10 best vitamins for breastfeeding moms

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

During childbearing and after childbirth, a woman especially needs nutrients. In addition to vitamins, her body must receive a sufficient amount of minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine). Every mother needs to eat certain foods. It is also important to additionally take vitamin complexes in order to avoid their shortage, maintain or increase lactation, provide the child’s body and one’s own with everything necessary.

What vitamins are especially needed for a nursing mother

During lactation, the female body especially needs the following vitamins and minerals:

  1. Vitamins of group B. They are necessary to restore the beauty of a nursing woman (promote the growth of healthy hair, nails, improve the structure of the skin). They also strengthen the psyche, relieve postpartum syndrome, protect against nervous exhaustion.

  2. Phosphorus, calcium, vitamin D. This trio helps to strengthen bones and teeth. Such components of multivitamin complexes also strengthen the mother’s vision and contribute to the healthy growth of the baby.

  3. Vitamins A, C, E. These antioxidants are necessary to strengthen the immune system, normalize hormonal levels, restore the structure of hair, nails, and skin.

  4. Zinc, iodine, iron. They are necessary for the prevention or treatment of anemia, the restoration of hormonal levels, the formation of the mental abilities of the baby.

However, an analysis of the actual nutrition of lactating women shows that the intake of vitamins A, C, B1 and B2 does not reach the recommended norms. Especially noticeable is the lack of vitamin B1 and calcium. Their consumption barely reaches half of the recommended. And also a deficiency of most minerals is clearly noticeable.

Recommended Intakes of Vitamins

Even the most varied diet cannot fully cover the need of the body of a nursing mother for vitamins. Daily allowances for lactating women are presented in the table.


Recommended norms for nursing

C, mg


B1, mg


B2, mg


B6, mg


B12, mcg


niacin, mg


folate, mg


pantothenic acid, mg


biotin, µg


A, mcg


beta-carotene, mg


Well, Mr


D, mcg


K, mcg


A nursing mother should receive 1400 mg of calcium, 290 mcg of iodine, 450 mg of magnesium, and 65 mcg of selenium. Complexes of vitamins and minerals, as well as dietary supplements, can compensate for the deficiency of such micronutrients. However, it should be remembered that high dosages of certain vitamins adversely affect health. To avoid this, a nutritionist or obstetrician-gynecologist should be engaged in the selection of the drug.

During the consultation, the doctor will not necessarily prescribe specific names, but will suggest the desired composition of the complex. And a woman, taking into account such recommendations, will be able to choose the option that is suitable for her. In our review, we have collected the best affordable complexes for nursing mothers and more expensive options.

Rating of the best vitamins for nursing mothers

Nomination Place Name Cost
Best Inexpensive Vitamins During Lactation      1 Multi-tabs perinatal      655 ₽
     2 Doppelhertz VIP for pregnant and lactating women      745 ₽
     3 Mom’s Health Alphabet      419 ₽
     4 Complivit Mom      456 ₽
     5 Minisan Multivitamin Mom      788 ₽
The best vitamins for lactating premium quality      1 Rainbow Light Prenatal One      2 580 ₽
     2 Fairhaven Health Nursing Postnatal      1 155 ₽
     3 New Chapter Perfect Postnatal Multivitamin      2 450 ₽
     4 Vitrum Prenatal Forte      1500 ₽
     5 Elevit feeding      1 300 ₽

Best Inexpensive Vitamins During Lactation

Foreign and Russian manufacturers produce a number of drugs and dietary supplements for women during lactation. They are quite affordable, so most mothers can afford such vitamin support.

Multi-tabs perinatal

Rating: 4.9

Pharmaceutical company Ferrosan produces the drug Multi-tabs perinatal, which became the first nominee in our review. This complex contains: 11 vitamins and 9 minerals. The drug is suitable for pregnant and lactating women. It helps boost immunity as well as improve the secretion of immunoglobulins into breast milk.

The shape of the tablets Multi-tabs perinatal is oval, convex on both sides. They are covered with a shell of white or yellow color. Tablets are packaged in plates. There may be 30 or 60 pieces in a package. The size of these vitamins is impressive, so not all women swallow them easily. But the good news is that it is enough to take 1 tablet during breakfast or immediately after it.

Nursing mothers share the fact that during the use of this complex, vigor returns to them, they are less likely to pick up acute respiratory infections and recover faster. At the same time, they note that babies respond well to these vitamins. Their cheeks do not turn red and other undesirable reactions do not appear, as with the use of other means. Multi-tabs perinatal also protects women from hair loss, strengthens nails and supports teeth.



Doppelhertz VIP for pregnant and lactating women

Rating: 4.8

German dietary supplement for nursing Doppelherz VIP contains 12 vitamins and vitamin-like substances, 5 important minerals and omega-3. This complex perfectly provides the organisms of nursing mothers with the most necessary substances. But some of them are embarrassed that this dietary supplement contains not enough iodine (50 mcg) and calcium (100 mg).

Doppelherz VIP Nursing Supplement is an oblong, not thick capsule. Their shell is dark brown, and the contents are a viscous orange mass with a fishy taste. They are swallowed without any problems. For lactating mothers, the manufacturer recommends using these vitamins 1 piece per day. It is better to do this during breakfast, drinking a tablet with a sufficient amount of water. One package is designed for 30 days of use.

Some women during lactation practice regularly drinking this supplement every 2-3 months. They share that with this complex they have strength and a feeling of cheerfulness. It became easier for them to cope with the various chores of caring for a child. The dietary supplement improved the condition of their hair. They began to shine and fall out less. Also, the nails stopped exfoliating, and the condition of the skin improved. Vitamins are well tolerated by the digestive tract of mothers and do not cause discomfort in babies.


  1. presence in the composition of omega-3;


Mom’s Health Alphabet

Rating: 4.7

The Russian manufacturer Vneshtorg Pharma produces dietary supplements Alfavit Mom’s health. It contains 13 vitamins, 11 minerals and taurine. Among the active ingredients, magnesium (50 mg), calcium (250 mg) and iodine (150 mcg) can be found, but their dosage is not high, so they only partially cover the need for these minerals in nursing mothers.

Alphabet Mom’s health is a set of tablets in three colors (pink/blue/white) for daily use. Each of them contains its own complex of useful micronutrients. This supplement is recommended for nursing mothers to take 3 times a day, 1 tablet of a different color. Between each serving of micronutrients, you need to maintain a break of 4-6 hours. One package is enough for 20 days of use.

Nursing mothers are often concerned that during lactation, hair falls out and teeth “crumble”. But they share that the Alphabet supplement helps them successfully solve such problems. A good result is noticeable already in the first week of use – the hair begins to fall out much less. With these vitamins, the general well-being of mothers improves markedly. They become alert and full of energy. The gastrointestinal tract responds well to this supplement.



Complivit Mom

Rating: 4.6

The Russian pharmaceutical company Pharmstandard produces Complivit Mama. It contains 11 vitamins and 7 minerals. Vitamins are presented here in fairly high dosages and almost completely cover the need for them in lactating women. But this complex does not contain iodine, and other minerals are presented in low dosages. And yet, many obstetrician-gynecologists prescribe this drug to their patients during lactation.

Complivit Mom is available in the form of oblong tablets, convex on both sides. They are peach-colored. The tablets are relatively small when compared with other nursing preparations. They are swallowed quite easily. Vitamins are placed in a plastic bottle. It is generally recommended to take 1 tablet per day. The optimal time for this is the morning meal or immediately after it. Vitamins should be taken with 200 ml of water.

Nursing mothers usually speak well of such a complex from Pharmstandard. They like its budget price. These vitamins provide a surge of strength, increase appetite. To some extent, improve the condition of hair, nails, skin. They strengthen the immune system and protect a lactating woman from seasonal colds. They are usually well tolerated, but occasionally they can provoke allergic skin rashes.



Minisan Multivitamin Mom

Rating: 4.5

The Finnish complex Minisan Multivitamin Mom contains 11 vitamins and 6 minerals, including iodine. The latter contains 140 mcg (half of the daily allowance for nursing). The manufacturer also focuses on the magnesium content, but it is relatively small – 150 mg. The vitamins in this complex have fairly high dosages and are great for lactating women.

Minisan Multivitamin Mama is an oval pink tablet. They have a comfortable streamlined shape and are easy to swallow. Tablets are packaged in plates. A total of 90 pieces are included in the package. Nursing mothers should take 1 tablet 1 time per day during breakfast or lunch. One package is designed for 12 weeks of use.

Many lactating women praise the dietary supplement Minisan Multivitamin Mama. They like that the vitamin component here has adequate dosages. This complex improves overall well-being. With this dietary supplement, mothers have enough strength not only to take care of the baby, but also to pay a little attention to themselves. Some women share that this complex helped them to improve lactation.



The best vitamins for lactating premium quality

The best imported manufacturers produce complexes for nursing mothers with rich compositions. In addition to a set of vitamins and minerals, they may contain organic mixtures of other beneficial substances. With this in mind, such complexes belong to a more expensive price segment.

Rainbow Light Prenatal One

Rating: 4.9

The American brand Rainbow Light produces a complex for pregnant and lactating Prenatal One. It contains 14 vitamins and vitamin-like substances, 11 minerals, an organic mixture of vegetables and fruits, probiotics, bioflavonoids. Vitamins, with the exception of ascorbic acid, are presented here in large or even huge dosages. Iodine present 290 mcg. But calcium and magnesium in this complex is not enough.

Prenatal One tablets are quite large, oblong, smooth to the touch. Their color is heterogeneous, light green, with a large number of inclusions. Their smell is strong – it combines vitamin and bitter herbal notes. There are tablets in a plastic container. They are swallowed quite easily, but leave an unpleasant aftertaste. Nursing mothers should take this supplement 1 tablet daily with or between meals.

Women report that this complex helps them maintain good health while breastfeeding. They feel cheerful, their mood is stable and good, the work of the digestive tract is normalizing. “Hairfall”, foliation of nails, skin problems are less pronounced than in the period without the use of this complex. Prenatal One does not irritate the stomach and rarely causes allergic reactions.



Fairhaven Health Nursing Postnatal

Rating: 4.8

The next nominee in our review was the Nursing Postnatal complex from the Fairhaven Health brand. This supplement contains 13 vitamins and 9 minerals. Key vitamins are presented here in dosages that completely cover the daily allowance for nursing mothers. And the content of iodine (150 mcg), calcium (40 mg) and magnesium (20 mg) is quite low. And yet this complex can well strengthen the health of lactating women.

Available Nursing Postnatal in the form of standard size capsules. Their shell is transparent, vegetable origin. The contents of the capsules are sandy fine powder with many inclusions. They are in a plastic bottle in the amount of 60 pieces. For a day, a nursing mother should take 2 capsules at a time during the morning meal. One bottle is designed for a month of use.

Consumers share the fact that despite lack of sleep and frequent whims of babies, they do not fall down and do not feel a pronounced breakdown. Even during the use of this supplement, lactating women do not lose their hair, the nails look healthy and strong, the skin becomes less problematic. The digestive tract of mothers and babies reacts favorably to this dietary supplement. But occasionally, women or infants develop allergic rashes.



New Chapter Perfect Postnatal Multivitamin

Rating: 4.7

The popular American brand New Chapter produces the Perfect Postnatal Multivitamin dietary supplement. It contains 12 vitamins, 10 minerals, a postnatal herbal blend, organic seaweed, black cumin and turmeric powder. The vitamin component here has quite adequate dosages, and the mineral components do not reach the daily norms. This product does not contain artificial colors, flavors, gluten.

Perfect Postnatal Multivitamin comes in the form of vegetable tablets. They are oblong, oval, with rounded edges. Slightly larger than average capsules. Their color is light brown with numerous inclusions. The smell is vegetable, weakly expressed, not repulsive. The tablets are placed in dark plastic bottles with a cap that children cannot open. Breastfeeding mothers are advised to take 3 tablets per day. This drug can be taken at any time of the day, even on an empty stomach.

Many women are very satisfied with this supplement from New Chapter. They report that this complex helps them wake up more easily in the morning, even if the baby is naughty at night. These vitamins help to recover faster after childbirth. With their help, you can not only stop severe hair loss, but also awaken the “sleeping” bulbs. This product is generally well tolerated. It rarely causes allergic reactions in a mother or baby.



Vitrum Prenatal Forte

Rating: 4.6

Among the nominees of our review was also a drug from the pharmaceutical company Unipharm – Vitrum Prenatal Forte. It contains 13 vitamins and 10 minerals. In terms of dosages of vitamins, there is more than enough for lactating women. And minerals (iodine – 150 mcg, calcium – 210 mg, magnesium – 25 mg) could be more. For the prevention of beriberi in lactating mothers, this drug is excellent.

Vitrum Prenatal Forte tablets are capsule-shaped. They are covered with a grayish film coat. The tablets are placed in a plastic jar with a secure lid that children cannot open. In one bottle they can be from 30 to 120 pieces. Breastfeeding mothers are advised to take 1 tablet daily after the morning meal. Vitamins should be taken with a glass of water. During such vitamin therapy, urine often becomes bright yellow.

Women who took Vitrum Prenatal Forte after the birth of a child share in their reviews that this drug helped them recover faster, improve lactation and not “fall off their feet” when caring for a baby. With this complex, it was possible to stop severe hair loss, improve the condition of the nails. The skin with these vitamins has ceased to be earthy, peeling and rashes have disappeared on it. This drug does not cause allergic reactions in mother or baby.



  1. tablets are hard to swallow;

Elevit feeding

Rating: 4.5

Swiss dietary supplement Elevit feeding contains: 12 vitamins, 5 minerals, omega-3 and lutein. But the content of these components is not very high. In addition, magnesium is completely absent in the composition. The fact that this complex is designed specifically for nursing attracts attention. But if we compare its composition with Elevit Pronatal, which was previously used during lactation, then the new complex is significantly inferior to it in composition.

Elevit feeding is produced in dark brown soft gelatin capsules. Their size may alert, but problems with swallowing usually do not arise. Nursing mothers are advised to take 1 capsule per day during the main meal. It is recommended to start vitamin therapy immediately after delivery and throughout the entire period of lactation.

In the reviews, lactating women report that with this complex, despite the rather low dosages of micronutrients, they felt much better than before using this remedy. There was a surge of strength, improved mood. Less hair fall out. The skin got rid of dryness, the condition of the nail plates improved. The maternal organism usually responds well to this complex. But some babies begin allergic rashes.


  1. contains iodine and omega-3;


Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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