, consult a doctor and exclude serious diseases that may have symptoms similar to vitamin deficiency. For example, severe weakness, decreased attention and performance can be caused by hypothyroidism (decreased thyroid function), which manifests itself with age in many women. Similar symptoms are characteristic of some tumors – and in the tumor process, vitamins are almost always contraindicated. 

Is it better for women over 40 to take vitamins individually or in combination?

– With the right approach, based on blood tests, it is better to compensate for the deficiency of those vitamins that are contained in your body in a reduced amount. If it is 1-2 vitamins or trace elements, you can only get by with the preparations in which they are contained. If the deficiency is extensive, we choose vitamin complexes for women 40+, which take into account all the basic needs of the body and add useful substances that compensate for the deficiency of hormones.

If we are talking about vitamin complexes, then in one tablet they should not contain incompatible components, for example, iron and calcium. Therefore, those complexes are more competently composed, which are divided by time into 2-3 doses during the day, and the composition of the tablets is different.

What time of day is best to take vitamins?

Most vitamins should be taken in the morning. After all, they are aimed at increasing efficiency, a surge of strength and energy. For example, this fully applies to vitamin D and zinc. But magnesium and vitamin B6 are best taken in the evening – due to the sedative effect, they will improve night sleep.

There is another interesting point: the body is a biological clock that is responsible for working capacity and activity during the day, and for detoxification at night. Therefore, I recommend paying attention to preparations where tablets / capsules are delimited in composition into morning / day and evening.

What substances have a beneficial effect on libido?

– The hormones estrogens, hormone-like substances (phytoestrogens), as well as foods containing them in large quantities, have a beneficial effect on libido. These substances improve mood, give tone to the female body, positively affect the condition of the genital organs (reduce the manifestations of age-related atrophy, dryness, pain during sexual intercourse). By the way, alcohol, which some sexologists had high hopes for in terms of enhancing libido, disappointed researchers in the 40+ group. The vast majority of couples did not notice an improvement in libido and the quality of sex after drinking alcoholic beverages, but rather, on the contrary, indicated a worse result.

Will “common” vitamin-mineral complexes help a woman in perimenopause?

– Of course, you can use non-specialized vitamin complexes. They also help when there is a deficiency of a large number of vitamins. The advantage of special compositions for women 40+ is that they take into account the specifics of age and are created not only as a supplement of vitamins to food, but also as a means of correcting hormonal deficiency and unpleasant symptoms of transitional age.

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