10 best vitamins for women after 45-50 years

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Men and women differ in body constitution and hormonal system. The body of the fair sex is more often exposed to adverse environmental factors. They have more fragile bone tissue and even tooth enamel wears out faster. With this in mind, women are more in need of maintaining the body by taking vitamin complexes. This is especially true after the age of 45-50 years.

Features of elegant age

Shortly before the onset of menopause, the female body is especially vulnerable. At this time, the level of sex hormones that protect the heart, blood vessels and other vital organs decreases. With a lack of estrogen, the well-being and appearance of a woman noticeably worsens. She has problems with the cardiovascular system. Against the background of impaired metabolism, the figure may deteriorate. Bones become more fragile.

Climax is a long period, including several stages:

  1. Premenopause. The ovaries begin to produce much less estrogen. Menstruation becomes less abundant and comes after longer pauses. This stage lasts from 2 to 5 years.

  2. Menopause. At this stage, the body undergoes a complete hormonal restructuring. The average duration of this period is 12 months.

  3. Postmenopause. Begins one year after the end of the last menstrual cycle.

The symptoms of this difficult stage in life are different for every woman. Most often, irregular menstruation is observed on the eve of menopause. Menstruation may disappear for one or more cycles, and then resume again for a short period.

Women aged 45-50 often experience the following conditions:

  1. irregular periods;

  2. dryness of the vagina;

  3. hot flashes (hot flashes);

  4. night sweats;

  5. problems with sleep;

  6. mood swings;

  7. slow metabolism and weight gain;

  8. thinning hair, dry skin;

  9. reduction in breast size.

There are many effective ways to treat these symptoms, from lifestyle changes to hormone therapy.

What vitamins do women over 45-50 need?

Having exchanged the fifth decade, a woman’s body especially needs the following micronutrients:

  1. Vitamin E. Slows down the aging process. Improves the condition of the walls of blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure. Supports the normal functioning of the ovaries.

  2. Vitamin A. Reduces the risk of malignant neoplasms in the uterus, mammary glands or intestines. Improves the condition of the skin, slows down the formation of wrinkles on it.

  3. Vitamin D. Regulates calcium-phosphorus metabolism. Protects bones from brittleness and easy damage.

  4. Vitamin C. An effective antioxidant and immunostimulant. Regulates various metabolic processes in the body.

  5. Vitamins of group B. Regulate the activity of the nervous system, intestines, normalize the psycho-emotional state.

  6. Vitamin RR. Strengthens blood vessels and stabilizes their functionality. Relieves blood pressure fluctuations.

  7. Magnesium. Supports the work of the heart, blood vessels, normalizes the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, has a sedative effect.

  8. Potassium. Supports the proper outflow of fluid from the body. Reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, hypertension. Increases stress resistance.

  9. Calcium. Participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates, strengthens bone tissue.

  10. Zinc. Improves tissue regeneration, normalizes the production of hormones and enzymes. Protects against an early decline in sexual desire. Improves vision, memory, condition of nails, hair.

First of all, a varied diet will help to avoid vitamin deficiency. But most often in consumed products, the concentration of vitamins is below the average daily norm. In this regard, it is advisable to take special complexes developed by pharmaceutical companies. This review is dedicated to reviewing the best vitamins from imported and domestic manufacturers.

Rating of the best vitamins for women after 45-50 years

Nomination Place Name Cost
The best vitamins for women after 45-50 years from imported manufacturers      1 Enzymatic Therapy The choice of doctors for women over 45      2 868 ₽
     2 Rainbow Light Active Adult 50+      4 345 ₽
     3 New Chapter 40+ Every Woman II      3 700 ₽
     4 Orthomol Femin      3 750 ₽
     5 menopace plus      1 020 ₽
     6 Vitrum Centuri Plus      421 ₽
     7 Doppelgerz Active Menopause Forte      669 ₽
The best vitamins for women after 45-50 years from Russian manufacturers      1 Alphabet 50+      278 ₽
     2 Complivit for women 45+      200 ₽
     3 Qi-Klim vitamins for women 45+      322 ₽

The best vitamins from imported manufacturers for women after 45-50 years

High-quality dietary supplements with a high content of vitamins, minerals and other useful ingredients for women over 45-50 years old can be ordered in American online stores. Also, good drugs of this kind from German, British and American pharmaceutical companies can be bought at any pharmacy near the house.

Enzymatic Therapy The choice of doctors for women over 45

Rating: 4.9

The American brand Enzymatic Therapy produces multivitamins for women over 45 years old – Doctors’ Choice. This dietary supplement contains: 14 vitamins and vitamin-like substances, 14 minerals, carotenoids (lutein and zeaxanthin), digestive enzymes, an antioxidant mixture, various extracts and extracts from medicinal plants, fruits and vegetables. The vitamins and minerals in this supplement are presented in optimal dosages for 45 year old women.

This dietary supplement from Enzymatic Therapy is sold in the form of tablets. They have a special organic coating that makes them easier to swallow. For a day, women over 45-50 years old should take 6 of these tablets. They must be washed down with a glass of clean water. Reception can be divided into 2 times 3 pieces. It is better to avoid drinking in the evening so as not to cause problems with sleep. The best time is with breakfast and lunch. One package (180 tablets) is enough for 1 month.

With such vitamins, women feel a surge of strength, sleep well at night, and during the day it is easier for them to control their emotions. Consumers like that with this dietary supplement their skin becomes more hydrated, nails are less brittle, and their hair is “live” and shiny. Dietary supplement from Enzymatic Therapy well increases the body’s resistance to colds.



Rainbow Light Active Adult 50+

Rating: 4.8

The next nominee in our review was the Active Adult 50+ supplement from the American manufacturer Rainbow Light. This complex contains: 14 vitamins, 8 minerals (no iron), probiotics, plant enzymes, antioxidants, coenzyme Q10, lutein, lycopene, and a mixture of organic foods. This remedy supports healthy aging in women and men.

Active Adult 50+ is an oblong, convex tablet on both sides. They are covered with vegetable glaze. Vitamins are packaged in opaque, plastic bottles in the amount of 30, 90 or 180 pieces. It is supposed to take 1 tablet per day. It is better to do this in the morning with meals. It is advisable to drink the supplement with plenty of water. Despite their size, these Rainbow Light vitamins are completely normal to swallow.

With this supplement, women noticeably improve cognitive functions, increase visual acuity and have more energy that lasts throughout the day. Even during the use of such vitamins, they improve the functioning of the digestive system and improve the quality of sleep. Active Adult 50+ also has a good effect on the appearance – it eliminates dryness and flaking of the skin, eliminates the earthy complexion. Revitalizes hair curls and strengthens nail plates.



New Chapter 40+ Every Woman II

Rating: 4.7

American brand New Chapter launches 40+ Every Woman II supplement. It contains: 13 vitamins, 9 minerals, whole food probiotics, and a blend of organic ingredients, vegetables and herbs to support digestion, vision, cardiovascular health. The product is free from artificial preservatives, colors and gluten. It is an ICS certified organic remedy.

Tablets 40+ Every Woman II are oblong, oval, convex on both sides. Their color is sandy with patches. The smell is specific herbal. They are placed in dark brown bottles in the amount of 96 pieces. This supplement is allowed to be taken on an empty stomach. The size of one serving is 3 tablets. It is better to take them in the morning, drinking plenty of clean water. One vial is enough for 32 days of use.

This supplement from New Chapter guarantees excellent well-being for women who are faced with the first age-related changes after 45-50 years. These vitamins perfectly strengthen the immune system, give strength and energy, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normalize blood pressure, and stabilize the emotional state. Already after 2 weeks, “hair loss” decreases in women. This product is generally well tolerated, but for some it causes headaches at first.



Orthomol Femin

Rating: 4.6

German dietary supplement Orthomol Femin contains: 8 vitamins, zinc, selenium, soy and flax seed extracts, coenzyme Q10, carotenoids, essential fatty acids. Orthomol Femin stabilizes the work of many organs, and in particular, the nervous and immune systems. And changes in the hormonal nature against the background of the use of this remedy become less noticeable, which in turn has a beneficial effect on the production of female hormones.

Orthomol Femin is sold in capsule form. They are oval, convex, have a brown shell. The capsules are in a glass jar. They are quite large, but the streamlined shape makes them easy to swallow. The daily serving consists of 2 capsules to be taken (one each) in the morning and evening with a small amount of liquid during meals. The course of admission can be 30-90 days.

Orthomol Femin has a general strengthening effect, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and prevents deterioration of appearance. Women who started taking this remedy at the first signs of menopause note that it noticeably alleviates the severity of problems. With such vitamins, you can feel cheerful throughout the day and be less irritated over trifles. This dietary supplement perfectly supports the organ of vision and the condition of the skin.



menopace plus

Rating: 4.5

The British pharmaceutical company Vitabiotics produces Menopace Plus supplement. It contains: 12 vitamins, 9 minerals, extracts of soy isoflavones, flax seeds, sage, green tea, and caffeine. The presence of phytoestrogens in the composition supports the health of women after 45-50 years, their emotional state and beauty. However, this dietary supplement does not contain calcium, so it is better to combine this supplement with Osteokea from the same manufacturer.

Menopace plus is a combination of tablets (containing a natural plant complex) and capsules (vitamins + minerals). They are taken together. Menopace plus is indicated for moderate and severe symptoms of menopause. Take 1 capsule and 1 tablet per day immediately after the main meal with a glass of water. This increases nutrient absorption and reduces the nausea that sometimes occurs when multivitamins are taken on an empty stomach.

Many women speak well of the dietary supplement Menopace plus. According to them, with this tool it is much easier to survive the period when the body is completely rebuilt hormonally. This supplement normalizes sleep, relieves hot flashes, eliminates nervousness and irascibility. Chronic fatigue syndrome goes away with her, blood pressure returns to normal. Such vitamins improve the appearance of women, as well as increase their libido.



Vitrum Centuri Plus

Rating: 4.4

Another nominee for the review was the American dietary supplement Vitrum Centuri Plus. It contains: 12 vitamins and vitamin-like substances and 11 minerals, including iron, calcium and magnesium. This supplement is designed to support the health of both women and men who have stepped over the half-century milestone. The vitamin component almost completely covers the daily requirement, and the mineral components are presented here in low dosages.

Vitrum Centuri plus is an oblong, convex on both sides film-coated tablets. They are packaged in plastic jars with lids that have a complex opening system. Women are supposed to take this supplement 1 piece 1 time per day along with the morning meal. This tool can be used for 2-3 weeks.

With Vitrum Centuri Plus, women feel more alert during the day and sleep better at night. When taking these vitamins, nervousness and irritability decrease. This complex strengthens the immune system well. This is especially noticeable during the cold season. They either pass by at all, or women recover faster. With Vitrum Centuri Plus, “hair loss” is reduced, peeling on the skin is eliminated.



Doppelgerz Active Menopause Forte

Rating: 4.3

German dietary supplement Doppelherz Active Menopause Forte contains: 9 vitamins and vitamin-like substances, calcium, iodine, iron, as well as soy isoflavones and hop cones. This product is recommended for women throughout the menopause. All components of the composition are aimed at improving overall well-being.

Tablets Doppelherz Active Menopause Forte are packaged in blisters. There are 30 pieces in one carton. Their size and shape are acceptable for easy swallowing. It is recommended to consume these vitamins 1 piece 1 time per day with breakfast. The minimum therapeutic course is 4 weeks. Then, after a break of 1 month, you can resume taking this supplement again.

Such a German additive has a good effect on the nervous system. It also improves the work of the heart and blood vessels. With it, it is much easier to experience the first symptoms of menopause. Against the background of the use of this tool, the frequency and strength of the tides decreases. The complex relieves women of excessive sweating and dry mucous membranes. Already after 1 week of use, consumers note that they become more energetic and cheerful.



The best vitamins from Russian manufacturers for women after 45-50 years

In Russia, vitamin manufacturers also produce special complexes for women over the age of 45. Such products are manufactured by Evalar, Vneshtorg Pharma, Pharmstandard.

Alphabet 50+

Rating: 4.9

The Russian dietary supplement Alfavit 50+ from the Vneshtorg Pharma trademark contains 22 useful components, including vitamins, minerals, lutein and lycopene. The last 2 help stop age-related changes in the retina. This supplement also supports the bone, cardiovascular and other systems of the body in people over 50 years of age, both female and male.

Alphabet 50+ is available as a set of multi-colored (white, blue, pink) tablets for every day. All of them are round, biconvex. When swallowed, they do not create any special problems. Each tablet contains its own set of beneficial micronutrients. During the day, you need to drink them 1 piece of each color, after waiting for a time period of 4-6 hours. Tablets are packaged in blisters. One pack is enough for 20 days of use.

Many women speak flatteringly about such an additive. They are impressed that the composition contains 300 mg of calcium, so there is no need to use it additionally. Against the background of the use of this remedy, consumers note a surge of strength, an improvement in the psycho-emotional state, normalization of the heart rate and blood pressure. Women also report that with this supplement they begin to see better.



Complivit for women 45+

Rating: 4.8

The pharmaceutical company Pharmstandard was also able to provide a nominee for our review – dietary supplement Complivit for women 45+. It contains: 11 vitamins, 2 minerals (magnesium, selenium), L-carnitine, cimicifuga extract and motherwort extract. This supplement provides essential support to the female body physically and emotionally during the hormonal surges of the menopause.

This Russian dietary supplement is a relatively small, round tablet. They have an eye-catching green shell. Vitamins are packaged in plastic jars. They are taken 1 piece per day. Do this after the main meal and drink 200 ml of water. If the gynecologist-endocrinologist considers it necessary, then the woman may be prescribed to take 2 tablets of this remedy per day. Usually treatment is continued for 3-4 months.

Women share that while using this supplement, they eliminate fatigue, drowsiness and stress. The quality of sleep and the process of falling asleep are improved. The constant irritability over trifles disappears. The additive relieves pressure surges. Improves the condition of the skin, both on the face and on the whole body. But women note that the results do not appear the next day after taking the first pill. You need to wait at least 2 weeks.



Qi-Klim vitamins for women 45+

Rating: 4.7

The company Evalar among the product range has dietary supplements Tsi-Klim vitamins for women 45+. It contains: 9 vitamins, trace element selenium, L-carnitine, extracts of cimicifuga and motherwort. Thanks to the Qi-Klim vitamins, women experience the period of hormonal changes in the body more easily. This supplement is designed to increase the stamina of the female body and protect it from hormonal weight surges.

Tsi-Klim tablets are orange in color, quite easy to swallow, round in shape. It is recommended to take these vitamins 1 piece per day with meals. To stabilize the condition, it is advisable to use this dietary supplement for 8 weeks. For this, just one package (60 tablets) is enough. Tolerability in dietary supplements is usually good, but in rare cases it causes pain in the epigastric region.

This supplement from Evalar is liked by many consumers. They share that during its use they noticeably reduce menopausal anxiety, depression and irritability. These vitamins support healthy sleep and sex drive. With them, women over 45-50 years old retain an attractive appearance and do not gain extra pounds. They noticeably improve their quality of life.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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