10 best vitamins for women over 30
To maintain health and beauty, the body needs various useful nutrients, but they are not always available from food. Together with an expert, we will figure out why women need to take vitamins after 30 years and make a list of inexpensive, but effective remedies.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, a woman, having passed the threshold of her 30th birthday, began to prepare for old age, because then the average life expectancy was only 50 years.1. Fortunately, today everything has changed. Many women at 30 start a new life: build a new career, get an education, travel and just enjoy life.

But ecology and stress, as well as changes in hormonal levels, make themselves felt. To avoid health problems and maintain a blooming appearance for as long as possible, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise and eat right. Micronutrients are of great importance, which must be included in the diet: both with food and in the form of drugs.

Among the best vitamins for women after 30 years, vitamin C can be called. It plays an important role in the formation of collagen, prevents the development of mastopathy2, strengthens overall immunity and reduces fatigue. Vitamins A and E help maintain the beauty of hair, skin and nails.

All women, especially those planning pregnancy, are recommended to take folates (folic acid and its derivatives) in combination with vitamins B6 and B123. Folic acid contributes to the normal functioning of the brain, improves the psycho-emotional state of a woman.

Vitamin D and calcium help strengthen tooth enamel and nails. There is evidence that breast cancer is associated with vitamin D deficiency.4It is also used in the treatment of this disease. Vitamin D in combination with calcium is especially recommended for vegetarians and women with lactase deficiency, who are contraindicated in dairy products.

Rating of the top 10 inexpensive and effective vitamins for women after 30 years according to KP

Given the frantic pace of life, a woman rarely manages to eat properly and balanced. In addition, some vitamins, even with food, do not come in sufficient quantities, so doctors recommend taking vitamins in the form of drugs. Let’s talk about the best vitamins for women after 30 years.

1. Ultra Women’s Multivitamin Formula

A vitamin and mineral complex that contains over 50 active ingredients to support women’s health. The combination of substances is designed taking into account the peculiarities of female physiology. The drug is intended to improve the appearance, well-being and calm the nervous system. Helps strengthen the immune system, tones and has a rejuvenating effect.

Take Ultra Women’s Multivitamin Formula one tablet once a day for 2-3 weeks. In an economical package of 90 tablets, this is enough for several courses.

rich composition, economical packaging.
hard to find for sale.
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2. Vitamin-mineral complex from A to Zn for women

Russian dietary supplement, which is taken to preserve youth and beauty. Ingredients: vitamins E, C, D3, B vitamins (including folic acid), green tea and grape seed extracts (plant antioxidants that neutralize the action of free radicals that are dangerous to health).

One package is designed for a monthly course of administration – only 30 tablets.

the most essential vitamins.
not detected.
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3. Selzinc plus

This dietary supplement can be used as an additional source of beta-carotene (a precursor of vitamin A), selenium, zinc, vitamins E and C. Zinc plays an important role in metabolism, selenium protects cell membranes from damage by free radicals2, vitamins E and C are involved in the synthesis of collagen, have an antioxidant effect. In reviews, there are often comments about the benefits of this dietary supplement for hair growth.

balanced composition.
not available in all pharmacies.
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4. Mirrolla “AE VITAMIN”

The food supplement is available in the form of a solution and capsules. It contains two active active ingredients, as you might guess from the name, vitamins A and E. Such a symbiosis of nutrients promotes the regeneration of skin cells (maintains elasticity), strengthens hair and nails. In addition, vitamin E supports a woman’s sexual activity.

low price.
modest composition (you may additionally have to take other vitamins).
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5. NovoMin

With this dietary supplement, the manufacturer recommends replenishing the deficiency of vitamins A, E, C. And there is nothing more in the composition, in addition to the excipient – microcrystalline cellulose. Vitamin E improves tissue nutrition, slows down the aging process. Vitamin A regenerates the skin, while vitamin C stimulates the production of new collagen. In addition, it is the most powerful antioxidant.

The drug is available in the form of capsules. In a stylish package – 120 pieces, which is quite enough for 4 courses. It is very profitable, despite the relatively high price.

clear composition, economical packaging.
hard to find for sale.
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6. Solgar Skin, Nails & Hair

BAA allows you to make up for the lack of vitamin C, zinc, copper. The manufacturer assures: if you regularly use these multivitamins, you can significantly reduce age-related changes in the skin, improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands, improve the overall appearance, strengthen hair and nails.

The dietary supplement is based on methylsulfonylmethane, a natural source of sulfur. You should not be afraid of the substance: in the preparation it is presented in an amount that brings only benefits – it promotes the synthesis of collagen and keratin.

high efficiency.
high price in the segment.
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7. Vitateka Hyaluronic acid with vitamins C, E

Did you know that hyaluronic acid can be used not only in cosmetics, but also as a supplement? Hyaluronic acid activates the mechanism of cell renewal and retains moisture in them, which helps to moisturize, tone and improve skin elasticity.

Vitamins E and C also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, and your joints will also thank you for their use. However, this complex can not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

clear composition, good anti-aging effect according to customer reviews.
hard to find for sale.
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8. Folic acid forte with vitamins B6 and B12, for women’s health

Few people know that vitamin B9, better known as folic acid, is the most useful for all women, and not just for pregnant women. In combination with vitamins B12 and B6, folic acid helps maintain active brain function, has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state, promotes the regeneration of new cells, helps reduce irritability during PMS, and is involved in the normal functioning of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems.

a harmonious combination of active substances, can be used during pregnancy.
not detected.
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9. Wellwoman Plus

This British dietary supplement contains a whole complex of vitamins and minerals: C, D, E, group B and other vitamins, citrus bioflavonoids, as well as chromium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, iron, manganese, copper. In total – 28 tablets. In addition, there are 28 capsules in the package – this is the same “plus” in the name of the drug, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is necessary to take 1 tablet and 1 capsule daily, the package is enough for one course. And in order to prevent skipping or, on the contrary, not to take too much on one day, the days of the week are indicated on the package, which women really like, judging by the reviews.

convenient packaging, composition 2 in 1.
difficult to find on sale, side effects in the form of gastrointestinal disorders are possible.
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10. Dr. Sea “Extra youth for women”

As part of dietary supplements – caviar of sea urchins, as well as calcium alginate and wild rose. Sea urchin caviar contains vitamin A, phospholipids, lecithin and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Such a complex has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, maintaining its firmness and elasticity.

It is recommended to take the drug twice a day, two capsules. The course is 1 month, so you should be prepared for the fact that one package (40 capsules) is definitely not enough.

contains many ingredients of natural origin.
inconvenient course of admission, high consumption.
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How to choose vitamins for women after 30 years

It is important to understand that not only a deficiency can be dangerous, but also an excess of certain vitamins (in particular, fat-soluble ones: A, D). Therefore, before starting a course of taking multivitamins or individual micronutrients, it is recommended to take tests for the level of nutrients in the body. And in any case, it is better to consult a doctor before taking this or that drug – even if advertising and girlfriends praise it heavily.

Reviews of doctors about vitamins for women after 30 years

Many doctors are convinced that no cosmetic procedures and no cosmetics will help to qualitatively improve the appearance if the negative changes are caused by vitamin deficiency.  

However, in terms of taking multivitamins, opinions differ: some consider it a good bonus to the daily diet, while others adhere to the position of minimal involvement of synthetics in food. In any case, there is no universal solution – it all depends on individual needs for vitamins.

Popular questions and answers

With health, jokes are bad, even if it is not about treatment, but about prevention. Our expert answers the most pressing questions about women’s vitamins Doctor of Integrative Medicine, obstetrician-gynecologist, endocrinologist, nutritionist Anastasia Dogadova.

When should a woman over 30 take vitamins?

Every person needs vitamins and microelements. With age, vitamin and mineral support is necessary for any woman, given the environment, stress, unbalanced nutrition, hormonal imbalance, childbirth, lactation and many other factors.

What vitamins should women take?

– First of all, it is necessary to close the basic deficiencies: omega-3, vitamin D, iron, magnesium – this is the basis of the basics!

Is it better for women to take vitamins individually or in combination?

– It is preferable to first start taking separately, first to conduct a survey for vitamin and microelement deficiencies. Then select individually drugs, taking into account the results of the tests. Close basic deficiencies, achieve positive dynamics in the state of health, and then pick up supporting complex vitamins already in small dosages.

Does the intake of vitamins depend on the season of the year and other factors?

— Yes, it depends. For example, vitamin C is needed during the period of respiratory viral infections, it can be prescribed in large dosages. Iron should be taken by women with heavy periods, especially during menstruation. In stressful situations, the level of magnesium drops sharply, it also needs to be replenished. Vitamin D dosage can be reduced in the summer if you get enough sun and fresh air, but only if you have a good test score.

During pregnancy and lactation, special preparations are also selected, taking into account the needs of the growing fetus and the load on the woman. Also, in the presence of a particular pathology, the patient needs “her own” vitamin. For example, with mastopathy, these are vitamins A, E, C, lycopene. And so it is with every pathology, be it alopecia, dermatitis and dermatosis, diseases of the joints, thyroid gland, autoimmune diseases and many others.

How long should it take after completing a course of vitamins before I can start supplementing again?

– Everything is very individual! Again, this depends on the deficiencies, which are identified strictly by analysis. And the doctor individually selects vitamin-mineral complexes and antioxidants. But there are vitamins, the instructions of which clearly spell out the timing of admission: for example, 3 or 6 months. Within 3 months, the body is just beginning to be saturated, so the average intake period is 3-6 months.

The doctor must monitor the condition of the patient who takes vitamins for tolerance and allergic reactions, which is not uncommon. Breaks can be done up to 3 months. If, according to the analysis, the deficiencies are closed, a maintenance dosage of vitamins is selected. Also, support with vitamin and mineral complexes will be relevant in the presence of the factors previously listed (stress, menstruation, pregnancy, lactation, viral infections).

Sources of:

  1. Modern ideas about hormonal changes in a woman’s body during the physiological and pathological course of the perimenopausal period. S.A. Yarman. Journal of Obstetrics and Women’s Diseases. 2008. Volume 17. Issue 1. P. 116-122. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/sovremennye-predstavleniya-o-gormonalnyh-izmeneniyah-v-organizme-zhenschiny-pri-fiziologicheskom-techenii-perimenopauzalnogo-perioda
  2. Russian demography. Ways to improve male and female health in terms of fertility. Opinion of the urologist and reproductologist. V.V. Borisov. Consilium Medicum. 2019. Volume 21. No. 7. pp. 20-28. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/rossiyskaya-demografiya-puti-uluchsheniya-muzhskogo-i-zhenskogo-zdorovya-v-aspekte-fertilnosti-mnenie-urologia-i-reproduktologia/viewer
  3. Nutrition of a woman during preconception preparation, pregnancy and lactation. O.L. Lukoyanova, co-authors. Questions of modern pediatrics. 2016. Volume 15. No. 6. pp. 625-630. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/pitanie-zhenschiny-v-periody-pregravidarnoy-podgotovki-beremennosti-i-laktatsii/viewer
  4. The effect of vitamin D on women’s reproductive health. M.O. Bakleycheva, co-authors. Journal of Obstetrics and Women’s Diseases. 2018. Volume 67. Issue 3. P. 4-19. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/vliyanie-vitamina-d-na-reproduktivnoe-zdorovie-zhenschiny/viewer

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