10 Best Vitamins for Energy and Vitality for Women
The fair sex often complains of fatigue and lack of energy, especially during beriberi. The solution to the problem can be effective vitamins for energy and vigor for women. Together with experts, we figure out how to increase vitality, and what drugs can help with this.

If chronic fatigue is not associated with the disease, but appeared after SARS, due to unbalanced nutrition and stress, then it is not so difficult to cope with it. You need to include in your diet micronutrients – vitamins and minerals that strengthen the immune system, normalize nervous activity and hormonal levels.

Rating of the top 10 vitamins for energy and vitality for women according to KP

Together with experts, we have selected the best vitamins for energy and vitality for women of all ages. The rating contains dietary supplements and drugs that are in demand on popular trading platforms and receive good reviews. Despite this, we advise you to select vitamins for energy and vigor together with a specialist – a doctor or nutritionist.

1. Ladyˊs Formula More than a multivitamin

Biocomplex Ladyˊs Formula More than a multivitamin is designed specifically for women. It consists of 35 active ingredients – 17 vitamins, 13 minerals in an optimally selected dosage and 5 extracts of medicinal plants. The unique formula takes into account all the characteristics of the female body and solves several problems: restores vigor and energy, strengthens the immune system, helps to cope with stress, improves the condition of the skin, hair, nails.

The action of the Ladyˊs Formula biocomplex is provided by its constituent components:

  • 9 B vitamins convert glucose into energy, increase the synthesis of serotonin, which is responsible for a good mood;
  • magnesium and B6 increase energy and efficiency, eliminate stress symptoms, provide peace of mind and good sleep, are natural antidepressants;
  • iron is involved in energy production and the immune system, increases mental and physical activity;
  • iodine restores energy, stimulates mental activity, improves memory, reduces irritability, maintains the health of the female reproductive system;
  • vitamins D3, C and zinc in the optimally recommended daily doses are the most important immunostimulants, enhanced by the antiviral effect of echinacea and ginkgo biloba extracts, increase immunity and help to recover faster from illnesses, including after Covid-19;
  • vitamin Increases tone, endurance, efficiency, helps to cope with overwork;
  • phytoestrogens of wild yam and dong quai, folic acid, vitamin E maintain hormonal balance, keep youth and attractiveness.

Ladyˊs Formula More Than Multivitamins Take 1 capsule 2 times daily. Duration of admission – 30 days, if necessary, the course can be repeated.

especially for women; balanced composition with optimally selected dosages corresponding to daily norms; 17 special components to generate energy and eliminate fatigue; vitamins D3, C and Zn in optimal dosages have been proven effective in strengthening immunity; Made in the USA, complies with the international GMP quality standard.
high price in the segment.
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2. Complivit for women 45 plus

The combined vitamin and mineral preparation is designed for women who have entered a period of hormonal adjustment. The composition contains 11 vitamins, magnesium, selenium, L-carnitine, extracts of cemifuge and motherwort1. The drug has a complex effect – it strengthens the body’s defenses, increases physical and mental performance, eliminates the symptoms of hormonal deficiency (mood swings, hot flashes, heart palpitations). The manufacturer recommends taking 1-2 tablets daily for 3-4 months.1.

helps to stabilize the emotional state, restore strength, alleviate the symptoms of menopause; affordable price in the segment.
long course of treatment.
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3. Alphabet Cosmetics

The manufacturer recommends taking this supplement to improve skin, hair, and nail health.2. But, besides this, Alphabet Cosmetic is able to solve other problems. It contains coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone) – the “enzyme of youth”, which helps cellular energy metabolism and is especially useful for fatigue. Vitamin D and zinc strengthen the immune system, bioflavonoids have a rejuvenating effect, B vitamins normalize metabolic processes and give energy2.

The package contains tablets of 3 different colors. The daily dose includes 3 different tablets, which are taken simultaneously or during the day in any order.

help to increase vitality and improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails; active ingredients are distributed among different tablets, taking into account compatibility, which increases the effectiveness of the supplement.
not a very convenient regimen – 3 tablets must be taken during the day or at a time, which does not suit everyone.
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4. Herbal Female Complex

Solgar Herbal Complex for Women contains extracts of angelica root, astragalus, motherwort, soy and vitex berries3. Biologically active substances have a general strengthening effect, increase stress resistance, efficiency and vitality.3. The herbal complex contributes to the normalization of hormonal levels, which is especially important during the period of age-related changes in the body. The manufacturer recommends taking 1-2 capsules daily with food.

Dietary supplement of a world famous manufacturer; the composition is dominated by natural ingredients.
high price in the segment.
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5. Lady’s formula Energy-Tonic

The natural bio-complex Energy-Tonic from Lady’s formula helps to increase energy and vitality, overcome stress and its consequences, and speed up recovery from illnesses.

The complex was created specifically for women. It contains natural adaptogens – medicinal plants that activate the body’s defenses, tone up and invigorate.

The biocomplex is an “energy cocktail” – it combines two types of ginseng (!) with Chinese lemongrass, ginger and cola nut. Each of them has its own area of ​​effect, while each reinforces the effect of each other.

  • Lemongrass, Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus) and Korean ginseng are the most powerful adaptogens that stimulate and tone the nervous system, increase energy and performance. Eleutherococcus maintains female hormonal balance, eliminates fatigue, irritability, stimulates the immune system.
  • Kola nuts are natural caffeine. Eliminates fatigue, weakness, stimulates metabolism, muscle and mental activity, increases attention and improves memory.
  • Ginger increases endurance, physical and emotional capabilities of the body, improves mood.
  • Green tea relieves fatigue, has a tonic effect and reduces appetite.
  • Oats restores efficiency during emotional and physical overload.
  • Chrome normalizes glucose metabolism, provides a high level of energy.

Natural adaptogens, which are part of the Energy-Tonic biocomplex, act gently and safely for a woman’s health. They provide a surge of energy at the expense of the body’s own resources, without forcing it to work “for wear and tear”, unlike stimulants.

The duration of taking the biocomplex is 30 days, 1 capsule 1 time per day.

especially for women; natural composition; mild action without hyperstimulation of the female body; used for chronic fatigue syndrome, overwork, stress insomnia, neurosis, nervous and physical overload, decreased libido, for the prevention of infectious respiratory diseases (alone and in combination with the vaccine); convenient regimen – 1 time per day; complies with the international GMP quality standard.
as with any complexes, individual intolerance to the components is possible.
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6. Alphabet 50+

Older women often complain of a lack of vitality and low performance. This complex contains vitamins and minerals that will help regain energy and prevent age-related disorders in vision, joints, heart and blood vessels.4. Like many dietary supplements from the Alphabet line, the complex consists of tablets of three different colors, with a different set of active ingredients. The manufacturer recommends taking 3 tablets daily – 1 pink, 1 yellow and 1 white.

a balanced composition takes into account the physiological needs of older people;
despite the effectiveness, the complex cannot be called “female”, since it is intended for people of both sexes; not too convenient regimen – 1 tablet three times a day or 3 tablets at the same time.
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7. VPLab Ultra Women’s

This complex is created especially for women and contains more than 50 active ingredients. In addition to a wide range of vitamins and minerals, the composition contains extracts of fruits and medicinal plants, including pomegranate, blueberries, elderberry5. With regular use of the drug, the manufacturer promises a complex effect: a surge of strength, easy awakening, a positive attitude and concentration for the whole day.5. It is recommended to take 1 or 2 tablets daily in the morning.

suitable for women who lead an active lifestyle; it contains predominantly natural ingredients.
not always on sale.
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8. Wellwoman Plus

The dietary supplement is designed for women of active age and contains a complex of omega-3 acids, vitamins, microelements, collagen, healthy oils of borage and olive6. As the manufacturer assures, the dietary supplement components regulate hormonal activity, energize, improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails, help reduce anxiety and alleviate PMS symptoms. The recommended regimen is 1 tablet or capsule every day for 4 weeks.

the presence of collagen and omega-3 fatty acids; convenient reception scheme.
иногда может спровоцировать аллергическую реакцию.
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9. Famvital

Supplement with anti-aging effect contains vitamins, omega-3 polyunsaturated acids, zinc, chromium, copper and selenium7. BAA helps to activate metabolic processes, get rid of bad cholesterol and burn excess fat. The active ingredients are distributed in two types of capsules. Red capsules should be taken in the morning, and silver ones in the evening.

tones; helps to lose weight.
high price in the segment.
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10. Elevit Pronatal

A lack of strength and energy against the background of a lack of micronutrients is especially dangerous during pregnancy planning, during childbearing and breastfeeding. Therefore, we included Elevit Pronatal in the rating – a complex that contains 12 vitamins, as well as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, manganese and copper.8. The complex is designed for pregnant and lactating women, as well as those who are at the planning stage. Taking 1 tablet a day will fill the daily need for vitamins and minerals8.

efficiency, which is confirmed by numerous positive reviews; convenient regimen – 1 tablet per day.
in rare cases, it can cause allergic reactions, headache, nausea and diarrhea.
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How to choose vitamins for energy and vitality for women

– When choosing vitamin therapy, you need to focus on the age and health status of a particular woman. However, today most people, especially city dwellers, live in a state of distress, which entails inflaming – chronic low-level systemic inflammation, says endocrinologist Natalia Kirdyankina. – Its result is hidden problems with carbohydrate balance (especially insulin resistance) and a general decrease in tone.

When choosing, be sure to pay attention to the composition. The composition of effective vitamins for vitality and health for women usually includes:

  • magnesium in combination with vitamin B6 – natural antidepressants that help with chronic stress and neuroses;
  • B vitamins – they are actively involved in metabolic processes, help to cope with fatigue and lack of energy:
  • folic acid to avoid iron deficiency and speed up metabolism;
  • vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant;
  • nicotinic acid – improves cerebral circulation, memory and attention.

Among the valuable ingredients, thioctic acid, coenzyme Q10, peptide complexes can also be noted. Before choosing a vitamin-mineral complex or dietary supplement, you can undergo an epigenetic examination, which will show not only the current status and identify problems, but also allow you to make a forecast for the future, as well as create an individual roadmap that will include recommended supplements and vitamins.

Reviews of doctors about vitamins for energy and vitality for women

“Naturally, speaking of vitamins and dietary supplements, we appeal to evidence-based medicine,” says Natalia Kirdyankina. – However, the decline in strength can be caused by a variety of reasons. We, doctors, look at the laboratory parameters “before” and “after” the appointment and adjust the composition and dosage in accordance with the result achieved.

“At different ages, a woman’s body needs different vitamins,” says doctor of medical sciences Evgeny Davydov. – But vitamins C (ascorbic acid), A (retinol), D (ergo / cholecalciferol), E (tocopherol), B5 (pantathenic acid) are useful for everyone.

Popular questions and answers

Lack of strength and energy is a common problem, especially in spring, when the body comes to its senses after hibernation. Our experts explain why chronic fatigue occurs and what to do about it.

What to do if a woman does not have strength and energy?

– To begin with, to undergo a medical examination, possibly with the involvement of narrow specialists: an endocrinologist, a cardiologist, a neurologist. If no diseases are found, but there is still no strength and energy, it is necessary to change the way of life. A balanced diet, exercise, being in the fresh air can work wonders.

“It’s very important to eat right,” he says. nutritionist Vadim Luchinin. “Unfortunately, there are not so many useful substances in modern products. In addition, we abuse the heat treatment, because of which, as a result, even less vitamins remain in the food.

I always recommend eating plenty of fresh and raw vegetables and fruits, live breakfasts, for example: chia seed pudding, flax seed yogurt, green buckwheat curd. Very useful fresh leafy greens, which contain a lot of fiber. And of course, dietary supplements and vitamin-mineral complexes should be regularly present in the diet.

What problems can the lack of energy in women indicate?

– Very often, the lack of energy is a consequence of psychological overload, poor-quality and unbalanced nutrition. In addition, a decrease in vitality may indicate certain diseases. Energy deficiency and high fatigue occur with diabetes mellitus, a lack of thyroid hormones, chronic infections, problems with the heart and nervous system, and oncological processes.

What tests to pass in the absence of energy to a woman?

– It is necessary to pass a detailed blood test, check the level of sugar and thyroid hormones, look at the content in the blood, potassium, sodium, calcium – says Doctor of Medical Sciences Evgeny Davydov. – As for other examinations, it will be useful to do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, echocardiography (Echo-KG or ultrasound of the heart), consult a neurologist. That is, it is necessary to exclude diseases where vitamin deficiency is a consequence.

And you can determine the lack of certain vitamins with the help of special blood tests. The study will show which micronutrients are lacking in the body.

Sources of:

  1. Vidal. Directory of medicines https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/ladys_formula_bolshe_chem_polivitaminy__38313
  2. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Complivit for women 45 plus https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/complivit_for_women_45_plus__21873
  3. Vidal. Directory of medicines Alphabet Cosmetic. https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/alfavit_cosmetic__39855
  4. Official manufacturer’s instructions for dietary supplement “Natural herbal complex for women”. https://solgarvitamin.ru/product/
  5. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Alphabet 50+ https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/alfavit_50___39850
  6. Official manufacturer’s instructions for dietary supplements VPLAB Ultra Women’s Multivitamin https://vplaboratory.ru/ultra-women-s/
  7. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Wellwoman. https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/wellwoman__38215
  8. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Famvital. https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/famvital
  9. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Elevit Pronatal. https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/elevit_pronatal__7057

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